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If I Am Banned In The Morning

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Fitter than you can ever imagine. People say that her kisses taste of Natch, and her furry cup is made of silk. I've also heard that she lactates banana Nesquick.

Her milkshake literally brings all the boys to the yard.

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Some summers we have come close, but I've never known it as out of control as this. Someone get on the phone to the FA. we've got people here who medically need regular football back in their lives. They've gone beserk and I fear more are in danger. This shall be known as The Summer of Adam. God help us all.

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I'd like to say thank you for listening.

Charlie Adam is the best

Oven chips cook on 250 for 30mins

The Hanham wether spoons is my office

TRL is a nause

and what are the cooking times for gas ovens? And surely the cooking times vary depending on the size and the cut of the chips?

But most importantly have they not invented deep fat fryers in Hanham yet? Much quicker and tastier. Tip soon as their cooked quickly put salt on. Lovely.

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and what are the cooking times for gas ovens? And surely the cooking times vary depending on the size and the cut of the chips?

But most importantly have they not invented deep fat fryers in Hanham yet? Much quicker and tastier. Tip soon as their cooked quickly put salt on. Lovely.

Sorry but there will be no deep fat fryer in my home
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