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Online Exclusive Interview With Sean O'Driscoll

The Exiled Robin

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AshtonGreat. You're too kind. And too switched on (you could see my tongue just ever so slightly in my cheek). Really, I'm very much in favour of O'D, but a league win would be nice.

Perhaps these fanzine fellows should leave him be, rather than asking him fancy questions.

Look forward to him speaking from a position of strength (when we're flying) some day.

Leave him alone...why?

The qs the local media have asked him so far frustrate him. He has a lot to say, we want to know a lot but are constrained by the number of pages we can print so asked him 11 qs that we thought he would find more stimulating than those he has received thus far.

We are interested in a broader church than just BCFC, as is he, as are our readership.

What do you define as a 'fancy' question? One that isn't: "What's your favourite fish?" or "What did you think of us losing 5-4?"

Leave him alone...why?

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EnclosureSurge when did you do the interview? Know it only went online this week but I saw it in a mate's fanzine at Bradford game so for all The Right Honourable Les Q and Ashton Great are typically jumping on the chance to find another stick to beat him with, while wildly managing to miss the bigger picture with every barbed, smug comment, I guess the interview was actually done some time before the season started?

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EnclosureSurge when did you do the interview? Know it only went online this week but I saw it in a mate's fanzine at Bradford game so for all The Right Honourable Les Q and Ashton Great are typically jumping on the chance to find another stick to beat him with, while wildly managing to miss the bigger picture with every barbed, smug comment, I guess the interview was actually done some time before the season started?

Indeed, RedZoneJim, we did it in early July, pre-season.

Not everyone wants to read qs referencing European football, football history, philosophy of the game (which is just a word for thinking) and the wider/bigger picture outside BCFC and that is their right (as is describing qs as 'unusual' and 'fancy' - we all have our own interpretations on what those words mean) but some people do.

Each to their own, we're not everyone's cup-of-chamomille but I guess that's what forums are for...?

Still trying to work out how we 'leave him alone' though! Think you're right, RZJ, probably the inference was that we pestered him after Bradford.

Thought we made that clear in the opening line: Last month we sent the club an e-mail, more in hope than expectation, asking whether Sean O’Driscoll would be willing to do a short Q&A for our next issue

As I say, each to their own. We were happy to hear from him and to hear thoughts that he hadn't expressed elsewhere.

You Reds!!

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EnclosureSurge when did you do the interview? Know it only went online this week but I saw it in a mate's fanzine at Bradford game so for all The Right Honourable Les Q and Ashton Great are typically jumping on the chance to find another stick to beat him with, while wildly managing to miss the bigger picture with every barbed, smug comment, I guess the interview was actually done some time before the season started?

RedZoneJim, let me just reiterate, I am fully supportive of Mr. Driscoll and believe his appointment to be an astute move by the boy Lansdown. Or whoever is responsible for managerial recruitment these days. I know a thing or two about all this, of course. There always was a stick for beating the manager with, back in the day, but we only brought it out once that mob in the enclosure started turning round and giving myself and my boardroom colleagues vicious abuse. To save our skins, in other words. Mind you, I never fancied taking that stick to Big Joe! We managed to find another way of getting rid of him though...
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EnclosureSurge when did you do the interview? Know it only went online this week but I saw it in a mate's fanzine at Bradford game so for all The Right Honourable Les Q and Ashton Great are typically jumping on the chance to find another stick to beat him with, while wildly managing to miss the bigger picture with every barbed, smug comment, I guess the interview was actually done some time before the season started?

RedZoneJim, let me just reiterate, I am fully supportive of Mr. Driscoll and believe his appointment to be an astute move by the boy Lansdown. Or whoever is responsible for managerial recruitment these days. I know a thing or two about all this, of course. There always was a stick for beating the manager with, back in the day, but we only brought it out once that mob in the enclosure started turning round and giving myself and my boardroom colleagues vicious abuse. To save our skins, in other words. Mind you, I never fancied taking that stick to Big Joe! We managed to find another way of getting rid of him though...
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Leave him alone...why?

The qs the local media have asked him so far frustrate him. He has a lot to say, we want to know a lot but are constrained by the number of pages we can print so asked him 11 qs that we thought he would find more stimulating than those he has received thus far.

We are interested in a broader church than just BCFC, as is he, as are our readership.

What do you define as a 'fancy' question? One that isn't: "What's your favourite fish?" or "What did you think of us losing 5-4?"

Leave him alone...why?

Now young Surge, "What's your favourite fish?" I would even by your 'fanzine' myself to see the manager's response to that. Better still, a video clip of that. Straight after a game. That, young man, is a question. A question that demands a response. Excellent. I could have used that one myself, in my many years of interviewing. Not sure what my old friend, Des (bless his soul) would have made of that. Anyrate, you keep working on those questions. You might well be on to something there...
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Now young Surge, "What's your favourite fish?" I would even by your 'fanzine' myself to see the manager's response to that. Better still, a video clip of that. Straight after a game. That, young man, is a question. A question that demands a response. Excellent. I could have used that one myself, in my many years of interviewing. Not sure what my old friend, Des (bless his soul) would have made of that. Anyrate, you keep working on those questions. You might well be on to something there...

Careful, Les, I may not be a young as you think.

Or as old.

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Careful, Les, I may not be a young as you think.

Or as old.

It is customary for supporters to address me in one of the three following ways, 1. Your Honour, 2. Sir or 3. Mr (at the very least). Less of the 'Les' if you don't mind. Technically, I have yet to be awarded my, surely, inevitable and long-overdue reward (see 2) for services to the cause (blue/politics; red/footie). So 'Sir' is at your discretion. My very good chum and colleague, Snooty Dave, will hopefully put this glaring omission right at New Year. Please keep in mind, EnclosureUrge, for future correspondence. COYR! (Little nod to the common fan there).

Perhaps, henceforth, we might return to the relevant subject, ie, Mr. Doriscoll, his ideas for the club, and the fans who like to think any of us are really interested in their, what's it called, 'fanseen,' is that correct?

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It is customary for supporters to address me in one of the three following ways, 1. Your Honour, 2. Sir or 3. Mr (at the very least). Less of the 'Les' if you don't mind. Technically, I have yet to be awarded my, surely, inevitable and long-overdue reward (see 2) for services to the cause (blue/politics; red/footie). So 'Sir' is at your discretion. My very good chum and colleague, Snooty Dave, will hopefully put this glaring omission right at New Year. Please keep in mind, EnclosureUrge, for future correspondence. COYR! (Little nod to the common fan there).

Perhaps, henceforth, we might return to the relevant subject, ie, Mr. Doriscoll, his ideas for the club, and the fans who like to think any of us are really interested in their, what's it called, 'fanseen,' is that correct?

Er, yeah, right, Leslie/newbie.

I'll leave you to your excellent, wordy replies for other threads. Goodness me. Cheers then.

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Just having a bit of dafty fun. It gets rather lonely, you know, in retirement. I miss the cut and thrust of ruinning a great football club. As I first said, the article was an interesting read. The questions were unusual in that they were different, not what we usually see asked of managers. Here's to a win or two and SOd drilling our youngsters into an attractive, competitive unit.

What should the club be doing? Well, I guess they have already started doing it, reducing the wage bill, operating within its means,blooding youngsters, finding youngish players with appetite and potential, and so on. Will everyone have the conviction to see this through? Let's hope so. Good luck to them. And let us all know when your next fanthingy is out, eh, Surge?

Cheers, your good health, 'mon u Reds and see you soon,

Uncle Les, Hallatrow, Somerset.

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Sir Les, how the devil are you?

More to the point, how's that little local difficulty going over there in BANES? Something about you fiddling your Councillor's expenses, wasn't it?

All a terrible misunderstanding, I'm sure...

Anyhoo, I like the sound of your impish wit Sir. Much funnier than the drivel you served up in the 80's, eh what? ("And today's attendance is...")

Then again, where would The Bountyhunter be without your epic mypoia, which spurred us into print back then? (In bed.) The rest, as they say, is history! Oh yes.

So get in touch squire, a man of your talents deserves a wider readership and The Bountyhunter's readers would love to hear more from you. All 5 of 'em.

Yours etc.

Sir Geoffrey Merrick of Southville,

North Street


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Sir Les, how the devil are you?

More to the point, how's that little local difficulty going over there in BANES? Something about you fiddling your Councillor's expenses, wasn't it?

All a terrible misunderstanding, I'm sure...

Anyhoo, I like the sound of your impish wit Sir. Much funnier than the drivel you served up in the 80's, eh what? ("And today's attendance is...")

Then again, where would The Bountyhunter be without your epic mypoia, which spurred us into print back then? (In bed.) The rest, as they say, is history! Oh yes.

So get in touch squire, a man of your talents deserves a wider readership and The Bountyhunter's readers would love to hear more from you. All 5 of 'em.

Yours etc.

Sir Geoffrey Merrick of Southville,

North Street


Geoffrey! How very lovely to hear from you! Now, I will be much the merrier if you wouldn't mind refraining from any further mention of my scurrilous past. Water under the bridge, dear boy! I've done my time, spent a few years in quiet reflection on the 'back benches' as it were, and now I'm back on the front line, sorting out Banes and all the controv there at the mo. That latest offer from Moyesie was an insult! Mind, he's no Russell Bromage, let me tell you.

How's business with you? I was wondering if you could spare some time to offer support to poor old Fonts? Give him a masterclass in left-footed classy defending, with a beard.

Before I go, the name of that fan-thing you mention. Rings a Mickey, but just can't place it. Oh well, I'm probably getting a little muddled now.

Ridda the gas!

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Geoffrey! How very lovely to hear from you! Now, I will be much the merrier if you wouldn't mind refraining from any further mention of my scurrilous past. Water under the bridge, dear boy! I've done my time, spent a few years in quiet reflection on the 'back benches' as it were, and now I'm back on the front line, sorting out Banes and all the controv there at the mo. That latest offer from Moyesie was an insult! Mind, he's no Russell Bromage, let me tell you.

How's business with you? I was wondering if you could spare some time to offer support to poor old Fonts? Give him a masterclass in left-footed classy defending, with a beard.

Before I go, the name of that fan-thing you mention. Rings a Mickey, but just can't place it. Oh well, I'm probably getting a little muddled now.

Ridda the gas!

You probably can't quite place it - even though we sold it from under your nose in the Enclsoure in its thousands!

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You probably can't quite place it - even though we sold it from under your nose in the Enclsoure in its thousands![/quote

Cheeky bugger! I very much doubt the veracity of your story, young man. But I am prepared to look beyond your bravado, and recognise the entrepreneurial spirit, there for all to see. Initiative and resourcefulness. That's what this country needs. Plus lower taxes. And a Tory government, enough of this coalition nonsense. But enough of that, what does our glorious club need, that is the question our manager has posed, and you, Surge, have failed to answer thus far, I note? Perhaps you'd care to ponder that, rather than making dafty things up.

Short term, I reckon we need to win this Saturday. Clean sheet, Baldock brace, in the bag. Get inta thum!

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Sir Les, how the devil are you?

More to the point, how's that little local difficulty going over there in BANES? Something about you fiddling your Councillor's expenses, wasn't it?

All a terrible misunderstanding, I'm sure...

Anyhoo, I like the sound of your impish wit Sir. Much funnier than the drivel you served up in the 80's, eh what? ("And today's attendance is...")

Then again, where would The Bountyhunter be without your epic mypoia, which spurred us into print back then? (In bed.) The rest, as they say, is history! Oh yes.

So get in touch squire, a man of your talents deserves a wider readership and The Bountyhunter's readers would love to hear more from you. All 5 of 'em.

Yours etc.

Sir Geoffrey Merrick of Southville,

North Street


Marvel, lad. I've given your above offer careful consideration, and am willing to listen to any offers, although, let me say, their are, needless to say, other interested parties, which will not come as any surprise, what with the window soon to close and all that. One stipulation I do have is that you make some other top-drawer, big-name signings, to make plain your ambition and I like the cut of the jib of the boy Harry on here, might I suggest a double swoop? There are others with something to offer, imo, if you would like me to point you in their direction. I expect all dealings to be above board and gentlemanly, no funny business. I have a reputation to uphold, you know.

Fingers crossed for O'Discoll and the team tomorrow.

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Now young Surge, "What's your favourite fish?" I would even by your 'fanzine' myself to see the manager's response to that. Better still, a video clip of that. Straight after a game. That, young man, is a question. A question that demands a response. Excellent. I could have used that one myself, in my many years of interviewing. Not sure what my old friend, Des (bless his soul) would have made of that. Anyrate, you keep working on those questions. You might well be on to something there...

Anyone know if the bloke from Radio Briss asked SOD what is his favourite fish is, after the game yesterday? Perhaps best to save this one for after that first win, and a clean sheet. And from at least 20 yards. With a quick exit/ open door within easy reach. Still, this remains a question that has to be asked. Imo.

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Is anyone listening to me? We need to know, has O'Driscoll been asked, "What is your favourite fish?" I really don't think that pipsqueak off Radio Brissle is up to it. Shame on him. Gutless. So, who might be up to it? Paxman, perhaps? That beard of his might afford him some protection from the response, at least. This is dragging on now, four games and he hasn't been asked the one question everyone needs an answer to. Sort it out, someone. Ffs

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Please, please, tonight, no-one, NO-ONE ask that imbecile Holloway, what his favourite fish is. There'll be no stopping him. He'll love it. Ask him about the badger cull, just started this morning I understand. Anything. But not, what's your favourite fish. That, THAT, is a question for SOD, no-one else.

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