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Sean O'dismal's Message Of Doom

fka dagest

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I hope the players don't read the ill informed tripe that is written on here. If there is something wrong at our club it is the attitude of some of the fans. This forum is so negative and complains and moans about anything and everything that happens at the club. It is soul destroying reading what so called fans are writing. (should add not aimed at your post or you personally, general comment)

Can't disagree with that, theres far to many anti Driscol comments, i heard and watched the interview and i got it, it was a figure of speech, jumped on by many.Not sure why we keep getting the comments regarding the history pre this season to results.it's a whole new team practically.

And even if we win, It will then all start again if we dont go on a run. I think we will stay up, As I believe we will progress and not degress. just my ten pence worth.

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Can't disagree with that, theres far to many anti Driscol comments, i heard and watched the interview and i got it, it was a figure of speech, jumped on by many.Not sure why we keep getting the comments regarding the history pre this season to results.it's a whole new team practically.

And even if we win, It will then all start again if we dont go on a run. I think we will stay up, As I believe we will progress and not degress. just my ten pence worth.

People just seem to want any excuse to have a pop at him because the team isn't winning.

Seems to go back to his comments regarding the pitch invasion after the Gas game, he was asked by a reporter and he said it was ridiculous. Was he going to condone it then on national TV and get criticised by the masses? Pretty much a no win situation there.

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Where does he say he's not expecting to win?

What he's saying is that he's managing a team who have "some" supporters who are so negative that if we aren't winning ( even at ht) boo the players off.

I must admit to laughing at some of the posts on here, fans that are constantly negative to the extreme are having a "pop" at a manager who is clearly just trying to get through to these same fans that there negativity isn't and never will make us a better club and team.

Don't you get it!

You have described a marriage made in heaven, 'some' negative fans and an ultra negative manager. How's about rallying the troops?, once more into the breach?, we'll fight them on the beaches? etc. Just exactly how is his droning interviews and excuses actually getting through to the fans he is so obviously alienating?, he obviously dosen't get it that's for sure.

And what predictable cliches did Millen come out with?

Of our recent past managers he spoke the most sense during his interviews.

"I didn't see that coming", just off the top my head.

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I'm pretty sure he keeps "droning" about it, in all his interviews, because some, and i say some, arn't getting it. He should wear a helmet for all the banging his head against a wall he's doing...

He's a football manager and a seasoned ex pro, if he is so precious that the views of 'some fans' who aren't getting it, he is clearly in the wrong job flower.

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Err,yes, I've been doing a 70 mile round trip for nearly 40 years. Why?

Is it because my way of thinking is that to have ANY sustained success we have to have a long term plan.

Not change managers every 20 games.

No one, board or fans, could be expected to accept a situation where a second successive relegation under this manager looked likely.

If a change had to be made - and let's hope it doesn't come to that - it wouldn't have to alter the long term plan at all, the point being the strategy in place for the clubs' future is not dependant on SO'D or any individual.

The plan would remain, it would simply mean a different individual overseeing it.

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Where does he say he's not expecting to win?

What he's saying is that he's managing a team who have "some" supporters who are so negative that if we aren't winning ( even at ht) boo the players off.

I must admit to laughing at some of the posts on here, fans that are constantly negative to the extreme are having a "pop" at a manager who is clearly just trying to get through to these same fans that there negativity isn't and never will make us a better club and team.

Don't you get it!

Not "some supporters" but everyone in the city.

Here's an abridged version of the question, and the first part of the answer, word for word:

Colchester…what have you made of them from what you’ve seen?

Well, sometimes it doesn’t really matter what I think. It’ll be a team that everybody, like the whole city, thinks we should beat five or six, and that’s, you know, that’s, that’s our, that’s our biggest hurdle.

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What there is to get isn't that hard to get. It isn't a question of misunderstanding what he's saying. For clarity, the oft repeated message is that the deep-lying problems in the club can't be solved by frequent changes in management. What is required is a change in culture and structure and this will take time. Accept that, be patient and everything will turn out OK. Just wait. Isn't that the essence of the message?

The problem I have is that we're being asked to have faith in a man who, so far, hasn't delivered. So, we're a million miles away from where we should/want to be. When exactly can we anticipate seeing the team we all want to see?

Who on this thread would accept relegation as part of the long term plan?

Just for the record I'll be as happy as anyone if we win tomorrow and go on a great run. I'd happily hold my hands up and say I was wrong. Here's to hoping.

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I can see what Sod is saying, and I can see why he is saying it. But I just wish he didn't feel the need to. I don't want to hear how Colchester will be hard to beat, I want to hear him say that Bristol City will be hard to beat. I've said it before we are the home team, they are visitors to our City lets have a great game of football but we are really up for it and the game is ours, the points are ours.

And as for booing, no I don't like to hear it as it means things are very wrong. I don't think City fans boo too easily, infact we are very patient considering the rough few seasons we have had. I'm afraid life is tough sometimes, even the top players and managers hear a few now and again. But as long as SoD and the players feel they have done their very best, given their best performance, made the right decisions, they can hold their heads up and ignore the boos. I don't think during the last home game they did personally, maybe deep down SoD knows that too and that's why it's getting to him so much?

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OK that's good, but what is he doing to stir the fans into sticking together? do you believe his interviews are helping with that?

His interviews have been quite down beat, but he must be right to a certain degree as we haven't won a game in the league.

We need just one win, then we can move forward...slowly.

But to answer your question, he wants our patience, something were not very good at.

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His interviews have been quite down beat, but he must be right to a certain degree as we haven't won a game in the league.

We need just one win, then we can move forward...slowly.

But to answer your question, he wants our patience, something were not very good at.

If thats all its going to take then why didnt the rovers game give us a push? If people think 1 win is going to get us going they are more deluded than the rest of us

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His interviews have been quite down beat, but he must be right to a certain degree as we haven't won a game in the league.

We need just one win, then we can move forward...slowly.

But to answer your question, he wants our patience, something were not very good at.

Right? right about what exactly?, whose fault is it that we haven't won a league game?, mine?, yours? and don't you think that even patient fans are permitted to ask what's going on? and expect just a little bit more fight from our leader?.

5 years of patience is not patience?

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Right? right about what exactly?, whose fault is it that we haven't won a league game?, mine?, yours? and don't you think that even patient fans are permitted to ask what's going on? and expect just a little bit more fight from our leader?.

5 years of patience is not patience?

Ok, we've chopped and changed managers a few times which hasn't worked, we've all wanted a change in playing staff which we are waiting to see come good.

Do we change the manager again because he's a boring bugger, I really don't know if anyone can do any better. We are going through a massive transition at the moment and confidence is certainly still frail from last season.

Me, I refuse to panic, we will pull out of this! SOD is the right man to oversea this for the next 2-3 years, then I think we will find someone to take us forward.

Same sort if thing with Swansea and Kenny Jacket, he laid the foundations there.

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Ok, we've chopped and changed managers a few times which hasn't worked, we've all wanted a change in playing staff which we are waiting to see come good.

Do we change the manager again because he's a boring bugger, I really don't know if anyone can do any better. We are going through a massive transition at the moment and confidence is certainly still frail from last season.

Me, I refuse to panic, we will pull out of this! SOD is the right man to oversea this for the next 2-3 years, then I think we will find someone to take us forward.

Same sort if thing with Swansea and Kenny Jacket, he laid the foundations there.

Sentence 1 correct.

Sentence 2 you are falling for the bullshit being spread around by a few hysterical Sodite posters, there are only a few calling for his head, most are just calling for less excuses. Transition? Swindon are going through arguably a bigger transition than us as are Coventry dosen't seem to be affecting them.

Sentence 3 most people are saying we'll see, but perhaps there has to be a cut off point.

Sentence 4 ah the Swansea chestnut, our problem is we have had 5 years of foundations but none of the structure is usable.

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Sentence 1 correct.

Sentence 2 you are falling for the bullshit being spread around by a few hysterical Sodite posters, there are only a few calling for his head, most are just calling for less excuses. Transition? Swindon are going through arguably a bigger transition than us as are Coventry dosen't seem to be affecting them.

Sentence 3 most people are saying we'll see, but perhaps there has to be a cut off point.

Sentence 4 ah the Swansea chestnut, our problem is we have had 5 years of foundations but none of the structure is usable.

Yeah, I guess we all look for comparisons to give us hope.

You have to agree that the club is rotten to the core at the moment?!

I don't know what else to suggest...have you got a plan to get us out of this sticky patch?

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I agree with the OP Sean loves stats , possession stats, pass completion stats -well heres a stat for you 5 wins in 28 league games 17.5% win rate

I would also hazard a guess that our wage bill is stillmin the top 5 in the division so its his team and hes now setting expectations as low as possible

This has got disaster written all over it and if we dont win a game soon the players will not expect to win and the spiral continues

The club remains leaderless on the pitch leaderless in the Boardroom and the whole club reeks of inertia and needs a big personality manager not an insular intellectual that is all doom and gloom and coming off as increasingly arrogant

id have Gary Johnson back in a heartbeat

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Yeah, I guess we all look for comparisons to give us hope.

You have to agree that the club is rotten to the core at the moment?!

I don't know what else to suggest...have you got a plan to get us out of this sticky patch?

Stop making excuses would be a good start for me and instead of alluding to the size of the task, why dosen't he have the balls to say stick with me, i'm the man for the job, it will improve and I will build a team for you to be proud of, just a thought, you see some on here are spreading the myth that the negativity is only coming from 'some' fans' when in fact it's coming more from the head coach.

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Stop making excuses would be a good start for me and instead of alluding to the size of the task, why dosen't he have the balls to say stick with me, i'm the man for the job, it will improve and I will build a team for you to be proud of, just a thought, you see some on here are spreading the myth that the negativity is only coming from 'some' fans' when in fact it's coming more from the head coach.

I came on here trying to be positive, now I'm a bit pissed off, ha ha

Tough times ahead, let's hope we turn the corner soon!!!

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The written transcript in the Post is rather downbeat. Whether this is a realistic necessity or simply a reflection of SOD himself, and his world view, I just don't know. A different character in charge and we would see a different approach. Have the club asked him to try to change our "mind-set" or has Sean just taken it upon himself to do this? Is the ex-small club man exacting some sort of revenge on a big city, but middling club? I think it is ambitious to attempt this; people are rather attached to their way of thinking (how would Sean find his "mind-set" being twiddled with, in a more upbeat, we-can-do-this, direction?), not that there is one "mind-set" as others have pointed out. The lack of care taken over the words and phrases chosen (lumping us all into one mind-set, one expectation, one homogenous lump of people refusing to listen) is foolish, and a mistake. That no one else at the club has seemingly "edited" this, or advised him to moderate his thoughts, is unfortunate, to say the least.

To try to change people's hopes and expectations is ambitious; to do so during and following a relegation, foolhardy; and in an ongoing winless run, nuts.

Expectations in football are unrealistic wherever you care to look. They may have a regional flavour peculiar to us at AG, but we are hardly alone in all this. The England team, anyone? Expectations in life are increasingly unsatiable and unsustainable.

And people don't listen. They don't listen in Wolverhampton, in Bournemouth, anywhere. Not until you have built up some sort of relationship with them. And you have not done that here. Not yet. And you have some way to go now to establish that.

Just to be clear, he may well be right. It might our unrealistic expectations that are the team's biggest challenge. But there are intelligent ways and stupid ways to go about addressing this. I would expect a smart bloke to try the former approach. That's my mind-set as far as that's concerned and I'm not changing it. Not tonight.

In the words of Elvis: a little less conversation, a little more action. Please. Even if it means snubbing the local media bods and that chump that tweeted the choice soundbite

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Everyone will have their own opinion, but I am staggered that so many still try and find some positive spin in the words of Sean O'Meldrew. Think about it!! The notion that football fans, with the reasonable expectation that their team might win a league match, refusing to passively accept mediocrity, then repeatedly find, bizarrely, that the Head Coach has deigned that his misfiring charges are not to blame, nor the HC himself, or the staff, but the expectation of said paying supporters. Boys and Girls the Emperor is naked!!!!

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Bloody hell he's a bit of a misery isnt it? There's pragmatical and then there's looking like Droopy at the bottom end of a Whisky Barrel, when there is no whisky left. Would it break him for him to be positive about our team, for once?

This post made me crack up! Mr Pot meet Mr Kettle...

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