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Usa Spying.


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Hacking phones and spying on world leaders who are supposed friends of yours must be the shittiest thing you can do.

The USA have finally been outed publically by one of their own and I can't see how they can recover from this, but hardly gets a mention from the press or from our own weasel in government.

I assume the Bullingdon Clubs top posh bully boy is so quiet on this matter because he knew this was going on and probably had his own ear to the ground thanks to the shared intelligence they have with the USA.

Hopefully it gets leaked that we were in on it too, It will give them a good reason to kick us out of the EU.

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Hacking phones and spying on world leaders who are supposed friends of yours must be the shittiest thing you can do.

The USA have finally been outed publically by one of their own and I can't see how they can recover from this, but hardly gets a mention from the press or from our own weasel in government.

I assume the Bullingdon Clubs top posh bully boy is so quiet on this matter because he knew this was going on and probably had his own ear to the ground thanks to the shared intelligence they have with the USA.

Hopefully it gets leaked that we were in on it too, It will give them a good reason to kick us out of the EU.

Disgraceful. Not even sure they have issued any apologies either have they?

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Hacking phones and spying on world leaders who are supposed friends of yours must be the shittiest thing you can do.

The USA have finally been outed publically by one of their own and I can't see how they can recover from this, but hardly gets a mention from the press or from our own weasel in government.

I assume the Bullingdon Clubs top posh bully boy is so quiet on this matter because he knew this was going on and probably had his own ear to the ground thanks to the shared intelligence they have with the USA.

Hopefully it gets leaked that we were in on it too, It will give them a good reason to kick us out of the EU.



It'll get quashed as a conspiracy ;)

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Hacking phones and spying on world leaders who are supposed friends of yours must be the shittiest thing you can do.

The USA have finally been outed publically by one of their own and I can't see how they can recover from this, but hardly gets a mention from the press or from our own weasel in government.



Wasn't it the lead item on the news, yesterday?

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Wasn't it the lead item on the news, yesterday?

I was gonna say; it's been all over the BBC website for several days.

I don't think it's a surprise that they do it, but it perhaps is that they do it to so many of their 'allies'. Nothing will be done though- America is still too important an ally for most other countries and the president will have 'plausible deniability' on this so he can sack a few people call for an inquiry and say sorry. Everyone's friends again

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They all do it. What do you think intelligence services do all day????


If spies dont spy what do they do?


I honestly think Ed Snowdon is a Russian, there is no way he knows as much as he says he does, he new a little bit and then he's guessed some stuff and then he's fed the media a load of stuff that everyone already knew anyway.

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Edward Snowden has probably received a handsone payment if he isn't a red turncoat.

The journalist who "broke" the story has now set up his own media outlet. The Guardian of course makes money from the Edward Snowden story.

The whole thing stinks, does nothing but harm international relations and places lives in danger.

The Germans will know full well the extent of forieng intelligence in its own country. Every country in Europe will. Their mock outrage is laughable.

The Germans didn't seem to mind when they have been warned of plots in their own country.

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Edward Snowden has probably received a handsone payment if he isn't a red turncoat.

The journalist who "broke" the story has now set up his own media outlet. The Guardian of course makes money from the Edward Snowden story.

The whole thing stinks, does nothing but harm international relations and places lives in danger.

The Germans will know full well the extent of forieng intelligence in its own country. Every country in Europe will. Their mock outrage is laughable.

The Germans didn't seem to mind when they have been warned of plots in their own country.


If thats true then it stinks more than I thought it did

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Edward Snowden has probably received a handsone payment if he isn't a red turncoat.

The journalist who "broke" the story has now set up his own media outlet. The Guardian of course makes money from the Edward Snowden story.

The whole thing stinks, does nothing but harm international relations and places lives in danger.

The Germans will know full well the extent of forieng intelligence in its own country. Every country in Europe will. Their mock outrage is laughable.

The Germans didn't seem to mind when they have been warned of plots in their own country.

You obviously wouldn't have any qualms about the NSA listening in to your private phone calls then ?

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You obviously wouldn't have any qualms about the NSA listening in to your private phone calls then ?


I wouldnt :) not if the next call they listen to stops 200 people getting blown up on a plane.  I dont know how people think that terroists get caught if not by spying by spy agencies.

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I wouldnt :) not if the next call they listen to stops 200 people getting blown up on a plane.  I dont know how people think that terroists get caught if not by spying by spy agencies.

There must be a hell of a lot of terrorists in Spain then, and as for that Merkel. 

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There must be a hell of a lot of terrorists in Spain then, and as for that Merkel. 


I think the targeting of mekel was more or less a case that she was'nt excluded.  But like others have said thats a realy dumb statement, lots of north african terroists use spain as a place to get at mainland europe.

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I think the targeting of mekel was more or less a case that she was'nt excluded.  But like others have said thats a realy dumb statement, lots of north african terroists use spain as a place to get at mainland europe.

Yeah, right.


60 million phone calls monitored in Spain in one month, as I said are there really that many terrorists ?

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I wouldnt :) not if the next call they listen to stops 200 people getting blown up on a plane. I dont know how people think that terroists get caught if not by spying by spy agencies.

That also doesn't justify them tapping the Mexican presidents phone to gain information to increase the profitability of currency trading transactions.

My issue is not that they do it- I have nothing to hide- but that the NSA seem to think they can ride roughshod over the laws and authority of other soveriegn nations with they are supposed to be allied. There is no need for them to tap Angela Merkel's phone. If they want to log phone calls in Spain for the purposes of counter-terrorism, why not ask for the cooperation of their Spanish counterparts?

I think those who counter with the argument "what do spies do if they do not spy" have a very niaive view of 21st century espionage

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Yeah, right.

60 million phone calls monitored in Spain in one month, as I said are there really that many terrorists ?

No. But if you don't listen you don't find.

Couldn't care if they listened to mine. Poor analyst would probably bored to death.

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That also doesn't justify them tapping the Mexican presidents phone to gain information to increase the profitability of currency trading transactions.

My issue is not that they do it- I have nothing to hide- but that the NSA seem to think they can ride roughshod over the laws and authority of other soveriegn nations with they are supposed to be allied. There is no need for them to tap Angela Merkel's phone. If they want to log phone calls in Spain for the purposes of counter-terrorism, why not ask for the cooperation of their Spanish counterparts?

I think those who counter with the argument "what do spies do if they do not spy" have a very niaive view of 21st century espionage

Do you honestly think Germany knew nothing of the USA monitoring? It takes some quite big equipment to monitor that many calls, do voice recognition and store it.

The governments are just playing at suprise.

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Do you honestly think Germany knew nothing of the USA monitoring? It takes some quite big equipment to monitor that many calls, do voice recognition and store it.

The governments are just playing at suprise.

No it doesn't; my iPhone can do voice recognition and store 16GB of data. All phone calls are is microwaves or fibre optic transmission; a geek with a lap top and the right receiver could do it

So are you implying that Angel Merkel willingly submitted to having her phone calls monitored?

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I think its a bit soon for Germany to be crying foul, not so long ago they were all Nazi's hell bent on taking over the world, and nearly did!


So **** off Mercal and dont be so naive to think we would not be spying on you, of course we are, Jesus, not gonna take our eye off the ball like that again

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all countrys do this, those crying outrage do it and are trying to deflect from their own spying,

Take Brazil such outrage and now have egg on their faces because they have been caught,

If we or any country didn't spy then a hell of alot more damage would of been done to infurstructer by terroist (or freedom fighters as some are known as),


Its been happen since before roman times and will continue to happen long after we are dead

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