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The Magic Roundabout


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So Mr Wilson has gone and doubtless Frank will too.

Those of you over 16 might cast their minds back to the truly awful period during which we had Jordan2/Osman/Smith/Pulis/Fawthrop and remind those who don't seem to remember how awful our football was during that spell.

DW has had a right old job on his hands, getting rid of deadweights and trying to introduce new un's and dealing with an accountant for a chairman.

(yes, financial prudence is a must for long term survival, but he's still an accountant by any other name)

I think DW HAS done a marvelous job, and it so happens he's run out of options.

so maybe it's right for him to go now. (to be frank, our quality of play has been poor for some time)

But before we go off on the usual run of nonsensical options (Tinman, Cooper -for chrissake!! Curle etc etc) can we please remember we want attractive attacking football played with wingers!

Lets look at the style of these people, Yes we need better motivation, some of our players think they are bigger than they are, but the Mill experience proved we didn't deserve promotion.

Lets get back to fast, passing wing play. not hit and hope channel balls, or direct to the big man stuff. it can be done and there are other teams doing it in our division.

Mr Lansdown, think it through, don't panic, just be calm.

Please god, not John Gregory.

What about Gillespie? he must be somewhat dissillusioned?


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