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Season Ticket Prices, Good News?

The Exiled Robin

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Seems a largely good deal on the face of it, Love the under 8 & 18's proces, EXACTLY the way forward.

Plus positive words from SOD. Admit they're inevitable for this sort of press release but still heartening in my view

BRISTOL City have responded to relegation to League One by reducing the price of their season tickets by five per cent.

The club has also introduced new under-8 and under-18 categories in a bid to retain as many supporters as possible to aid their attempt to bounce back to the Championship at the first time of asking.

"We felt strongly that a reduction on all season ticket prices was the right thing to do for next season," said City's commercial director Kevin Smith.

"We've listened to supporter feedback and have worked closely with our Fans Parliament to create a range of prices that we hope will be popular.

"Hopefully lower prices, combined with the introduction of a new price category for under-8s, and the extension of the junior price to include under-18s, will encourage supporters to renew their season ticket.

"The support last season was tremendous and despite the obvious disappointment of relegation, there is a really positive feeling ahead of next season.

In an email to promote the year-on-year reduction in price set to be circulated to supporters today head coach Sean O'Driscoll says: "Supporters need hope, honesty and a reason to believe in their club.

"Supporters want to be proud of their club, identify with their club, feel part of their club. Most of all supporters simply just want to enjoy going to football.

"It's our responsibility, as your football club, to try to make sure all of that happens. So how do we plan to do it and be competitive in the 2013-14 season?

"Our vision is to build a team you can be proud of, a team that entertains, a team you look forward to coming to watch play.

"Our vision is for what happens on the field to be reflective of a reinvigorated culture within the whole football club; a culture that is vibrant, decisive, respectful and supportive. This is why I'm here. This is the vision I bought into. This is why I'm excited about the potential next season holds."

Tickets go on sale a week today and can be purchased by calling 0117 963 0600 or in person from Ashton Gate. Online purchases will not be available until further notice.


Adult £235, Senior Citizen £189, Under-21/Disability £159, Under-18 £52, Under-8 £23, Family £493.


Adult £329, Senior Citizen £225, Under-21/Disability £159, Under-18 £52, Under-8 £23, Family £683.


Adult £375, Senior Citizen £249, Under-21 £189, Disability £159, Under-18 £52, Under-8 £23, Family £773.


Adult £395, Senior Citizen £279, Under-21 £215, Disability £159, Under-18 £52, Under-8 £23, Family £813.


Adult £375, Senior Citizen £249, Under-21 £189, Disability £159, Under-18 £52, Under-8 £23, Family £773.


Adult & Child £339, Adult & Two Children £349, Two Adults & Two Children £655, Senior Citizen & Child £235, Senior Citizen & Two Children £255.

Other added benefits include: away travel discount, 15 per cent off in the BCFC Megastore, a free programme for a selected game, the opportunity to bring a friend to any one match for free, as well as free entry to all home under-21 and Bristol Academy fixtures in the FA Women's Super League.

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Between the two (under-8 category and lower prices), I am getting into the middle of the Dolman with my 6 year-old for about the same price as my ST was alone. Given the need to balance price cuts for the lower division and maximising income for the wage cap, I think they've done a good job on getting the balance right.

The "waste of space" vouchers are gone, but they have also maintained the benefits that were actually useful for me this year - bring a friend etc.

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Cheaper than last season,

U18 means my ticket gets slashed from 199 last year to 52 this year :)

Happy Days!! A saving if £147 :D:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I'd rather you were paying £100 and I could take an extra £50 off my ticket, making it more even across the board and not making it such a shock when you move up the pricing bands eg child to under 18, under 21, adult etc.

As for children, yes they need to be attracted but they can't all sit in the family stand areas can they. It will put off many adults who attend matches to get away from family life sometimes. They will soon get fed up of the kicking of seats, fidgeting and constantly having to get up from their seats to let kids go to toilet, get food etc. The people who spend the real money must be the adults, probably on their kids but many adults attend without children and drink in the bars etc.

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I'd rather you were paying £100 and I could take an extra £50 off my ticket, making it more even across the board and not making it such a shock when you move up the pricing bands eg child to under 18, under 21, adult etc.

As for children, yes they need to be attracted but they can't all sit in the family stand areas can they. It will put off many adults who attend matches to get away from family life sometimes. They will soon get fed up of the kicking of seats, fidgeting and constantly having to get up from their seats to let kids go to toilet, get food etc. The people who spend the real money must be the adults, probably on their kids but many adults attend without children and drink in the bars etc.

There can be some fidgeting on occasion (especially when the match is as turgid as some in the last couple of years), but I have a simple rule with my son - go before, go at half time, go after but not during the match. I also take enough food/drink to not need to move except at the break. And seat kicking only happened once. It soon stopped when I told him that another kick would mean he missed the next match.

The result? a circle of regulars around me (block D dolman) love having him there, as he is almost always positive so lifts the gloom for the rest of us. One of them even brings him small christmas and birthday presents :)

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Mentioned on another thread Im a bit disappointed with just 25 pound reduction, I had hoped for 50 pounds especially after what was served up last season!

375 quid seems a lot for my Dolman seat for what is 3rd Tier football. I don't want to move seats but I will need to have a think about this.

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I'd rather you were paying £100 and I could take an extra £50 off my ticket, making it more even across the board and not making it such a shock when you move up the pricing bands eg child to under 18, under 21, adult etc.

As for children, yes they need to be attracted but they can't all sit in the family stand areas can they. It will put off many adults who attend matches to get away from family life sometimes. They will soon get fed up of the kicking of seats, fidgeting and constantly having to get up from their seats to let kids go to toilet, get food etc. The people who spend the real money must be the adults, probably on their kids but many adults attend without children and drink in the bars etc.

That would be the best so it drags in more people from across all age groups, But atm £52 for a season ticket get the **** out, Sorry if you were U18 you would probably feel the same ;) Next year I'll join you on that though!

Don't worry I'm paying for my ticket myself, And I'll be encouraging others who don't usually attend, The future looks bright I can tell you that!

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I don't doubt you semblar, I did the same with my two. I'm just putting the other point of view that the balance is being tipped even further in favour of children as priority customers with the club bending over to accommodate them to gain £50 or even £23 (hopefully more through the extras from the shop etc) rather than basically what was an adult male dominated past time.

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I don't doubt you semblar, I did the same with my two. I'm just putting the other point of view that the balance is being tipped even further in favour of children as priority customers with the club bending over to accommodate them to gain £50 or even £23 (hopefully more through the extras from the shop etc) rather than basically what was an adult male dominated past time.

Equality! Why shouldn't you get the same cut on season ticket prices as a u18 sitting next to you, I'm not saying push my st price up, Bring yours down fill Ag every week and only have a couple thousand pay on the day


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It is shifting the balance back a bit - but two seasons ago, under 7's were free - I don't know what the U16 price was, sorry - so the balance was further towards kids then...

If there's a balance shift, it's towards the 16-18 age group, many of whom had to miss a couple of seasons because they were still at school and couldn't afford adult prices. For me that is a welcome change as a couple of year's break risks breaking the habit. I would also hope that they had grown out of seat kicking by then :)

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Mentioned on another thread Im a bit disappointed with just 25 pound reduction, I had hoped for 50 pounds especially after what was served up last season!

375 quid seems a lot for my Dolman seat for what is 3rd Tier football. I don't want to move seats but I will need to have a think about this.


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Mentioned on another thread Im a bit disappointed with just 25 pound reduction, I had hoped for 50 pounds especially after what was served up last season!

375 quid seems a lot for my Dolman seat for what is 3rd Tier football. I don't want to move seats but I will need to have a think about this.

£16 per game doesn't sound too bad, especially considering the Dolman has the most panaramic view of the pitch.

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I'd rather you were paying £100 and I could take an extra £50 off my ticket, making it more even across the board and not making it such a shock when you move up the pricing bands eg child to under 18, under 21, adult etc.

As for children, yes they need to be attracted but they can't all sit in the family stand areas can they. It will put off many adults who attend matches to get away from family life sometimes. They will soon get fed up of the kicking of seats, fidgeting and constantly having to get up from their seats to let kids go to toilet, get food etc. The people who spend the real money must be the adults, probably on their kids but many adults attend without children and drink in the bars etc.

In my opinion the club should be commended for trying to attract young fans and/or help dad's take their children to City.

We are currently in an era that due to ticket prices and some people seemingly being able to 'support' a Premier League team without ever leaving their front room the average age of football fans up and down the country in the ground on a Saturday afternoon is constantly on the rise. I want this club to be here for my children's children's children to support/endure and it is only right that the club try to help parents who are looking to bring their children up as City fans before we potentialy lose them to Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal...

My last year in secondary school was in 2007 and from memory we had 4 people in my year who regularly went to Ashton Gate and two that were unfortunate enough to frequent the Memorial Ground. That is a shocking amount really and would be a tiny number compared to the amount of plastic Premier League fans in my year. I was lucky enough (if you can call it that) that my dad had made Bristol City a massive part of my life long before I can even remember and I strongly agree that the club should be doing what they can to make sure we manage to attract a large number of young fans that will support this club in the future. Nobody is arguing that the people that are paying the full rates for season tickets are vital to the club, but if we don't attract as many young fans as possibly who will be buying those season tickets in the future?

Plus if they are 'kicking of seats, fidgeting and constantly having to get up from their seats to let kids go to toilet, get food etc' they probably aren't enjoying it very much and it would be the parent's responsibility as to whether to take them.

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Just looking at the list of benefits, the one for free entry to the Bristol Accedemy Womens league games is new isn't it?

Wondering how that will work as their season isn't in line with ours, its ongoing at the moment.

City will be looking to reward loyalty better than ever before, whilst other popular added benefits remain, including away travel discount, 15% off in the BCFC Megastore, a free programme for a selected game and the opportunity to bring a friend to any one match for free, as well as free entry to all home under-21 and Bristol Academy fixtures in the FA Womens Super League
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Last season my Dolman ticket was £399, this year it will be £375, a saving of £24 ( yes dancing Danny whatever some of us can do maths), a reduction of around a quid a game for a drop down in the standard of football. Ok I think people will take this IF and only IF the same criteria is applied if and when we are promoted.

Oh I do 'get' how youngsters should be encouraged etc, and btw Mums, aunties etc bring their kids to football and leave their husbands at home too. But I just feel the line has not been drawn in the right place so to speak. As I said before what was always an adult sport to enjoy, drinking and swearing, passion etc has been made so sterile now and family orientated its losing it core supporters. But maybe that's another argument altogether.

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