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Pre-Season Interviews - Adomah/kelly/flint

Big Hev

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Really disappointed with Adomahs interview.

Thought he came across really poor, up himself and want's to go asap.

Completely agree with that. Think whatever he meant to say, he got completely wrong.

Even snuck in an 'at the end of the day, fans need to realise I'm still contracted to the club'. Sorry, what?! We arent the ones forcing you out or giving you stick!

And all this nonsense about 'there was interest at Barnet and I went...there is interest here so I'll go'....that sounds like agent talk to me.


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It would have been nice for Albert to say something "I want to say sorry to the fans, to progress my career both club and internationally I want to play at a higher level. I hope you can understand that but until I do go I will try my hardest as I have a great affection for this club that gave me a chance at a higher level"

I think he tried to. Fact of the matter is Grifty, you, I bet; are a bit more intelligent than Uncle Al...

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