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The Swansea 'blueprint' And Vincent's High, Pressed Trousers

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Well, as the big game kicks off across the water, I thought I'd pass on some interesting points from articles on the south Wales success story.

1. Huw Jenkins, the Swans chairman, "the biggest thing you need...is belief that you can compete, because we've encountered reasons why we couldn't compete right throughout each division we were in." Then, "we have to make sure whoever comes in to manage, coach and play for us in future, they can't be talking about different levels of leagues within a league. To me, that is complete failure." He was referring here to the idea that Swansea might have achieved as much as they could be expected to, in the past two years and that they could never hope to take points off the top 6 or 7 Prem clubs. That there was/is a defeatist attitude, amongst some "players and staff" there when contemplating games v. Arsenal, Chelsea, Mans C and U, etc. In other words, he expects to take points off them. Also, "that's the biggest challenge I've got (that attitude), to make sure that turns around and that everybody working with the club believes...we can compete, irrespective of the size of the club OR BUDGETS." FFS!!

In my view, once the five or six overpaid failures from last year are gone and no longer holding us back, financially, the noises coming out of AG need to change, to become more upbeat, more 'Can-do,' more bloody positive and hopeful. Not "the Prem in two years" but just encouraging.

What would Jenkins make of the downbeat messages flowing our way for months? Don't think SOD will be

getting a call from Mr. Jenkins any time, soon. Shame, Sean would enjoy living in The Mumbles.

Finally, on this, "we tend to talk about things in the wrong way. We don't see every game as a winnable game, which is not right and it's not our mentality." Huw Jenkins, Swansea chairman.

Okay, they've got good/ better players and a great coach, etc. But some upbeat, positivity would not go amiss. "Irrespective of budgets" we should be looking to beat sides in this League. Have we not lowered our sights low enough, now? The bar can't be set too much lower.

2. Jenkins talks about buying players with room for improvement, rather than expensive, finished article types. Someone put up a thread about who have we improved. It's a good point. Look at Shorey!

3. The article ends, 'attractive to watch on the pitch and well run off it, Swansea's model is widely viewed as the blueprint for clubs across all levels to follow, even if the signing-in book remains blank. "NOBODY HAS COME TO VISIT US, EVER," Jenkins says. "I suppose it does surprise me you a little bit."

Jon, Sean, Steve (if you're around): how about a trip west along the M4. I'll even drive you there myself. And pay the bloody bridge toll. Ffs.

4. On a lighter note, apparently, Vincent "do these trousers look okay with this red top over my collared shirt?" Tan is surrounded by people who tell him how great he is. And this might be contributing to some of his unorthodox "decision making." I think we should let him know he is wonderful and that there is no reason why he should not have a more "hands-on" role in the coaching and selection of the first team.

Perhaps Jon, Sean, Steve and me can drop in to see Vince on our way to Swansea...

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Well, the idea was to point out that

1. Swansea do not appear to share or have succeeded with O'Driscoll's downbeat worldview, and

2. No-one has been to pick their brains down there.

Where people go with the thread, not my doing. The articles I read are in the paper today, because the game is today.

I'm not sure SOD's can't(-be-expected-to-)do, gloomy public pronouncements are helping right now. Perhaps he's different with the players, away from the cameras and people with dopey questions. Perhaps

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I can't believe those pathetic fans.

They just beat their local rivals, no

Pitch invasions, no trying to attack away fans, no throwing corner flags at away fans

Not even anyone trying to fight a police horse.

They celebrated in their seats in a grown up adult manner!!!

I bet none of them even got arrested!!!


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The Swansea model starts with going into administration twice.

I think this is something you could adopt - you've done it once already obviously and are free-falling with your main investor losing interest rapidly.

Good luck.

Hate to bite but have your horrible little club paid back all the money owed to the HMRC yet?

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The Swansea model starts with going into administration twice.


I think this is something you could adopt - you've done it once already obviously and are free-falling with your main investor losing interest rapidly.


Good luck.


And having the local council build you a new stadium that you're allowed to use free of charge.

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Turned the lights out on your own fans who wanted to protest?


What sort of Asian Dictatorship have you become?

I was in the Canton stand for 20 minutes or so after final whistle and they were on then. Still I suppose if was in the Daily Mirror it must be true.

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