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Right so your not rascist, but calling the Germans Nazis is a perfectly normal and non rascist term then ? Managed to miss a large portion of Europe out then i see. And last time i checked the free french wern't surrender monkeys, and neither were the vici (sp?) french who actually fought bloody well, sadly it was against us. But who can blame them, Germany should have won the war, but they made 2 crucial mistakes that lost them the war.

To be perfectly hones what difference does it make, we are currently run by a load of beurocrats in westminster who care about as much about anything outside the south east as i care abouttoilet brushes, so instead we'd get a load of beurocrats who will probably care about anything outside the south east about as much as i care about toilet brushes.

Why can't they be trusted ? hell we went to war with germany over a country that matters not to us, and would most probably have been better off now had we either allied with them or been neutral. We took an enormous risk, luckily for us two decisions meant we managed by some fluke to keep in the war, the first was the decision from Goering to bomb the cities when we were less than a month and a half from having no defence from invasion so would have had to sign a treaty with Germany, and the decision from Hitler to attack Kirsk, when had the German military consolidated their position in Russia, and fortified for the winter, would most likely have taken Moscow and Russia would have crumbled.

The Europeans are far more trust worthy than the Americans who will eventually turn on us, when we controll the only remaining oil field on the planet is ours, and the only reason for the Falklands war becomes obvious to the world.

Just because I use a word "Nazi" hardly makes me a racist, its that kind of PC bullshit attidude which is oppressing the country, what ever happened to freedom of speach? As for surrender Monkeys well.....well that actually refers to more than one country, but hey its all forgotten now isint it? The Nazi's allmost did it yes i agree, and for all what i hate about aspects of America they did actually come through at the last second, but God knows how we actually paid them back, prolly gave them a few Islands somwhere. My only regret it we backed off completly wiping out Germany, why? War is on or Off, no middle ground, but we pussyed out of the final kill, we should have flattened them, and their dam Iti bitch colaborators. Germany is a foul place, I'm sorry but if they won the war poo would be ###### up so we HAD to get involed beacuse it DID concern us, ###### me! did'nt you learn History?

Point is they can't be trusted, nor can most of Europe, England has no real friends in the world its all bullshit! I don't trust America, Americsa is a 14 yr old teenager in the middle of a tantrum, that country should just ###### grow up! I hate New York, its a ###### diesised place, full of THE worst people you could ever want to meet. Utter idiots. America will ###### this world up, no sorry, america HAS ###### this world up with their googing of world resources, its ###### sick, like the fat dirty infidles who inhabit that godforsaken land.

GRRR, I trust the Welsh, thats it.

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Just because I use a word "Nazi" hardly makes me a racist, its that kind of PC bullshit attidude which is oppressing the country, what ever happened to freedom of speach? As for surrender Monkeys well.....well that actually refers to more than one country, but hey its all forgotten now isint it? The Nazi's allmost did it yes i agree, and for all what i hate about aspects of America they did actually come through at the last second, but God knows how we actually paid them back, prolly gave them a few Islands somwhere. My only regret it we backed off completly wiping out Germany, why? War is on or Off, no middle ground, but we pussyed out of the final kill, we should have flattened them, and their dam Iti bitch colaborators. Germany is a foul place, I'm sorry but if they won the war poo would be ###### up so we HAD to get involed beacuse it DID concern us, ###### me! did'nt you learn History?

Point is they can't be trusted, nor can most of Europe, England has no real friends in the world its all bullshit! I don't trust America, Americsa is a 14 yr old teenager in the middle of a tantrum, that country should just ###### grow up! I hate New York, its a ###### diesised place, full of THE worst people you could ever want to meet. Utter idiots. America will ###### this world up, no sorry, america HAS ###### this world up with their googing of world resources, its ###### sick, like the fat dirty infidles who inhabit that godforsaken land.

GRRR, I trust the Welsh, thats it.

Like if i were to use the word *Racist Term Removed towards black people i would not be rascist then would i ?

I am about as Pc as Thatcher (spit) Germans are not Nazis, oddly enough mabye the previous generation were, the new generation are in general not. I could go around branding this country full of anti-semites because they on the whole were, as was all of Europe, we knew what was going on in Germany with concentration camps but did nothing.

How we paid back america was in vast, vast sums of money, which actually as a debt was only written off in the last decade as then Americans knew we were never going to be able to pay it back.

As for me not learning History well yes i did actually, i did it at GCSE, a-level and have just finished my first year in history and politics at uni, and guess what my main area of interest/knowlege is ? Oh yes Nazi Germany, and i hope to do a doctorate on some aspect on it when i have finished Uni.

Hitler had publically and privately stated that he NEVER wanted to go to war with us, and respected our country, our Military and our empire to the upmost. He wanted us on his side and did god knows how much to try to get us on side even after war had broken out. If worst came to worst we could have always settled with him, because he knew if he could get us out of the war in any way possible he would have been able to bring Germanys full military might to bear against the Russians and wiped them of the face of the earth and got the only real thing he ever wanted Lebensraum for the Germanic/Aryian people, in the form of a huge German state incompasing, Austria, the slavic states, Poland etc, and the inhabitable parts of russia, with the slavic people as a slave race.

A western European empire was always his secondary concern, he felt if the French were crushed quickly enough, then we would think twice about bothering fighting the most powerful nation on Earth at the time. In an all out conventional mainland war with the militarys present Germany would have wiped the floor with any other army on the face of the planet, because their tactics were far more advanced, their use of armour was incredible and far better than anyone elses. Their air force tactics were far beyond anyone elses, until we realised this and adopted the German tactics. The french were screwed by sever incompetance in the upper parts of their military, there is and was no doubting their soldiers ability or bravery. But when you commanders allow the Germans to wonder in, using the tactics set out by Gederian (sp?) in Achtung Panzer which the french never bothered to take any notice of, but then neither did we.

The Free French fought admirably, considereing they were under British command. And the Vici French did us a lot of damage.

The Americans did join the war at exactly the right time, Germany was overextended and just coul not hope to repell the sheer numbers that us and the Americans on the western front and the Russians on the eastern front, could come up with.

As for crushing Germany, did you learn anything about the causes of world war II ? As one of the major factors in Hitler coming to power and his popularity, was the fact that he offered the Germans an alternative to the frankly draconian, and rediculous conditions forced upon them be the French at Versailles, with the aim of destorying Germany as an economic and Military power. Further destroying Germany after WWII would have only incresed their resolve to come back stronger, completely crushing a people, unless you actually kill them all has never been and never will be a good idea, because they nearly always come back to bite you in the arse, especially if theiy are a country the size of Germany. I don't know what you know about war but as has been the accepted way since the world civilised that when a side surrenders you don't slaughter them all. Hell even in the dark ages they knew this, and on the whole wars in those times were usually far "nicer". The second world war created many war criminals, on all sides but as Goering said at the Nuremburg trials, only those on the defeated side are war criminals, if they were not then bomber Harris would have certainly been tired as a war criminal for the fire bombing of Dresden.

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Like if i were to use the word *Racist Term Removed towards black people i would not be rascist then would i ?

I am about as Pc as Thatcher (spit) Germans are not Nazis, oddly enough mabye the previous generation were, the new generation are in general not.  I could go around branding this country full of anti-semites because they on the whole were, as was all of Europe, we knew what was going on in Germany with concentration camps but did nothing.

How we paid back america was in vast, vast sums of money, which actually as a debt was only written off in the last decade as then Americans knew we were never going to be able to pay it back.

As for me not learning History well yes i did actually, i did it at GCSE, a-level and have just finished my first year in history and politics at uni, and guess what my main area of interest/knowlege is ?  Oh yes Nazi Germany, and i hope to do a doctorate on some aspect on it when i have finished Uni.

Hitler had publically and privately stated that he NEVER wanted to go to war with us, and respected our country, our Military and our empire to the upmost.  He wanted us on his side and did god knows how much to try to get us on side even after war had broken out.  If worst came to worst we could have always settled with him, because he knew if he could get us out of the war in any way possible he would have been able to bring Germanys full military might to bear against the Russians and wiped them of the face of the earth and got the only real thing he ever wanted Lebensraum for the Germanic/Aryian people, in the form of a huge German state incompasing, Austria, the slavic states, Poland etc, and the inhabitable parts of russia, with the slavic people as a slave race.

A western European empire was always his secondary concern, he felt if the French were crushed quickly enough, then we would think twice about bothering fighting the most powerful nation on Earth at the time.  In an all out conventional mainland war with the militarys present Germany would have wiped the floor with any other army on the face of the planet, because their tactics were far more advanced, their use of armour was incredible and far better than anyone elses. Their air force tactics were far beyond anyone elses, until we realised this and adopted the German tactics.  The french were screwed by sever incompetance in the upper parts of their military, there is and was no doubting their soldiers ability or bravery.  But when you commanders allow the Germans to wonder in, using the tactics set out by Gederian (sp?) in Achtung Panzer which the french never bothered to take any notice of, but then neither did we.

The Free French fought admirably, considereing they were under British command.  And the Vici French did us a lot of damage.

The Americans did join the war at exactly the right time, Germany was overextended and just coul not hope to repell the sheer numbers that us and the Americans on the western front and the Russians on the eastern front, could come up with.

As for crushing Germany, did you learn anything about the causes of world war II ?  As one of the major factors in Hitler coming to power and his popularity, was the fact that he offered the Germans an alternative to the frankly draconian, and rediculous conditions forced upon them be the French at Versailles, with the aim of destorying Germany as an economic and Military power.  Further destroying Germany after WWII would have only incresed their resolve to come back stronger, completely crushing a people, unless you actually kill them all has never been and never will be a good idea, because they nearly always come back to bite you in the arse, especially if theiy are a country the size of Germany.  I don't know what you know about war but as has been the accepted way since the world civilised that when a side surrenders you don't slaughter them all.  Hell even in the dark ages they knew this, and on the whole wars in those times were usually far "nicer".  The second world war created many war criminals, on all sides but as Goering said at the Nuremburg trials, only those on the defeated side are war criminals, if they were not then bomber Harris would have certainly been tired as a war criminal for the fire bombing of Dresden.

Sorry mate... but *Racist Term Removed is an everyday word, should be used to it by now

I call some Black people Niggers ALL THE TIME but they dont care because I've known them all my life and they know i'm not raciest

If I were to goto some random Black guy and call him a *Racist Term Removed i expect an unfriendly responce and righty so, but i would still not be raciest.

Is it ok do u think for blacks to call each other Niggers though? mmmm

What if your halfcast? mmmmmmmm

or 1/4 cast? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I love hip-hop and every other word is *Racist Term Removed this, dead *Racist Term Removed that etc etc, am I a racist for listening to it?

I think people telling me what i can and cant say is Oppressive, so much for freedom of speech!! :cool:

I'm not sure if you were paying attention in History mate, and I'm struggling to fathome how you'll ever manage at degree level if thats your inturpritation of events but good luck! Maybe Fiction writing would be more suitable for you, as for Politics? your Perfect!

Are you German by chance?

I see things this way...

Hitler was mad as a balloon and a depressed meglomaniac

He brainwashed his people who soon became mad too and built poo to hurt people

The attacked defenceless countrys, and killed countless Jews and others alike

I could not give a ****in poo that that cocksucker respected us, and the reason he didnt want to get us invloved because he knew we would kick his twisted Nazi Ass.

I have a degree in Theology and Maths, that makes me smarter than you

(even if a bit screwed up)


Ohh yea, So because they surrendered we should just say ok np's all is cool no worries? My Nan would accept that plee, I cant belive we did though, we should have dismantled Germany like the ugly weapon it was.

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Oh geez,

this REALLY isnt the place for this sort of confrontation on the Second World War and who was right/wrong.

i did GSCE History (got an A) and I have to say Man In Black speaks some truths. Its isn't Fiction, its merely how you interpret the facts (and sources) and manipulate it to how you need to see it.

BTW, *Racist Term Removed is not the same as *Racist Term Removed*. A '*Racist Term Removed*' is known as a 'brother' in rap talk. A '*Racist Term Removed' is a derogatory term used by whites to the 'lower class' blacks during the 1900's.

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Sorry mate... but *Racist Term Removed is an everyday word, should be used to it by now

I call some Black people Niggers ALL THE TIME but they dont care because I've known them all my life and they know i'm not raciest

If I were to goto some random Black guy and call him a *Racist Term Removed i expect an unfriendly responce and righty so, but i would still not be raciest.

Is it ok do u think for blacks to call each other Niggers though? mmmm

What if your halfcast? mmmmmmmm

or 1/4 cast? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I love hip-hop and every other word is *Racist Term Removed this, dead *Racist Term Removed that etc etc, am I a racist for listening to it?

I think people telling me what i can and cant say is Oppressive, so much for freedom of speech!! :cool:

I'm not sure if you were paying attention in History mate, and I'm struggling to fathome how you'll ever manage at degree level if thats your inturpritation of events but good luck! Maybe Fiction writing would be more suitable for you, as for Politics? your Perfect!

Are you German by chance?

I see things this way...

Hitler was mad as a balloon and a depressed meglomaniac

He brainwashed his people who soon became mad too and built poo to hurt people

The attacked defenceless countrys, and killed countless Jews and others alike

I could not give a ****in poo that that cocksucker respected us, and the reason he didnt want to get us invloved because he knew we would kick his twisted Nazi Ass.

I have a degree in Theology and Maths, that makes me smarter than you

(even if a bit screwed up)


Ohh yea, So because they surrendered we should just say ok np's all is cool no worries? My Nan would accept that plee, I cant belive we did though, we should have dismantled Germany like the ugly weapon it was.

Good god you know less than i initially gave you credit for.

How exactly would we have kicked Germanys arse ?

Who had a bigger Military ? ( clue it wasn't us)

Who had a better trained Military ? (clue it wasn't us)

Who had the better armour ? Not that long into the war we were using American Shermans, a tank which the Russians laughed at because it was so inferior to their own tanks, and was so high profile you could see it for miles. Our tanks were ok, but so much as hit them anywhere near the back and they would expolde in a ball of flame.

Who used far superior tactics for both tank warfare and air battles ? (clue it wasn't us)

Who was 6 weeks from defeat in 1940 ? (clue, it wasn't Germany)

Obviously we were going to win with how incredibly well we were doing until as i said 2 crucial mistakes were made by the germans. If Goering had not ordered the bombing of english Cities then we would HAVE lost, it's not a metter of oppinion it is a fact. Harris, and fighter command both openly said after the war we were 6 weeks at most from the complete destruction of all British air power in the south of england, making an invasion entirely possible, so we would have either been invaded, which is unlikely as he didn't want to commit the forces. And the decision from Hitler to push forward to places like Kirsk in the winter when they were unprepaired and unable to do so. Had they stopped and fortified throughout the winter, while resupplying with winter equipment to get them through the winter in better condition and face another should they need it, then move in on Moscow in the summer, combined with the fact that we would have been out of the war at this time, so Germany could bring her considerable might to bear in one force against Russia, Moscow would have fallen and Russia would have disintergrated.

Your views are incredibly simplistic and quite frankly rediculous, if you present a better argument than ohh Hitler was mad, basically trying to deflect the fact that he could and should have beaten us. It is undoubtable that towards the end of the war he was mad a a fruit cake, because of the Syphalis (sp?) he was ordering his generals who were retreating through russia to counter attack, which the result was that a good few of them turned round and marched their forces straight to the allies and surrendered.

Hitler could and should have been removed a lot earlier, but as it was Manschtein Hitlers top general refused to join the likes of Rommel who wanted Hitler out by saying, "a prussian General does not mutiny" There were about 25-30 Panzer divisions ready to roll into Berlin and remove Hitler, at the command of Rommel and the other Panzer commanders, but they would only act with the support of Manschtein, but because of the fact that he was a Prussian, and no matter what his personal feelings he would not break an oath.

Destroying Germany would have been a bad idea, it was the ideal country to station our Military forces in, we basically told them that sorry guys but you are now the front line, we WILL station massive amounts of troops here, but a desroyed Germany would be of no use, it would have just been another country that would have been seeded to the Russians. Even before WWII, Russia was seen as potentially a massive threat, should they get their act together so to speak, the worst case senario would have been that Germany defeat us, and then go and loose to Russia, as there would have been nothing to stop the russians rolling huge amounts of T34's with infantry support and taking Europe in the state it would have been in.

No i'm not German, i just find this period one of great interest, in particualr the Generals under Hitler who were some of the best in the war, better than possibly all of ours, and the only other General who i can think of i would put up in the same sort of league as the likes of Rommel, is Patton, who although a brutal *******, was one hell of a general, and leaving him out of the d-day landings was a massive help, he was stationed at Calais, because he hit some of his troops, and the Germans would not believe that we would leave the best general that we had out of any invasion.

You do realise that Germany STILL has limits on what it can and can't to in terms of it's military today do you ? It's one of the reasons why it is one of the best in the world, because they aren't allowed a big army, they have a small but exquisetly equipped and trained army, while we have a bigger Military, our equipment leaves something to be desired, the SA80 although a beautiful looking weapon, the first model was rubbish, now the SA80 a2 is a much better weapon, but is still not as good as the M16, or Hk weapons around. They are also not allowed a permanent seat on the Un security council, they have to be like everyone else and wait their turn, while GB, the US, Fra and a couple of others i think, will always have a seat on the security council.

I conceed the example of using the word *Racist Term Removed was a bad example because as you say it can be used as a "friendly" term, i don't personally have a problem with the word *Racist Term Removed,as simply it is either the latin word for black or a derivation of the latin word for black. However Nazi can be used in no other way than a derogotory term.

As for being smarter than me, i hope you a member of mensa then, as to be anything apporaching even a relatively small amount smarter than me you will have to be.

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Extremely well said my friend this bloody government has/is taking the pride we used to feel for our national flag away.
sorry Tommy- I am about to go on a rant and you're my first target.

This GOVERNMENT has done NOTHING to take away pride we feel for our national flag. If you're going to make comments like that you have to back them up- what have they done? have you considered possible reasons for it?

Before I start on my rants about some of the RUBBISH that has been posted on this thread let me make it clear- I think St Georges Cross' are great and I have NO problem with people flying it or the Union Flag or ANYTHING. I am huge believer in freedom of expression and I also fail to see how flying an England flag is "racist" or that anything is wrong with it.

NOT flying the flag commonly is what opens it up to manipulation by the far right. Flying our national flags "reclaims it".

I pick up on your point Tommy because flying the St Georges Cross is now far more acceptable than it was a few years ago. From the mid 90s under the Tory govt and continued under the Labour one from 1997 bring English/British and proud is now far more PC.

The St Georges Cross WAS but is no longer associated with the far right (who are far more interested in the Union Flag now). There is now more coverage of St Georges Day, the cross is used with increasing frequency. Remember the scenes during Euro 96? last world cup (that coincided with the Golden Jubilee)? the Rugby World Cup? Internationally the Union Flag and St Georges Cross are widely used in fashion as well now- the odd person may walk around Britain with the stars and stripes on their clothing. But that's about it. In Europe and in Britain many many people wear our flag on fashion accessories.

anyway- I am picking you up on a technicalilty- now I'm off to REALLY get people because in the words of Gordan Ramsay "I'm ready for a fight"

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Imagine what the French, Italian, Spanish, American, Scottish, Welsh, Irish etc etc people would do if they were told not to display their National Flag.

probably not much. Americans may take offence. But English, Welsh and Scottish fly our flags far more than most countries anyway.

The Portugese are now seeing their flag around the country and it's a revolution to them- they simply don't fly their national flag normally.

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On a side note to your story above, my housemate's niece is starting playgroup, and they're being taught to sing songs etc.

One of the songs is...

Baa Baa Ethnic Sheep, Have You Any Wool?

I am not joking, this is what they've now gotta sing. Also, blackboards are now chalkboards, because they feel that defining a board by colour will encourage people to define other things by colour.

Geez, give me a break.

things like this are a total joke. Ethnic? black? white? who cares- it's a damn sheep! :cool:

by pretending different colours don't exist you are not allowing blacks, whites, Asians etc to be proud of their colour. We don't live in an achromatic world and I'm glad of it.

BUT again, don't assume the worlds going more PC. It's not. My mum has been a teacher for 30 odd years. In the 70s when she was teaching she could NOT call a blackboard a blackboard- now she can call it blackboard, whiteboard or whatever.

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Innit if i was old enough I would vote for them at least they have a cause.
NO THEY DON'T! It was a party with a cause- one cause. It has been totally corrupted and taken over by the far right. It is made up of failed Tory MP's and sacked B list celebs.

UKIP was set up by Alan Sked. Alan is now TOTALLY disassociated from it. He has left the party and denounced them. It was formed as a serious political opposition to Europe- now it is pathetic nationalism. As shown by Robert Kilroy Silk's PATHETIC and disgraceful comments in the aftermath of victory- saying he liked the sparking wine they celebrated with "because it's British"- HOW PATHETIC! That it NOTHING TO DO WITH BRITISH INTERESTS IN EUROPE- that is to do with rubbish nationalistic crap. Just because it's English it makes it good? Oh please!

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sorry Evocare but you do talk some rubbish. Freedom of expression is great- so I hope you don't mind me taking apart what you said?

What ever happened to the common market?

I'd rather give up smoking than let a combination of Burocrats, Surrender Monkeys, Nazi's and Colaborators look after my afairs thank you very much.

I cannot believe this ignorant mentality still exists. Germany is NOT Nazi! SOME of Europe collaborated for sure- but much of it also resisted. There are also Nazi's in Britain. Don't think we're whiter than white.

I'm not raceiest nor can i spell, but I understand enough to know Europe needs us more than we need them....FACT!

RUBBISH! How is this a fact? If we lose Europe we become an insignificant little island floating in the Atlantic or condemn ourselves to a 2nd rate power subverient to the USA. I am a nationalist and want Britain to lead Europe not be 2nd rate. If Europe loses us they use one trading partner but have dozens more to turn to. We lose all of our advantages we gain from being in the EU.

If we do decide (under the torys hopfully or pref Atilla the Hun) to join Europe it will be on our terms, and by that i mean we make the rules because history has shown most of them just can be bloody well trusted.

keep your friends close but your enemys closer -

Thats THE only reason we should join that Burocratic pantomime

where do you get this complete RUBBISH!?! a) we will get more power in Europe if we go in willingly. Eurosceptics like UKIP undermine us because Europe know the weaknesses of us when it comes to disputes. Europe is run by France and Germany because THEY went ahead post WW2 head first. If Britain actually "went for it" and initiated policy then we would have far more influence. b) they can't be trusted!?! oh get out of the dark ages! Why not? Is this back to WW2 again? When FRANCE also fought the Germans until they were invaded? when Italy eventually fought on our side? If you want to use that period of History and the Nazi's to fuel an argument or America vs Europe (which you have to assume we can't be totally isolationist or we will rot) then maybe you should consider this- a) FRANCE and Britain went to war with Germany in 1914. USA only entered in 1917 after U Boats sunk their ships and after the Zimmerman telegraphlinked Germany with a Mexican invasion of America. b) France and Britain declared war on Germany on 3rd Sept 1939. The USA joined in 1941 only AFTER they had been attacked and STILL didn't declare war on Germany. It was Germany who declared war on the USA (believing the Japanese to be of more help)

Just because I use a word "Nazi" hardly makes me a racist, its that kind of PC bullshit attidude which is oppressing the country, what ever happened to freedom of speach?

that is not PC anything. You cannot label Germany Nazi's you fool!! :cool: That's like labelling us all imperialists and repressors of India's freedom. It is an anachronistic marker that is not needed and is total rubbish!

As for surrender Monkeys well.....well that actually refers to more than one country, but hey its all forgotten now isint it? The Nazi's allmost did it yes i agree, and for all what i hate about aspects of America they did actually come through at the last second, but God knows how we actually paid them back, prolly gave them a few Islands somwhere.

see above for history lesson on USA's entrance into both world wars. How we paid them back!?! Err....60 odd years of subsurvience! The USA had total power of us post WW2- highlighted by their actions in the Suez Crisis 1956. We allowed them to put missiles on our land that could hit the USSR- thus putting us in the front line should war between two superpowers ever break out. We've dropped bombs without UN resolutions twice (Iraq and Bosnia). We allowed them to dominate European politics for years dictating exactly what we do and don't do. Now we are on the hit list of terrorists because have stuck by their disasterous policy in the middle-east.

My only regret it we backed off completly wiping out Germany, why? War is on or Off, no middle ground, but we pussyed out of the final kill, we should have flattened them, and their dam Iti bitch colaborators. Germany is a foul place, I'm sorry but if they won the war poo would be ###### up so we HAD to get involed beacuse it DID concern us, ###### me! did'nt you learn History?

much of that makes no sense at all. but why wipe Germany off the map? Have they shown ANY aggression since? NO! So history proves that there would surely have been no advantage in wiping them out. We occupied, de-armed and divided the country- what more do you want them to do? Kill every German? An action that would be far worse than the actions of the Nazis and equate to genocide (what we fought so hard against). Cripple them with financial penalties? Well we did that in 1919 and look what the effects of that were! You can't just wipe out the land and people. By crippling them and leaving them weak the country would have been opened up to Soviet intrigue.

Point is they can't be trusted, nor can most of Europe, England has no real friends in the world its all bullshit! I don't trust America, Americsa is a 14 yr old teenager in the middle of a tantrum, that country should just ###### grow up! I hate New York, its a ###### diesised place, full of THE worst people you could ever want to meet. Utter idiots. America will ###### this world up, no sorry, america HAS ###### this world up with their googing of world resources, its ###### sick, like the fat dirty infidles who inhabit that godforsaken land.

GRRR, I trust the Welsh, thats it.

so if we have no friends do you suggest we just sit in the Atlantic and sulk!?! now that IS a tantrum...of a 5 year old. If you have no mates- go join a club, socialise- then you get friends. Don't just sit at home arms folded getting angry. That is EXACTLY why we SHOULD be in Europe. We won't sulk- we get on with it. As you are so keen on history- look at the French and Germans as an example. They are old enemies- more so than us and France or us and Germany. History has been totally full of wars between the two. 7 Years War, watch on the Rhine (1840), 1870-71 war, WW1 and WW2. The latter two were both invasions of France. BUT de Gaulle (who had led the Free French resistance to German occupation) was more than happy to work with Germany and not punish them. As a result him and Adenauer and later Giscard and Schmidt worked closely together to build a Franco-German dominated Europe. If we had been more willing to work WITH the Germans then then Europe now WOULD be dominated by Britain. You have also gone on to rant at the US. So what do you want? Us to sit on our own and have NO trade and just rot because we won't work with others? I'm sorry but I will not allow our country to destroy itself just because of misplaced nationalism and stubborness. In ALL of that you also fail to mention any of the history of the UK that is less desirable. Slave trade, scramble for Africa, building an empire, repressing opposition to our imperialism, bodging decolonisation, bodging the middle east etc etc etc. Take off those rose tinted glasses.

Sorry mate... but *Racist Term Removed is an everyday word, should be used to it by now

I call some Black people Niggers ALL THE TIME but they dont care because I've known them all my life and they know i'm not raciest

If I were to goto some random Black guy and call him a *Racist Term Removed i expect an unfriendly responce and righty so, but i would still not be raciest.

Is it ok do u think for blacks to call each other Niggers though? mmmm

What if your halfcast? mmmmmmmm

or 1/4 cast? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I love hip-hop and every other word is *Racist Term Removed this, dead *Racist Term Removed that etc etc, am I a racist for listening to it?

I think people telling me what i can and cant say is Oppressive, so much for freedom of speech!!

indeed you can use the word in my opinion but you need to be VERY careful who you use it to because it still has derogatory connotations.

I'm not sure if you were paying attention in History mate, and I'm struggling to fathome how you'll ever manage at degree level if thats your inturpritation of events but good luck! Maybe Fiction writing would be more suitable for you, as for Politics? your Perfect!

Are you German by chance?

I see things this way...

Hitler was mad as a balloon and a depressed meglomaniac

He brainwashed his people who soon became mad too and built poo to hurt people

The attacked defenceless countrys, and killed countless Jews and others alike

I could not give a ****in poo that that cocksucker respected us, and the reason he didnt want to get us invloved because he knew we would kick his twisted Nazi Ass.

I have a degree in Theology and Maths, that makes me smarter than you

(even if a bit screwed up)

Ohh yea, So because they surrendered we should just say ok np's all is cool no worries? My Nan would accept that plee, I cant belive we did though, we should have dismantled Germany like the ugly weapon it was.

you have said in that passage that Hitler DID corrupt Germans. Which he did. You cannot hold all Germans to account for what happened in that period- you CERTAINLY can't blame the next generation for it. And don't sit there smugly thinking British people would never be so obedient- it is not a cultural thing- to look at obedience read Milgram's (1963) obedience study or Zimbardo's (1969) Stanford University Prison Simulation study to see just how easily we are all subject to obedience from authority.

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BTW, *Racist Term Removed is not the same as *Racist Term Removed*. A '*Racist Term Removed*' is known as a 'brother' in rap talk. A '*Racist Term Removed' is a derogatory term used by whites to the 'lower class' blacks during the 1900's.

But it sounds the same don't it?

Exactly the same in fact, so much so that its actually irellivent

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Guest Bristol city full of crap
But it sounds the same don't it?

Exactly the same in fact, so much so that its actually irellivent

go and find the oxford dictionary of slang and look up "*Racist Term Removed" i think you'll be surprised.

plus we should have never joined europe by surrendering so much, if we had stuck with australia and canada we'd of been sorted for resources for a very long time.

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Ok Percy & Spud. you got me. I've actually read back some of the crap i've posted on this thread and frankly it's embarrasing, so I'd like to apoligize to anyone who i may have offended :o

I think JD played a key role in much of my babble :D

Yup's I don't know much about the War, Afraid I did'nt study History (can u tell?)

It has however been rather educational reading some of your posts and I thankyou for bothering to take the time to correct my misinturpritations.

I certainly do not hold the German people responsible for their past, nor do I wish the UK to didtance itself from Europe, on the contry I think we should play a major figure, if we can, but I feel we may have left it too late.

America is a teenage kid which needs careful handeling. i think "Bam Bam" from the Flinstones is a good comparrison sometimes :wub:

frankly, the US scares me with some of its policys, expecially towards foreign affairs which usually don't concern them, but hey, never stoped them before we just need to keep looking at the bigger picture, well get them to just pahps take a peep and apreciate that this world is very small, very small indeed.

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go and find the oxford dictionary of slang and look up "*Racist Term Removed" i think you'll be surprised.

plus we should have never joined europe by surrendering so much, if we had stuck with australia and canada we'd of been sorted for resources for a very long time.

I don't have a dictionary, have you read my posts? surely thats apparent :D

Care to enlighted me?

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Going back to original post..

Did you notice a sharp decrease in the amount of flags on cars after the France game? You can be sure those very people will be putting them back on now we beat the Swiss, are we fickle in our Nationalisim?? :D

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