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Dave L's Sad News

The Exiled Robin

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Apologies if this has already been mentioned as a standalone post or in other comments, but I haven't seen anything.

What I have seen are a couple of posts in the last few days saying 'I haven't heard back from DaveL' or 'DaveLs been quiet on this issue' or similar.

For those that don't use Twitter or may have missed it, he tweeted yesterday that his wife sadly passed away last weekend, following a long battle with MS.




I am not posting this to spread gossip or bad news, but I was surprised I hadn't seen anything to date and wanted to let all those that discuss matters with him on here, or ask for his comments, know, so any comments for the next few weeks can be rationalised accordingly.

Puts everything in perspective, eh?

I'm sure I speak for all when I say RIP Mrs Lloyd, and take care and take your time in getting back to us Dave. Our thoughts are with you

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Very sad news indeed. Sincere sympathies to Dave and family. Can't be easy trying to keep everyone in the BCFC world happy when you are also coping with important family matters at home. Hope BCFC and all connected with the club, including us fans, can offer support and strength to Dave at this time and in the months ahead.

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Puts everything into perspective after the moaning that went on for tickets to a football game. Awful news

This. Dave has taken a lot of stick on here lately, whilst obviously dealing with far bigger and more important things at home

A job is a job, but family is family

All the best Dave, remember the good times

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