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Coventry Fans Tell Us Not To Come To Sixfields


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Would the situation look as dire if in 3 years they return to a better located stadium in Coventry? a stadium their fans can once again be proud of, a stadium they can call home? and more importantly a stadium they would own and a stadium that would generate money for them?

I like the Ricoh as a stadium, but I only visit once a year, if I was a Cov fan, attending that stadium once a fortnight i'm sure the novelty would soon ware off.

Someone tell me how returning to the Ricoh as tenants under the same terms as previously would benefit them?

Not necessarily three year though, SISSU have agreed to the deal with Northampton for three years with the option of a further two already in place.

I feel that once the fans accept relocation to Northampton it will be a very long time (if at all) before they get back to Coventry.

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Well I will be there.....I support BCFC not CCFC.

You make your bed you lie in it...

Same here. One of the few away games i can get to. Ridiculous that fans are considering not going to support our club.

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The away pub is a Harvester.

The ground has the character of a Harvester.

Nothing to miss ... In another decade this REALLY could have been Bristol City.

The Gas once attempted to buy Ashton Gate.

Don't attend you may send out a message to the poor owners of clubs out there in a currencey they understand.

Attend you encourage owners to continue to run what should be community assets poorly, and back similar happening anywhere [bCFC?].

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The away pub is a Harvester.

The ground has the character of a Harvester.

Nothing to miss ... In another decade this REALLY could have been Bristol City.

The Gas once attempted to buy Ashton Gate.

Don't attend you may send out a message to the poor owners of clubs out there in a currencey they understand.

Attend you encourage owners to continue to run what should be community assets poorly, and back similar happening anywhere [bCFC?].

fans can do nothing about that as its all about the money,

Coventry fans were quick to thank sisu when they prevented them from going into administration a couple of years back,

I don't believe the problem is Sisu anyway they have been trying for years to buy 50% of the ground in order to make some money from gate recepts and catering money,

The problem lays with who ever agreed to that stupid rent structure which was before sisu's time (i think), the local council are only crying foul now because there cash cow has gone,

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I want to go to Sixfields if the game is played there, tick off another stadium and what not.

Don't get your hopes too high, Shitfields is a horrible little ground, 4 sheds and a pitch

Plus IIRC a mahoosive bank/hill next to it so you can sit and watch the game for free :)

I totally sympathise with the Cov fans, it's a disastrous position to be in, although at least they'll be able to fill the Sixfields

But for me it's a chance to see City close to home (I live in Bucks) so am tempted to go

I totally take on board the solidarity thing, and I understand the point about the game in '77. But if the '77 game had kicked off on time, Coventry would have gone for it the same as us, dog eat dog style. As fate would have it, that's not how it panned out.

It's a tough call but I'm putting this one in my diary - but if they're getting up a petition, etc, I'll sign it

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There was nothing wrong with Highfield Road, arguably better when it was demolished than Ashton Gate is now.

I won't be going to Northampton.

Their chairman at the time had grand plans, first he proposed the new stadium could be the new national stadium with a roof and also with a pitch that slides in and out, Highfield Road was sold for ten million prior to any work starting at the Ricoh. The plans for the new stadium were drastically scaled back. The council had to step in and fund the project, Coventry were offered terms that if they were in the Premier they would pay a higher rent yet if they slid down the leagues their rent would lower. Coventry thinking they wouldn't get relegated rejected this proposal.

Highfield road was a good decent stadium about a mile from the City centre, however like us it didn't provide no non match day income and was land locked so was unable to expand/develop. As for what happened to the money from the sale of the stadium well...nobody knows as the then chairman went to court to gain a confidentiality order. It is rumoured Coventry gained very little if at all from the sale and some people walked away from Coventry very rich.

Not necessarily three year though, SISSU have agreed to the deal with Northampton for three years with the option of a further two already in place.

I feel that once the fans accept relocation to Northampton it will be a very long time (if at all) before they get back to Coventry.

I appreciate that, but I feel the one million bond may be enough. I'm surprised they didn't consider playing at the Rugby stadium, Ok only holds 3000 but add a few temporary stands and they would be sorted. There has been problems bubbling away under the surface with Coventry Council ever since the Highfield Road fiasco, Now it's all coming to a head.

fans can do nothing about that as its all about the money,

Coventry fans were quick to thank sisu when they prevented them from going into administration a couple of years back,

I don't believe the problem is Sisu anyway they have been trying for years to buy 50% of the ground in order to make some money from gate recepts and catering money,

The problem lays with who ever agreed to that stupid rent structure which was before sisu's time (i think), the local council are only crying foul now because there cash cow has gone,

A few months back Coventry were offered a 50% stake for 6.5 million. Sisu agreed to this and shook hands on the deal, a gentleman's agreement. However a few days later Sisu pulled out of the deal.

As I said above rent was agreed thinking they wouldn't be relegated so could easily afford the rent, they was offered a sliding scale at the time but they rejected it thinking relegation would never happen as they had spent the last 30 years in the top flight.

It's rumoured ACL were in a financial mess and were gonna go into administration, Sisu thought they would then be able to acquire ACL and therefore the stadium on the cheap, However Coventry Council lent ACL the money to pay off their mortgage. This has caused massive friction and Sisu are seeking a judicial review.

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Obviously as this is one of the closest games I'll be able to get to, I will be there. However, I understand Coventry fans' frustrations, and also those of the Northampton Town fans who have been caught up in all this mess and threatened with legal action.

That being said, away supporters are there for their team first and foremost. Similar feelings are felt in regards to the cow lovers down the M1, but again, I'm there to watch City not MK Dons.

For those who haven't been to Sixfields, it really isn't that bad (see Gillingham). Yes, it's more 'old school' and in a weird little location but if you are doing the 20 minute walk from the station there are a few good pubs on the way up to the ground (past Franklin's Gardens) and even more in the town centre if you are hanging around after. Mind you, it might all change by August 11th!

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Yes it is, it's horrible. Looks like it was built in a weekend by a bunch of pikeys using bits on special offer at B&Q.

Haha. Like I said, old school! Certainly very different to the souless bowl down the road. Think they're doing up Sixfields over the next year or so. Maybe they'll get a discount at B&Q this time round.

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On another forum, Coventry fans are saying our supporters trust are in touch with their supporters group about a protest at their first 'home' game. They are asking if we can organise a banner showing our support of their supporters and the plight they find themselves in.

I was wondering if we were doing anything and what that entails?

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On another forum, Coventry fans are saying our supporters trust are in touch with their supporters group about a protest at their first 'home' game. They are asking if we can organise a banner showing our support of their supporters and the plight they find themselves in.

I was wondering if we were doing anything and what that entails?

I hope not, I don't think I could support the trust if they throw their weight behind it. Come that game our focus should be on Bristol City, we don't want to be dragged into the circus like Northampton have.

They are not a Wimbledon Mark 2, the situations are completelyi different, they are not being used as a franchise like Wimbledon was, I don't understand this not one penny more campaign, sounds like their own fans are trying to hurt the club where it hurts the most... In the pocket. However what is this likely gonna achieve? Force the club out of business that's what.

Surely having a coventry team to support 30 miles away for a few years is better than having no team at all? Surely the time to protest was before they left Highfield Road but no they just saw the dazzling lights of the Ricoh.

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What they should be doing is negotiating for a share of the ownership of the Ricoh, albeit a small share at first and at least they would be putting some revenue back into the club on a match day basis.

After all that is the reason for the stadium in the first place

All the powers that be whether it be the current owners or the council should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for letting it get this far

Without the football club the owners have a large shortfall to make up so it can't be in anyone's interest not playing there in what is a fabulous facility.

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fans can do nothing about that as its all about the money,

Coventry fans were quick to thank sisu when they prevented them from going into administration a couple of years back,

I don't believe the problem is Sisu anyway they have been trying for years to buy 50% of the ground in order to make some money from gate recepts and catering money,

The problem lays with who ever agreed to that stupid rent structure which was before sisu's time (i think), the local council are only crying foul now because there cash cow has gone,

Fans can do everything about it.

The owners will have financial projections [money!], empty stands help the owners review those projections.

Direct action, withdrawing support works abroad away from the apathy of England.

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The Bristol City Supporters Club & Trust have been approached by many Coventry City fans as well as talking to their Supporters Trust.

As a result, we have written to Greg Clarke, the Chairman of the Football League, the opening part of the letter as follows:

I am writing on behalf of Bristol City Supporters Club & Trust to express our dismay at your decision to allow - contrary to your own rules - the prospective owners of Coventry City to force their fans to travel 68 miles there and back to Northampton for their ‘home’ games for an "initial" period of 3 years (though some media have already reported that this could be extended to up to five years). They have also referred to ‘returning’ to the ‘Coventry area’, as opposed to the City itself.

Whatever ‘guarantees’ you have attached to this, this is quite simply a relocation of a football club rooted in its local community without any regard for the loyal supporters of Coventry Football Club.

Bristol City are the opponents for Coventry’s first “home” game of the 2013/14 season, a game which will be almost as close to attend for some away fans like me as for the home fans. That cannot be right. I have made a personal decision not to be attend in protest, and it poses the avoidable situation for all away fans playing Coventry City this year to have to make a moral decision about attending a football match, to express solidarity and empathy for their fellow supporters.

We call on you as Chairman of the Football League to reverse this decision and stick to the rules that you originally put in place to prevent another Charlton, Brighton & Hove Albion or, heaven forbid, Wimbledon happening in the first place.

Of course, we are stopping short of protests, boycotts and the like; it is our first away game of the season. However, we are seeking to tell the story of what is going on at Coventry and suggest that our fans make up their own minds whether to attend. The Coventry fans are saying "not a penny more" and you can read more of the facts about the situation here: http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/sport/football/football-news/coventry-city-fans-group-fears-5105983

Our Trust board on balance have decided individually not to attend the game (one or two may do) in a show of support to fellow football fans. It hurts to do this (especially as I will miss our opener against Bradford), but I feel it is necessary.


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