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Swansea/bristol City: The Fall And Rise


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Anyone watch this last night? I could not help but think that Swansea's story was very similar to ours. In a sense that, we were once in danger of dropping out of the football league back when we were ruined financially. And before that they too, had players that tore up their contracts for the sake of keeping the club alive. I couldn't help but think if a consortium of businessmen owned the club represented by the fans like Swansea is now instead of Harry Dolman keeping us afloat, would we be in their shoes?

Don't get me wrong we didn't exactly have a lot of time to think about it seeing as if Harry Dolman had not bought us when he did, we would not be alive today of course. I do see a similar history between both clubs and constantly thought about us throughout this.

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I thought it was an excellent programme and showed that football fans are pretty much the same all over. We all feel the pain and the occasional euphoria depending on which team you support in exactly the same way.

Great insight into what can be achieved when you have an inspirational board who appoint a manager who thinks outside the usual parameters and the appoint subsequent mangers who share the same footballing philosophy.

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I thought it was an excellent programme and showed that football fans are pretty much the same all over. We all feel the pain and the occasional euphoria depending on which team you support in exactly the same way.

Great insight into what can be achieved when you have an inspirational board who appoint a manager who thinks outside the usual parameters and the appoint subsequent mangers who share the same footballing philosophy.

Isn't that what our board have done now? Granted it's took them a while and millions wasted but looks as if the club off the pitch are trying to do it the Swansea way. Personally I think all clubs should have a plan like Swansea have and maybe there wouldn't be as many clubs in trouble. I'm very keen on the dutch way of doing things. Sod seems to be implementing these sort of ideas and philosophy into the club but us fans must give him time. What's important is once SOD leaves we carry on with this philosophy which I feel over time will be successful. We don't want it to be a philosophy we need it to be a culture.

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Swansea have set the benchmark for all lower league clubs, all teams in league1/2 should be following their blueprint. The football they play is brilliant (and they they've even got voldemort playing well!)

It's not easy and there's no guarantees but I think we're finally starting to get onto the right route. For the first time in ages (and, to be fair, I think McInnes, for his faults started laying the foundations last summer) it feels like there's a plan and a vision for the club as a whole and now, under O'Driscoll, the beginnings of a system on the pitch. I really hope the club can have some managerial stability and, even if/when he does ultimately leave, some continuity of the vision of the club's identity.

I remember a few years ago we were known as a good footballing club and I'm really hoping we can move toward that again.

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Isn't that what our board have done now? Granted it's took them a while and millions wasted but looks as if the club off the pitch are trying to do it the Swansea way. Personally I think all clubs should have a plan like Swansea have and maybe there wouldn't be as many clubs in trouble. I'm very keen on the dutch way of doing things. Sod seems to be implementing these sort of ideas and philosophy into the club but us fans must give him time. What's important is once SOD leaves we carry on with this philosophy which I feel over time will be successful. We don't want it to be a philosophy we need it to be a culture.

That's what was hoping will happen at City but the difference between Martinez and ODriscoll is that when Martinez took over he was a new broom with fresh ideas which he was able to implement and his original ( for English League ) style of play has stayed with the Swansea board staying with mangers who share the same philosophy.

ODriscoll is not a new manager, far from it. He's been around the leagues for many years had tried to implement his culture / philosophy at other clubs with limited success. That's not to say that it won't work at City but he doesn't have the " new broom" effect that Martinez had.

Like all the City faithful I hope he does "do a Swansea".

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