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The Swansea 'blueprint' And Vincent's High, Pressed Trousers

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3. The article ends, 'attractive to watch on the pitch and well run off it, Swansea's model is widely viewed as the blueprint for clubs across all levels to follow, even if the signing-in book remains blank. "NOBODY HAS COME TO VISIT US, EVER," Jenkins says. "I suppose it does surprise me you a little bit."



Surely not everybody's forgotten Holloway just because Palace sacked him?  He's said about being inspired by Swansea before, as in the story below.


Crystal Palace: Ian Holloway says Swansea inspired style change

Crystal Palace manager Ian Holloway says watching Swansea play inspired him to change his coaching methods.

The 50-year-old watched Swansea, who were managed by Roberto Martinez at the time, "four or five times" after being sacked by Leicester in May 2008.

"Swansea changed how I see the whole of football," said Holloway, whose side play the Welsh club on Saturday.

"They made me realise how beautiful the game is and how passing and moving can make you a better defensive unit."





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Mr Tan did not even understand the rules of football before he purchased Cardiff City FC.


He has re-branded the whole club, turning it into a marketing vehicle for his Malaysian business interests.


He has employed a rich kid friend of his son over a respected, experienced and successful Head Scout.


He tucks his shirt in far too high into his waistband.


He has no respect  for either the fans or manager.


He has a very dodgy moustache.


These are just a few reasons for everything that is wrong with football in the 'Modern' era.


And it is only going to get worse...


The Welsh always had my respect as passionate believers, proud of their heritage and sporting achievements.


I actually do support for those aggrieved Cardiff fans who are trying to stand against Tan.


They are the best of all of us and I commend their efforts.

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I just cannot get past how the fans still have the nerve to sing 'Bluebirds' with such apparent pride.  How can they claim to be proud of something they have given up so easily?


(Yes, I know the bluebird is still on the crest - but it's much smaller, and it is synonymous with a colour you no longer play in).


Cardiff to me represent the very worst in modern football.

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Right! Enough. I said leave it.

Cardiff are doing very nicely, as it happens. And despite my OP, I've had a rethink. I can't be arsed driving all that way down to Swansea, and it really isn't a particularly nice little town. Cardiff, on the other hand, despite being a bit of a tiddler of a city, compared to ours, is a far more interesting and cultured place. With an operal house, too. They like their singing, of course.

But my point is, I think that splendid fellow, Vincentan, is getting a raw deal from all angles. This is just not on. Let me stick up for an old geezer with dosh in charge of a football club, from one who knows:

Point 1. When you get to 60, keeping your trousers up becomes a major difficulty, a point some of you youngsters, with your kecks round your bumcheeks will do well to remember. You've got this coming to you. Furthermore, having major trouser issues in public, in the modern social meader age, is downright unfair. Remember, Vince might struggle with his strides, but he can keep a football club afloat, as you all can see.

Point 2. Having 'respect for the fans' is a one-way ticket to disaster, let me tell you. Sounds like bloody socialism. You don't get anywhere running things by committee. Putting considerable effort into giving off the impression that you have 'respect for the fans,' while ignoring everything they say and doing what you want, that is the route to success. Remember, fans are bloody idiots! They PAY to watch this rubbish.

Point 3. 'Respect for the manager.' See Point 2. If you can fake this, you're getting somewhere. Most managers and coaches are idiots, too. Although not as stupid as fans, as they get paid to watch this sh1te. And huge payments when they cock up. Actually, they're crafty, buggers, aren't they? Anyway, they spend our money on cretins, who struggle to kick a ball when the crowd start calling them names. I've been called all-sorts, and it never did me any harm.

Point 4. 'Moustaches.' Some of the greatest figures in history opted for the fluff under the snoz, and you didn't want to mess with them, let me tell you. Hard, evil bastards, like, like, er, that Graeme Sourness. And Ian Alexander. And that Geoeff Twentything. And most of that filthy Rovers team that spoiled our promotion in 1990. A good tache gives a mature gentleman that touch of sophistication, particularly when combined with elevated trousers. It also draws the eye down and away from the suspiciously dark, not yet grey, thatch on top (in Vince's case), or thinning strands ( in mine). This is essential, when you're on MOTD every week.

Point 5. Vince knows about decision making. You don't make a mint without those skills. If he sees a player to buy for the manager, or tries to help out with selection or "in-game" tactical changes, we would do well to remind ourselves who has a track record of astute decisions: the bloke in the best seat in the house, with the visible trousers, or the rest paying for a crappy seat where the wind blows the rain in your face?

Point 6. Sad, lonely, odd-ball blokes have been going East (and I don't mean to Kingswood, here, although Chasers is still worth a look) from these shores to fetch themselves an attractive "partner," with "potential," ( and to buy love and attention, and a shag) for years. It's only fair that we reciprocate and accomodate sad, lonely odd-ball blokes (with dosh) from the East who wish to come here, buy up some love and attention, and screw a few over. They're prepared to pay, remember that!

Point 7. I believe our Steve needs to come back, get hands-on, and get involved more. Dictate, Steve! There is no other way. And it's dire this time of year down the end of the M4. Forget Swansea, let's give the Cardiff model a go.

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