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Andy Stockhausen !


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Not sure if this topic been covered and is so sorry but was watching Carey interview on IPlayer at Weston and saw the above mentioned milling about in a blatant manor to get on camera and don't know why really but really annoyed me !!!!!!! What a plank!

Rant over !!

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I know practically everybody on this forum hates him.but am I Alone in finding the constant sniping and personal insults thrown at the bloke boreing tedious childish bullying and quite frankly makes people look pretty pathetic. haven't we got more important things to worry about. If you don't like what he writes then don't read his articles and don't buy the 5th rate rag that publishes them. but can we stop going on and on and on with the jibes and nasty comments about somebody who really isn't that important!

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I know practically everybody on this forum hates him.but am I Alone in finding the constant sniping and personal insults thrown at the bloke boreing tedious childish bullying and quite frankly makes people look pretty pathetic. haven't we got more important things to worry about. If you don't like what he writes then don't read his articles and don't buy the 5th rate rag that publishes them. but can we stop going on and on and on with the jibes and nasty comments about somebody who really isn't that important!

The irony.

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I know practically everybody on this forum hates him.but am I Alone in finding the constant sniping and personal insults thrown at the bloke boreing tedious childish bullying and quite frankly makes people look pretty pathetic. haven't we got more important things to worry about. If you don't like what he writes then don't read his articles and don't buy the 5th rate rag that publishes them. but can we stop going on and on and on with the jibes and nasty comments about somebody who really isn't that important!

Oh Timothy, do you understand the meaning of irony! Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle!

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I know practically everybody on this forum hates him.but am I Alone in finding the constant sniping and personal insults thrown at the bloke boreing tedious childish bullying and quite frankly makes people look pretty pathetic. haven't we got more important things to worry about. If you don't like what he writes then don't read his articles and don't buy the 5th rate rag that publishes them. but can we stop going on and on and on with the jibes and nasty comments about somebody who really isn't that important!

I agree, it's all needless abuse. I doubt anyone would go and meet him face to face..................

Unless anyone on here is a traffic cop of course

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Not sure if this topic been covered and is so sorry but was watching Carey interview on IPlayer at Weston and saw the above mentioned milling about in a blatant manor to get on camera and don't know why really but really annoyed me !!!!!!! What a plank!

Rant over !!

Why were we filming at a country estate?

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I've never met him, but I do feel a bit sorry for him at times.

From my understanding, the EP's newsroom is not a happy place to work - with half the staff of the past trying desperately to do double the jobs + all the sub-editing (the proof reading, if you like, and layout) is done from Plymouth and mistakes are always being introduced to the Bristol journo's copy.

Add to that a tvat of an editor on their backs for scandal *exclusives* and stories about 'hooliganism' and I'd say it's no wonder Stockhausen has turned to drink!

Being a regional newspaper journalist is a lot harder a job than some of the armchair critics here reckon. I did it ages ago and I'm bloody glad I got out!

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He gets a little dig in nearly every article he writes about BCFC, he's a closet :gasmask: .

Poor excuse for a journalist IMO.

He's not in the closet; he used to be king troll on the old BBC 606 message boards posting as 'Randy Stockingtop'. He was always trying to wind City fans up and being a general arse. Very professional for the journalist in charge of covering Bristol City in the local paper...
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I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of his tweets.

Be happy if he cut back on the snide comments in his articles though and his factual error rate remains scarily high for someone who has covered us for 3 years now, however as Red Robbo has said it is obviously a rotten place to work these days..

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He's not in the closet; he used to be king troll on the old BBC 606 message boards posting as 'Randy Stockingtop'. He was always trying to wind City fans up and being a general arse. Very professional for the journalist in charge of covering Bristol City in the local paper...

Was that him? I never put 2 and 2 together but now you mention it the writing style did look familiar. I miss the old 606 board and there were even some good g*s posters on there, but he definitely was the worst of the trolls.

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