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Types Of Owners, Views And Today.


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Previous to this year I had been a season ticket holder for five years, only short of six due to myself going to University but was at the game today and wanted to raise some issues from my own view so apologies if your flicking through the posts and this is a repetition to any other posts you have been reading.

Since Gary Johnson and the 3-2 loss to Plymouth and the 0-6 demolition job that Cardiff gave us. There's no doubt that this club has been on a slippery slope. < this is probably one of the most common lines on this forum for the last 3 years.

For me there's two types of owners firstly the 'Dave Whelan' type, not all the cash in the world but enough to apply his passion and to keep the club running smoothly. Yes Wigan have just been relegated but to be fair they haven't been relegated due to financial incompetence such as Portsmouth and Plymouth. Secondly you get a manager with loads of cash such as the Manchester City owners and Roman (Chelsea) who are able to invest millions and not feel the bite if you like. These guys tend to be more impatient than owners such as Dave Whelan as shown by Chelsea's manager record over last ten years. These two types of owners are only from my observations and some of you might believe I'm talking total rubbish which is fair enough but on a smaller level our neighbours Cardiff have an owner who has suddenly invested millions, yes destroyed the identity of the club but gained Premier League football.

Take a step back from the previous paragraph and look at Bristol City Football Club. Apparently it's in "transition". I'm not worried about 'on the pitch' just yet but from my experience based on today; I needed to collect tickets for the Southampton game in the league cup, which is ironically where I'm heading to Uni, the guys in there were nothing short of shocking. After being told on the phone to collect the tickets from collection office for the game at St. Marys but did I get them? No. But the failure to not deliver on such a basic level has seemed to be rinsed through this club, even some of the playing side which aspects were horrible to watch; basic passing and closing down at a good enough level was completely absent. Oddly I can't blame on the pitch management because we've had plenty on guys since GJ have a crack at the club and have all seemed to fail.

But I'm pointing the finger further up the Williams stand at the boardroom.

Normally I have been sat in in Williams Block L, today I was in Block H. Why is this relevant? I have noticed a chant which I assumed for about a year and a half I have missed heard but today I'm pretty sure they were chanting "We all hate Lansdown... repeat". I ask myself am I questioning Steve's Lansdown commitment to this club? For a guy who has supported the club through the whole stadium saga etc etc... but on the other hand we've had 4 management teams in almost as many years. It makes me wonder is Lansdown pressured to easily by the fans etc. To be fair do I think we need a new owner?....Yes and no we just need people to do their jobs properly we need Steve Lansdown to inject some further cash in my opinion, Sean O'Driscoll will not waste money in my view. Alternatively the fans need more communication on what the board plan to do with this club, if Landown is not willing to invest anymore than he has done if a board member were to see this post that's what I'd advise is: you see clubs such as Wolves, Peterborough, Colchester, Carlisle and Burnley are all very good on social media. I believe that this will bridge the gap of uncertainty between the fans and club. Yes Bristol City have a twitter feed but barely use it unless its reporting on a transfer or in match action etc.

Overall it's evident that something is wrong in the boardroom am I being impatient? I'm not sure. But my point is the boo's at full time just shown that a large proportion of our fan base feel they are owed something. Something short term as well as long term you can always hide behind the illusion that the long term will be fantastic but it's obviously important to consider the short term. Yes we've had a tough start to the season, we've had some positives in the cups beating Rovers and Palace which is nice. But it's the league clubs get judged on. It would be a disaster if we were to end up in League 2, do I think that it'll happen? no.

However take nothing away from Peterborough today they were class the second goal was top class. Nothing anyone can do with those I'm afraid. But we need to be better no doubt about that. Steve Lansdown please support Sean and management in the loan market.

Thanks for reading, hope I haven't made many of you fall asleep but I'd like to thing I've got a few points.


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I do hate Lansdown...Jon Lansdown that is, for being such an incompetent tit and failing to see that there are people working for this football club who are not fit for purpose. Also for being given a job he doesn't deserve with no credentials to back it up

That's Steve Lansdown's fault isn't it?

Doesn't our decline really begin with his departure to Guernsey? Now he's got his fingers in so many pies (Dino Zamparelli, Bristol RFC, Guernsey FC) I don't think he's got the time for his first love.

Let's face it, we're like a washed-up old prostitute unloved, abandoned and left to fester with only the hope of an occasional Steve visit to cling to. Well, Bristol City get on your glad rags again and hit the town. Let's show them what we've got...

Anyway that's enough of that. Sorry.

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Spot on Ray, although I don't think you can hate Jon as he was elevated to this position from Daddy.

I've been saying till I'm blue in the face, all Lansdown senior needs to do is bring in someone to support him with proper knowledge of football, it's as simple as that.

Be it another multi millionaire, to share the burden, or just someone like a George Graham, David Dein,Terry Venebels, Glen Hoddle or someone with respect in the football world, to advise him, maybe just part time.

Nail Quinn was appointed chairman at Sunderland, let's have someone who can reconnect us all?

Unfortunately the "I know best" approach, which he clearly doesn't, has left our beloved club a complete embarrassment.

I remember when I started supporting City, Wigan were non league, say's it all really.

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That's not what I was saying every owner has to have money in the bank it's just Dave Whelan is the kind of owner that does everything for the better of rather than the Manchester city owners have masses of money as does Ambramovich and it appears they are more inclined to employ a man to do everything. Then give the manager whether that's Jose, Mancini, Pellegrini ... You name them. Then it almost seems like when the manager wants a player it's like a boy pestering his dad for a new pair of football boots. That's what it appears like anyway but my point is our owner doesn't really fit either bill - he's now careful with his money which you can't argue with him for that, however he doesn't seem passionate anymore.

So that's why I was questioning if he was still the correct owner... We shall see.

It obviously doesn't when people are questioning his commitment like myself but come on Steve no ones heard from you since wolves last year in a pub if I remember off the top of my head. The gap needs to be bridged.

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I was thinking about Steve Lansdown on the way back yesterday and wondering about the latest board re shuffle, the honourable Mr Birkin has a good point, but maybe the man from Forest was meant to help here, (Burt)? but the reality is as FKA luridly paints, we are currently washed up and in need of proper attention.

This club would NOT go under if Lansdown left, it would survive - it would be messy, largely because the way SL manipulated the ownership of the club and assets going back some 10 years - but it would survive.

We've had years and years of excuses about this and that, and now it seems the latest lightning rod for failure and lack of ambition is the FFP (or whatever its called) ideal, you might suggest, given SL's apparant loss of interest

Without a doubt we burned brightly under GJ and frankly flattered to deceive - the Wembley moment was like a firework finally popping having fizzed for a season and a bit. but the utterly corrosive and frankly attritional nature of our gradual and lingering decline since must sit with the chairman and his board. (and for SL to pretend he isn't pulling the strings is a farce - 'judge me on Tinnion' lest we forget)

I watched SOD clapping the Atyeo as if trying to perform some kind of wierd ritual pantomine, ignoring the shouts and abuse, and my heart sank a little more.

Now Mr Harry, who started this thread is a young 'un (just going to Uni eh?) but there are lots of much older 'uns (like me) who are a rizla paper away from giving up on the club, due to a combination of ineptitude, pricing, commercial mismanagement and this incessant PR snowstorm of 'heads up, next game will be along in a minute, everything is rosy, 147 characters support hashtag, etc and while the game needs to move with the times, it's leaving an awful lot of its core supporters behind, and as 'stakeholders' that's probably a really stupid thing to do.

There will always be the 'cut me and I bleed red' brigade - (technical detail, you'll find we all do in reality) and Mr L relies on this to pull off the shambles that he is overseeing.

I KNOW its a young team, I've been told on twitter

I KNOW we need to rebuild and address FFP - on twitter too

but **** me I want to see us win some games!

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Totally agree, young team but let's be fair 3 points from 6 games isn't great. I would have expected a lot more, some may say I'm under an illusion, but yesterday confirmed for me the board cannot blame the management anymore.

I was sat behind SOD yesterday and some of the 'rare' expressions seem to suggest it wasn't good enough, what I mean by that is just some of the basics such as passing and the passes being off target. It also came out yesterday that the guy who scored twice was on the verge of signing for us. When he scored that wonder goal you can't help but think what it made SOD feel like and why'd you choose Peterborough over Bristol City? Perhaps more money but you feel with FFP coming in and our average attendance higher (more ticket sales) that we would be able to offer more. Don't get me wrong I understand that we don't have a great load at the minute due to Lansdown pulling the rope in and trying to make some of the £50m back. That's fair.

But something can't be right with our transfer dealings upstairs?

We already know this because we should have had a combined total of roughly £10m for both Albert and Maynard but we accepted at just over £3m. I'm referring to the £6.5m bid Leicester made and what I felt Albert was worth at his best in the championship.

To be honest I have now run out of steam talking about all the different alleys and roads or should I say motorways that the club has gone wrong at over last couple of years. All I know is the fans are owed big time.

We just need a character up there who truly loves the club and ultimately is prepared to lose money at the end of the day whether he is a short Malaysian, a loaded guy from Middle East whose had success from oil or whether it's our very own SL. I know who I'd like it to be but I just wish he'd do simple things such as turn up to every game, you would understand if your owner is from half way across the world but guernsey? Still longer than the majority of our journeys but still it was his choice.

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I've got no problem with the job Keith Burt, SoD are doing, long term we heading in the right direction.

Of the field we are seriously lacking leadership since Steve Lansdown and then Sexstone left the club.

The likes of Jon Lansdown, Kevin Smith and Co are simply incompetent.

If Smith is still employed by the club in 12months time, I'd be utterly gobsmacked.

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I've got no problem with the job Keith Burt, SoD are doing, long term we heading in the right direction.

Of the field we are seriously lacking leadership since Steve Lansdown and then Sexstone left the club.

The likes of Jon Lansdown, Kevin Smith and Co are simply incompetent.

If Smith is still employed by the club in 12months time, I'd be utterly gobsmacked.

sadly i think the football 'business' is one of those areas where incompetants flourish. we're not the only club lumbered with proven liabilities in charge, and it amazes me that someone like SL who helped establish a leading financial institution could be happy with the amatuerish way the club is run.

it re-emphasises the fact that being good in one area of business isn't a guarantee of success elsewhere - I knew a chap who ran a hugely succesful business throughout the 80's - he sold out to a management buy out and went on to piss away all his money trying to run other businesses which were things he loved and always wanted to do, and we're talking millions!

that types like Peter Risdale are/were allowed to go from one club to another is incredulous given the track record of what he did

Take a look at the new board makeup - its enough to send you into the deepest pit of despair! and what does that say about SL and his decision making in terms of his ambition for the club? regardless of what we are bound by (FFP) on the playing field, we should have a top drawer board and commercial team as that, as I understand, is exempt.

I agree about alllowing SOD and Burt enough room, but I'm not convinced the board are doing that - like Coppout and Macinnes, you get the sense that once here, they feel the reality and delivery of the set up isn't exactly what was sold to them. (and I accept thats my perception only)

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Can I ask you all, that aside from a large amount of money, what attributes does Steve Lansdown have that indicate he would be a good owner of a football club?

What in his business past is an indication that he will be able to run a sporting institution like BCFC?

What skills does he possess that are transferable to the football business?

I ask as I'm struggling to see what they are.

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That's Steve Lansdown's fault isn't it?

Doesn't our decline really begin with his departure to Guernsey? Now he's got his fingers in so many pies (Dino Zamparelli, Bristol RFC, Guernsey FC) I don't think he's got the time for his first love.

Let's face it, we're like a washed-up old prostitute unloved, abandoned and left to fester with only the hope of an occasional Steve visit to cling to. Well, Bristol City get on your glad rags again and hit the town. Let's show them what we've got...

Anyway that's enough of that. Sorry.

A superb post. :clapping:

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Secondly you get a manager with loads of cash such as the Manchester City owners and Roman (Chelsea) who are able to invest millions and not feel the bite if you like. These guys tend to be more impatient than owners such as Dave Whelan as shown by Chelsea's manager record over last ten years.

.......if only Abramovich's Chelsea FC would send their cast off managers and cast off players in our direction.

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That's Steve Lansdown's fault isn't it?

Doesn't our decline really begin with his departure to Guernsey? Now he's got his fingers in so many pies (Dino Zamparelli, Bristol RFC, Guernsey FC) I don't think he's got the time for his first love.

Let's face it, we're like a washed-up old prostitute unloved, abandoned and left to fester with only the hope of an occasional Steve visit to cling to. Well, Bristol City get on your glad rags again and hit the town. Let's show them what we've got...

Anyway that's enough of that. Sorry.

Thats irene to a t

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Haha if only - to be fair I expected abit of a negative reaction to my post but it does seem that the majority of the fans are unhappy when was the last positive thread on this feed?

Sean O'Driscoll is a man who talks a lot of sense unlike recent managers and I did post on a thread something along the lines of "this club is his fit bigger than Doncaster but not as big as Forest" albeit sacked in controversial circumstances.

I just hope the board see these threads on this site. They must be aware of this forum.

Maybe they are to scared to load it up.

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