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From today's press conference off BCFC Twitter account.

"Peterborough have brought in Britt Assombalonga, someone we were interested in. They paid £1m+, we can't do that."

Really? I know we're in debt and have stadium plans etc but this seems crazy that we can't compete financially for a player with Peterborough :blink:


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I prefer this one : "No game on Saturday was a bonus. I'm sure Bristol Rovers would have preferred to miss the Plymouth game." Gotta love the banter.

To answer the op, Peterborough made a ridiculous amount of money on that striker they sold to palace in the summer, that's why they could afford him and we couldn't, we are cutting our cloth accordingly and cant afford to splash out a mil here and there anymore, not until we redevelop the stadium at least.

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From today's press conference off BCFC Twitter account.

"Peterborough have brought in Britt Assombalonga, someone we were interested in. They paid £1m+, we can't do that."

Really? I know we're in debt and have stadium plans etc but this seems crazy that we can't compete financially for a player with Peterborough :blink:


Sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm constantly amazed that people don't understand where we are financially.

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Sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm constantly amazed that people don't understand where we are financially.

Exactly this. Lets imagine SL wasn't running our club. We'd be up shits creek without a paddle, and we're trying to get off shits creek with the budget paddle we have, buying a better paddle will make us sink.

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We are on track now i believe ,love to advance with Bryan and Reid ,but in reality If they continue to put in the quality performances they have i am sûre it won't be long before the big boys come calliing with wads of filthy lucre and we will sell and invest in our club and team.Something we've been woeful at in the past because we are such a "big" club we don't trust youngsters with our future.

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Exactly this. Lets imagine SL wasn't running our club. We'd be up shits creek without a paddle, and we're trying to get off shits creek with the budget paddle we have, buying a better paddle will make us sink.

Not if the better paddle scored you 25 league goals :cool: Although I'm unaware of where such a paddle can be found these days, with a guarantee that the paddle won't fail.

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Sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm constantly amazed that people don't understand where we are financially.

Very rude, sir. I am confident that as soon as this current board of directors have the faintest idea how many people actually attended, having paid, the first few games of the season, and who sent what tickets where/ when and so on ( following some temporary ticketing challenges) then they will be a good deal closer to understanding "where we are financially." And then the layman will be informed, accordingly.

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Sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm constantly amazed that people don't understand where we are financially.

I love it, it's like some people have been asleep for the last year+ and are waking up saying, "Why aren't we shovelling money out the door like we used to?"

I'm going to hire one of those planes, you know the ones with a trailing banner out the back, saying: "We haven't got any more money; we are no longer spending as we did; we are now attempting to be financially prudent; we must sell before we buy; we cannot afford huge wages or massive fees no matter what other clubs do; there is a reason for this; it's called FFP and - ffs - trying to secure our future".

Anyone got a really long banner?

Maybe the club could pay for-


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That keeps sounding spooky to me - it's what you say every time!!

It sounds, I dunno, almost menacing!!

Arry knows where't find me!

You up for a (Tommy) banner out the back of a plane, then?

I'm more like Little Ern than Big Vern!

How much is a banner out of a plane then? I might be able to run to a bed sheet out the back of a Cortina.

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From today's press conference off BCFC Twitter account.

"Peterborough have brought in Britt Assombalonga, someone we were interested in. They paid £1m+, we can't do that."

Really? I know we're in debt and have stadium plans etc but this seems crazy that we can't compete financially for a player with Peterborough :blink:


Perhaps their finances are in better shape than ours.

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I'm more like Little Ern than Big Vern!

How much is a banner out of a plane then? I might be able to run to a bed sheet out the back of a Cortina.

Now THAT is an idea I am ready, willing and able to get behind/ in front of/ anywhere. This has to be done. All those clever tossers, Burnley, Millwall, with their planes. This Cortina idea is 100% West Country, it's so us. Genius! Would that be starting in Avonmouth? You could get a good run going up the Portway, that sheet full wotsit to the wind, by the time you reach the glorious BS3, we should be able to read "ffp" or, perhaps "ffs". They'll be lining the Portway, the bridge, the basin, to see that. Let's get this started, cmon!

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I'm more like Little Ern than Big Vern!

How much is a banner out of a plane then? I might be able to run to a bed sheet out the back of a Cortina.

That'll do it. Bed sheet out of a Ford always cheaper than Tommy Banner out of a bi-plane.

I'll look out for Little Ern at Christmas, then, when we;m sellin' next!

You make Si laugh!

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