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New Bcfc T-Shirt [Sod]


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Yes - Aberdeen fans. I've sold more in the summer to Aberdeen fans than I ever sold down at the Gate. All XL oddly too.

Sodfather T-shirt is funny but the design being so small in the middle of the t-shirt is a little naff, far better to fill the frame.

Hi Ole

Your are correct the image was just a test, ive sold one on ebay and will be doing that later at the larger size of 30cm :)

As they arn't screen but heat pressed vinyl I can pretty much do what ever size I want.

I will add the image once its done



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I done this image following the hastag of #theSODfather a fellow twitter user started. i have not given my consent to anyone using this to sale as a T-shirt. All I have said is people can use image for avatars or banner pic providing they do not take credit for the image. As I have made clear on fb and twitter I am looking in to getting it made as a tshirt with all profit going to the Bristol city community trust. I even messaged the community director who seemed to like the idea and asked the commercial director on thoughts about possibility of having it led by the bcct and endorsed by the club

You've not even gone to effort of finding out who created image or the origins behind it.

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You've not even gone to effort of finding out who created image or the origins behind it.

Very strange comment by yourself.

You forget answering my question on facebook about the origins of this image do you (7/8 august) ?

So to say ive made no effort is untrue isn't it !


And as their is no copyright attached to the image I have used it.

I will send you a PM to try and resolve this



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