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Rigby Killers Plead Not Guilty...


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Unfortunately mate they don't need grounds to plead not guilty. They've done it to maximise their coverage.

Whatever happens to them, I hope they don't die, because they'd love to be martyrs.

Bury them in a dead pig if the do snuff it. Or chop em up and feed them to pigs. No virgins for them in the after life and it may put of others willing to die for some belief system!
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At least it means they will get a longer sentence now they have pleaded not guilty.

(If, for once, of course, the unelected old farts of the judiciary actually dish out the right sentence, just for a change !)

Those Muslim convert killers of Lee Rigby should be executed. The death penalty - that lawyer lowlife Tony Blair abolished - should be back on the statute book. Why should our taxes be used in keeping them in the lap of protected luxury in one of Her Majesty's hotels?

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I feel two remakes of the final scenes of braveheart would suffice for these see you next tuesdays

My favourite piece of medieval torture is where they they tie your feet wide apart to a high bar

They then proceed to start sawing down the middle.

And you're still alive while they're doing this. they used to see how far they could get with the person still alive

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Those Muslim convert killers of Lee Rigby should be executed. The death penalty - that lawyer lowlife Tony Blair abolished - should be back on the statute book. Why should our taxes be used in keeping them in the lap of protected luxury in one of Her Majesty's hotels?

Didn't Harold Wilson abolish the death sentence for murder?

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Didn't Harold Wilson abolish the death sentence for murder?

The death penalty was still on the statute book for High Treason when the Blair regime came to power in 1997. The Labour Party celebrated when Saddam Hussein was hung - saying that their war in Iraq was fully justified. About time Blair and Co had a rope around their necks for their various treasons, lying and war mongering.

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The death penalty was still on the statute book for High Treason when the Blair regime came to power in 1997. The Labour Party celebrated when Saddam Hussein was hung - saying that their war in Iraq was fully justified. About time Blair and Co had a rope around their necks for their various treasons, lying and war mongering.

Well killing a soldier is. murder, not high treason - the same as killing a gardener or a housewife.

The reason lots of people plead not guilty even when the evidence against them is overwhelming is that remand prisoners - those awaiting trial - enjoy much better conditions than convicted prisoners.

In the case of these men, they know they are facing anything from 30 years to whole life tarrifs - what have they to lose?

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Well killing a soldier is. murder, not high treason - the same as killing a gardener or a housewife.

The reason lots of people plead not guilty even when the evidence against them is overwhelming is that remand prisoners - those awaiting trial - enjoy much better conditions than convicted prisoners.

In the case of these men, they know they are facing anything from 30 years to whole life tarrifs - what have they to lose?

What those two home grown Muslim converts did certainly does represent a High Treason for which they could have been executed were it not for lawyer and EU loving traitor Tony Blair and his regime taking execution for High Treason from the statute book.

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What those two home grown Muslim converts did certainly does represent a High Treason for which they could have been executed were it not for lawyer and EU loving traitor Tony Blair and his regime taking execution for High Treason from the statute book.

Look up the definition. of high treason. The IRA and others have been. killing British soldiers for years and it is murder not high treason.

The last execution for treason was in 1945. Your argument is nonsense, once again.

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Look up the definition. of high treason. The IRA and others have been. killing British soldiers for years and it is murder not high treason.

The last execution for treason was in 1945. Your argument is nonsense, once again.

You've spent too much time working for the Cultural Marxist and pro Islam BBC it would seem. Participating in a war or acts of sabotage against one's native country is High Treason. High treason requires that the alleged traitors have obligations of loyalty in the state he or she betrayed, such as citizenship. Thus the Muslim converts that killed and openly mutilated the British serving soldier outside his barracks are traitors that could have been executed were it not for EU loving traitor Tony Blair and his regime abolishing the punishment.

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You've spent too much time working for the Cultural Marxist and pro Islam BBC it would seem. Participating in a war or acts of sabotage against one's native country is High Treason. High treason requires that the alleged traitors have obligations of loyalty in the state he or she betrayed, such as citizenship. Thus the Muslim converts that killed and openly mutilated the British serving soldier outside his barracks are traitors that could have been executed were it not for EU loving traitor Tony Blair and his regime abolishing the punishment.

But Tony Blair is not PM, Cameron. is and although the offence still stands, the killers have not been charged with it.

So you are talking rectally, Gobbers.

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Those Muslim convert killers of Lee Rigby should be executed. The death penalty - that lawyer lowlife Tony Blair abolished - should be back on the statute book. Why should our taxes be used in keeping them in the lap of protected luxury in one of Her Majesty's hotels?

Just so you know, it's more expensive to give someone the death penalty than it is to imprison someone for life.

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Can be in the millions mate. When you're taking a life, you have to have a proper and thorough appeals process, and as we all know, people can be on death row for years and years. As someone who has done a lot of research on the subject, on average, it is much, much more expensive to give the death penalty than to incarcerate someone for life.

Even if it was cheaper that wouldn't make the death penalty ok, but just thought I'd drop that fact in there.

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Well once again, let's be thankful that we have a (relatively) decent criminal justice system then, and one based on ludicrous ideas such as those.

Live by the sword die by the sword. But they might see the errors of their ways you never know.

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Can be in the millions mate. When you're taking a life, you have to have a proper and thorough appeals process, and as we all know, people can be on death row for years and years. As someone who has done a lot of research on the subject, on average, it is much, much more expensive to give the death penalty than to incarcerate someone for life.

Even if it was cheaper that wouldn't make the death penalty ok, but just thought I'd drop that fact in there.

'Death row' - you're writing about the USA it would seem. I doubt if it costs £millions for someone to be executed in Saudi Arabia, Sharia Law court then the cost of the swordsman to behead the murderer - a few £thousand? I'm not anti Sharia Law per se and I'd be quite happy for the Muslim converts that murdered Lee Rigby to face trial under Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia where they can be executed - surely their right as Muslim converts to be executed in Saudi Arabia?

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'Death row' - you're writing about the USA it would seem. I doubt if it costs £millions for someone to be executed in Saudi Arabia, Sharia Law court then the cost of the swordsman to behead the murderer - a few £thousand? I'm not anti Sharia Law per se and I'd be quite happy for the Muslim converts that murdered Lee Rigby to face trial under Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia where they can be executed - surely their right as Muslim converts to be executed in Saudi Arabia?

Well I was referring to our legal system, and were we to ever re-implement the death penalty, we would be much more likely to implement a system more like the Americans than the Saudi's :D. Of course it can be done on the cheap but how many of us would really want a legal system like Saudi Arabia's? :D People complain about our legal system a lot, saying people get off leniently, but I can't think of any other country's models that are actually better and/or that I'd prefer.

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Well I was referring to our legal system, and were we to ever re-implement the death penalty, we would be much more likely to implement a system more like the Americans than the Saudi's :D. Of course it can be done on the cheap but how many of us would really want a legal system like Saudi Arabia's? :D People complain about our legal system a lot, saying people get off leniently, but I can't think of any other country's models that are actually better and/or that I'd prefer.

The problem with the British legal system is that it is very expensive and infested with overpaid upper middle class and upper class Toffs and is no where near being the best in the world as our judicial Toffs would have us believe. One example is Hillsborough where everyone now knows that statements were fiddled by Police and Police CPS lawyers to put all the blame on the football supporters. Not one Policeman or Police CPS lawyer has yet to be prosecuted after nearly 25 years. You can't fault the Saudi legal system in this respect where even Princesses get stoned - no class based system in operation there. In conclusion, our legal system is class based and weighted heavily against the English working man and football supporter.

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