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Bristol Rob

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Signed up years ago and have never used it.

Just wondering if someone can provide a layman's guide to 'understanding twitter'

What the hell is the point of the hash-tag - and the nuances of using them?

Identifying who is worth a 'follow' and who isn't?

Basically, I can sort of see the value is the service, without actually understanding how best to use it.

Apologies for being a complete luddite, I'm ashamed to say that I'm in my 30s and I work in IT.

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The hash tag enables you to see similar comments about the same topic.

Twitter also recommends people to follow, something which is very "hit and miss".

As to who and who isn't worth following, same as on here, read the posts and then choose who is worth it and who to ignore.

I'm a fan but think it is best to be selective on numbers and people to follow, myself.

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I find I follow people in 3 categories, people I know, people who support the same sports team as me and celebrities I like.

If you follow someone like @TheExiledRobin he has many City followers and you will see from his conversations which others you might want to follow.

With celebrities, its a matter of trying and see what you like, it only takes a second to unfollow. Sometimes celebs you may like may be boring on Twitter and others you may dislike can be great value at times, Piers Morgan for instance, don't like the bloke but does amuse me at times.

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