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Where Is Wynter?


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Probably got lost on his way to Old Trafford, sorry, Wycombe.

What's the phrase about breweries and piss ups?

I tried organising one of these, once. Not as easy as it seems. I forgot the crisps and pork scratchings! And there weren't enough glasses for everyone. A toilet, always remember, a toilet, or a bucket, close at hand, makes such a difference. Do you think I could find a bucket? A bloody bucket! In a brewery. Toilet roll, essential. Not a pleasant sight watching blokes trying to wipe their backsides with torn up cardboard boxes. Doesn't have the absorbancy, you see. Make a list! Start with a list and go from there

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When I worked for ICL in beautiful Bracknell, the social club arranged a trip to a local brewery, not 15 miles away. The coach got lost, broke down, and arrived too late to do the trip. Proverbial, or what?

I'm telling you-not as straight forward as it sounds! Piss-ups take some organising, they really do. Cock ups, though, more straightforward

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