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Krans To Hereford United

fka dagest

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i keep hearing the Chelsea link

can somebody please show me some evidence of this

personally i do not believe there is a "cat in hells" chance that there is real credibility to that story

i am willing to be convinced though ? thought of a nice thread to start on this one

Roman Abramovich to Kevin Krans

"i bored with Fernando...come and join us" !!

other otherwise accepted myths in history include :

"play it again Sam" Bogart never actually said that

Elementary, my dear Watson.

Sherlock Holmes never said it.

"Let them eat cake"

Marie Antoinette never said it. It was spoken by another French woman, and the food item referenced were buns, not cake.

Also An apple never fell on Isaac Newton's head and George Washington never cut down that cherry tree.

Well thank you very much ,you've spoilt my day.Next you'll be telling us there's no such thing as Father Christmas !

And that we have n't own a league match this season .

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