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For what it's worth, I don't think the win is as big as being made out. It's the next game that's important. I said on another thread it's how we build on this that matters. Some forget we've already won two cup games so it's not like the team didn't know how to win or couldn't win... We didn't take that confidence from the cup games, let's hope we do this time

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absolutely. the rest of the season will be a doddle now. we'll probably win every game from now on. it must be true, because the "true believers" have told us that's how it's going to be. hallelujah! praise the lord.


Indeed Brother...


...I expect nothing less.





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Now with all those home games coming up we will find out if we really have turned the corner. Many were calling for SOD's head -me included to be honest and I'm still not convinced but let's see how we go in November -if results go forward then fine but if we go back to regular defeats then the change will have to be made . One swallow doesn't make a summer! (or even a winter!) 

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Now with all those home games coming up we will find out if we really have turned the corner. Many were calling for SOD's head -me included to be honest and I'm still not convinced but let's see how we go in November -if results go forward then fine but if we go back to regular defeats then the change will have to be made . One swallow doesn't make a summer! (or even a winter!) 

Agreed. My opinion of him has been dwindling, still needs to prove he's the right man for the job. The next two home games are even more important than todays win and show us that the team really is turning the corner.

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I have been led to believe by some on this forum that once the elusive win is achieved, there will be no stopping us and a barnstorming climb up the table will ensue...


...thank **** for that...


...worries over.

get a grip mate.its just one win..its what happens over the next month that will give perspective.one swallow doesnt make a summer-even if it does put the cherry on a saturday night. 

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i was sat on the bog this morning and thought to myself, 'oh well,heres looking to next weekend'

then i remembered we'd won at last and made for a much more pleasurable experience.

bit weird how that feeling had become sort of automatic,cant be healthy and must not happen again

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