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England Car Flags 2


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Guest michael

Pride in your country and national side is nothing to be shy about - think yourself lucky that you don't live in Bradford where taxi drivers have been told to remove them in case it upsets the Asians and/or Muslims.

Imagine what the French, Italian, Spanish, American, Scottish, Welsh, Irish etc etc people would do if they were told not to display their National Flag.

If anyone takes offence, they know where the door is.

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Pride in your country and national side is nothing to be shy about - think yourself lucky that you don't live in Bradford where taxi drivers have been told to remove them in case it upsets the Asians and/or Muslims.

Imagine what the French, Italian, Spanish, American, Scottish, Welsh, Irish etc etc people would do if they were told not to display their National Flag.

If anyone takes offence, they know where the door is.

Man that sucks if thats the case in Bradford :D talk about oppression :blush:
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Pride in your country and national side is nothing to be shy about - think yourself lucky that you don't live in Bradford where taxi drivers have been told to remove them in case it upsets the Asians and/or Muslims.

Imagine what the French, Italian, Spanish, American, Scottish, Welsh, Irish etc etc people would do if they were told not to display their National Flag.

If anyone takes offence, they know where the door is.

Extremely well said my friend this bloody government has/is taking the pride we used to feel for our national flag away. The flag is the only thing that says I'm English and bloody proud of it.

Our government has too many racist laws itself against us, a little story!........

My NRA (school leavers ceremony) a few years back someone brought in a large england flags on a pole look excellent until my teachers took it away from him as it was deemed as racist. The very year after a large Pakistan flag was brought in was it allowed to be left outside in full flow :D of course it was as that somehow isn't racist and doesn't offend us english?

Back to the main subject. Those flags do look a bit tacky i will give you that but seeing so many of them is great, everywhere you go you see England flags flying high from cars in support of England for Euro 2004 and just to say Yes I'm english and proud of it. It really does look good walking down the street and seeing England flags from cars and windows best support I have seen for a long time.

Every English person who has a car should fork out the extra £2 and fly their national flag with pride. Also every english persons home should have an england flag on display expecially at this time when England have a big competition coming up!

I'm sure I'm going to get some of the extreme PC brigade calling me racist for loving my country but you know what they can do :D:P:D:blush:

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On a side note to your story above, my housemate's niece is starting playgroup, and they're being taught to sing songs etc.

One of the songs is...

Baa Baa Ethnic Sheep, Have You Any Wool?

I am not joking, this is what they've now gotta sing. Also, blackboards are now chalkboards, because they feel that defining a board by colour will encourage people to define other things by colour.

Geez, give me a break.

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Guest Huddersfield Red

Listening to the radio yesterday and reading the paper this morning it's councils all over the place who are banning taxi drivers, market stall holders etc from displaying their colours for fear of causing offence to minorities!

What the idiots overlook in many cases (Bradford is an example) is the fact that the people who are proudly flying the flag are the very people who the councils think might get upset :blush:

On hearing all this total tosh I made a point of going out and buying 2 flags for my car!

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Guest RedMist

I think that the flags on cars thing is really NAFF.

Fly them anywhere except cars.

By all means be patriotic and fly the flag with pride, but PLEASE... not on a car!

:@ :D:D:blush:

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Guest cowboy

Vote UK Independence Party tomorrow - pity it's not England independence Party - wouldn't have to subsidise the forever whinging Jocks olus those across the water with a strong liking for sheep ( excepting Christian of course )

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Guest michael
I'm sure I'm going to get some of the extreme PC brigade calling me racist for loving my country but you know what they can do :laugh::P:laugh::laugh:
There is a mighty big difference between being Nationalist and racist - show pride in your country and if anyone tells you otherwise it would not be unreasonable to shove the stick up their a#se sideways
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I think they are not naff and if people want them on their cars then let them there's nothing wrong with being proud. I've got them on my car and I think they look great only £1 down Lawerence Weston.
Cool. :laugh:

Ive got them on my van and my car, the only problem though with the quid flags is that they fray and all the cotton gets wrapped around the aerial. :laugh:

2mrw I'm putting a biggen on a 9 foot pole at the apex of my house.

Gimme a beep if you see it.. :laugh:

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Vote UK Independence Party tomorrow - pity it's not England independence Party - wouldn't have to subsidise the forever whinging Jocks olus those across the water with a strong liking for sheep ( excepting Christian of course )
Innit if i was old enough I would vote for them at least they have a cause.
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Vote UK Independence Party tomorrow - pity it's not England independence Party - wouldn't have to subsidise the forever whinging Jocks olus those across the water with a strong liking for sheep ( excepting Christian of course )
Do people in this country honestly understand economics?

We cannot produce everything ourselves. Fact.

Trade is essential. Fact.

Being in the EU means we don't have to pay for tariffs. Fact.

Being in the EU gives us a voice to contend with America and NAFTA. Fact.

Sure, there may be problems with the EU. But pulling out of it would be complete suicide for our whole economy. Instead vote for a party that you think would hold the EU to account.

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Pride in your country and national side is nothing to be shy about - think yourself lucky that you don't live in Bradford where taxi drivers have been told to remove them in case it upsets the Asians and/or Muslims.

Imagine what the French, Italian, Spanish, American, Scottish, Welsh, Irish etc etc people would do if they were told not to display their National Flag.

If anyone takes offence, they know where the door is.

Too right political correctness has gone to far when you can't show you love for your country in your OWN country. It's not racisim bout patriotism, after all how many Indians Pakistanis or West Indians born and bred in the UK wave their flags at test matches?
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On a side note to your story above, my housemate's niece is starting playgroup, and they're being taught to sing songs etc.

One of the songs is...

Baa Baa Ethnic Sheep, Have You Any Wool?

I am not joking, this is what they've now gotta sing. Also, blackboards are now chalkboards, because they feel that defining a board by colour will encourage people to define other things by colour.

Geez, give me a break.

Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin. that would not surprise me tbh, i wonder how long it will be before Blackboy Hill and White Ladies Rd will be changed, you can GAURENTEE there will be some really reaaly bored preasure group petitioning to get it changed already!

Its a sad fact but Democracys ultimate goal of freedom has actually created an eddy of mild oppression in western sociaty now. Just look how screwed up New York is, you cant fart there without being sued, and if you happen to work on Conde Nast for one of those dreadful Vanity Fair type magizine you can't even chitchat in the lift with a lady without having a sexual harrasment lawsuit thrown at you, I really fear the human race's existance sometimes with these ###### narcissistic media zombies running Wall St.

and how screwed up is this, in America you cant smoke ANYWHERE! the non smokers treat the smokers with utter utter contempt like we are dam leapers or summin, so in bars you have to go outside and smoke, thats fine ok, but you aint aloud to take your drink with you! its ****ed oop! what sort of world are we creating?! Sadly Eng-ger-land is well on its way in adopting Americas imature manerizums, Hello! OK?, GQ, Vanity Fair, Which Celeb? Why they hell are we so obsessed with Celebs? I just dont understand how Jade from big Brother is being written into this page as proof of what i mean when i say these ###### power crazed media zombies and slowly turning us into a race of complete ######s who belive seeing some ###### up tart get her tits out at 3am in front of scum sucking photographers is front page news!!!


Have to stop, getting too mad.

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Do people in this country honestly understand economics?

We cannot produce everything ourselves. Fact.

Trade is essential. Fact.

Being in the EU means we don't have to pay for tariffs. Fact.

Being in the EU gives us a voice to contend with America and NAFTA. Fact.

Sure, there may be problems with the EU. But pulling out of it would be complete suicide for our whole economy. Instead vote for a party that you think would hold the EU to account.

What ever happened to the common market?

I'd rather give up smoking than let a combination of Burocrats, Surrender Monkeys, Nazi's and Colaborators look after my afairs thank you very much.

I'm not raceiest nor can i spell, but I understand enough to know Europe needs us more than we need them....FACT!

If we do decide (under the torys hopfully or pref Atilla the Hun) to join Europe it will be on our terms, and by that i mean we make the rules because history has shown most of them just can be bloody well trusted.

keep your friends close but your enemys closer -

Thats THE only reason we should join that Burocratic pantomime

Joking about Atilla btw

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Like I said, I'm all for a Common Market and not a federal Europe.

That's why I said that we shouldn't withdraw completely, just hold them to accounts and change the way we deal with Europe.

And just because you may vote UKIP doesn't really make you racist, don't worry I wasn't accusing you of that.


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What ever happened to the common market?

I'd rather give up smoking than let a combination of Burocrats, Surrender Monkeys, Nazi's and Colaborators look after my afairs thank you very much.

I'm not raceiest nor can i spell, but I understand enough to know Europe needs us more than we need them....FACT!

If we do decide (under the torys hopfully or pref Atilla the Hun) to join Europe it will be on our terms, and by that i mean we make the rules because history has shown most of them just can be bloody well trusted.

keep your friends close but your enemys closer -

Thats THE only reason we should join that Burocratic pantomime

Joking about Atilla btw

Right so your not rascist, but calling the Germans Nazis is a perfectly normal and non rascist term then ? Managed to miss a large portion of Europe out then i see. And last time i checked the free french wern't surrender monkeys, and neither were the vici (sp?) french who actually fought bloody well, sadly it was against us. But who can blame them, Germany should have won the war, but they made 2 crucial mistakes that lost them the war.

To be perfectly hones what difference does it make, we are currently run by a load of beurocrats in westminster who care about as much about anything outside the south east as i care abouttoilet brushes, so instead we'd get a load of beurocrats who will probably care about anything outside the south east about as much as i care about toilet brushes.

Why can't they be trusted ? hell we went to war with germany over a country that matters not to us, and would most probably have been better off now had we either allied with them or been neutral. We took an enormous risk, luckily for us two decisions meant we managed by some fluke to keep in the war, the first was the decision from Goering to bomb the cities when we were less than a month and a half from having no defence from invasion so would have had to sign a treaty with Germany, and the decision from Hitler to attack Kirsk, when had the German military consolidated their position in Russia, and fortified for the winter, would most likely have taken Moscow and Russia would have crumbled.

The Europeans are far more trust worthy than the Americans who will eventually turn on us, when we controll the only remaining oil field on the planet is ours, and the only reason for the Falklands war becomes obvious to the world.

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