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2 Minutes Silence At Memorial Ground

Running Man

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If you spent less time walking alongside badly dressed Gasheads in Police Escorts and more time checking your facts you'll know that those graffiti attacks where widely condemned by all City fans.

How are the Worlds least intimidating Firm these days, did you follow them to Oxford?

Doubt it, their away following to oxford was shocking :laugh:

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Why don't you climb down off your high horse? Whilst I think the OP was harsh and a bit unnecessary, this is a subject that people will debate whether you like it or not.

The Rugby club selling the Mem to Rovers didn't change the purpose of the venue, Rovers selling the Mem to Sainsburys does. That's what some people (including some Gasheads) have issues with especially as it was supposedly ground left to the Rugby club for sport to be played in memory of fallen soldiers.

It would be nice if Rovers were to acknowledge the exsisting Mem at their new ground in some way, not having any connections with the club I've no idea if this is something they plan to do. I'm sure sportsmen who died in WW1 wouldn't want sport in Bristol to be held back by old facilities, would be nice to make sure they are remembered at the UWE.

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Just found a "post" by one person hardly a bluddy thread is it ! Anyway if you want to read hypocritical crap stay on your own forum and read all the claptrap you lot talk about the mem gates, cos you wouldn't do the same would you ?


Wow, took you a fair while to come back... take it you finally got over the Bristol derby defeat?

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I might be wrong but I was under the impression that the housing development that is there now was put up by Dunceford after The Stadium Company had stolen the Memorial Ground from the Rugby Club as opposed to being put up by the Rugby Club prior to being mugged by Dunceford? Some people on here are implying that the Rugby Club had already sold out? I am happy to be corrected.

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Hate to say but many of you are incorrect in what you are saying about the memorial gates. They are being kept and built into the new design http://www.sainsburys-horfield.co.uk/content/improvements-memorial-square

After the original idea was to have them in the car park, I believe?

Amazing that covenant has "gone missing" isn't it?

The clue is that is called the "Memorial Ground".

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Just found a "post" by one person hardly a bluddy thread is it ! Anyway if you want to read hypocritical crap stay on your own forum and read all the claptrap you lot talk about the mem gates, cos you wouldn't do the same would you ?


Thats the rules on here Iwasthere.  One person posts something on the Rovers forum and, according to everyone here, thats obviously the widespread view of all Rovers fans everywhere. 

But when some City numpty posts dirge on here then of course, thats just one persons view and doesn't represent the fan base as a whole ;)

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Hate to say but many of you are incorrect in what you are saying about the memorial gates.


They are being kept and built into the new design http://www.sainsburys-horfield.co.uk/content/improvements-memorial-square


Playing Devils advocate here, but what happens when the lorries need a bigger turning circle or more car parking is required? will the memorial square then be reduced to a plaque on the wall? 


What happens when the "patio" area is covered with chewing gum and the paving slabs are uneven - will they be up kept and replaced?


Something tells me this is beginning of a slippery downward slide.


I want the Rovers to get their new ground, but I was want the Memorial GROUND to remain.

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 its not a high horse ... just point out some facts , the high horse moral high ground has been shouted down from the OP and others about Rovers selling a memorial for profit, im just mearly pointing out the rugby club themselves did this many years ago! ... and i believe there are indeed plans to include some sort of memorial at the new stadium , maybe as chairman of the rugby club Steve lansdown will find it possible to do the same at either Ashton Vale or the new gate as it wil now there that will be the home of Bristol Rugby

Two wrongs NEVER made a right Cookie.


The Rugby club selling land for houses is shocking, selling the remainder to Rovers WAS in keeping with the original spirit of it being a venue for sport.  Selling the remainder of the site to a supermarket is NOT in the original spirit, you do see that don't you?

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I might be wrong but I was under the impression that the housing development that is there now was put up by Dunceford after The Stadium Company had stolen the Memorial Ground from the Rugby Club as opposed to being put up by the Rugby Club prior to being mugged by Dunceford? Some people on here are implying that the Rugby Club had already sold out? I am happy to be corrected.


And I will happily correct you, we bought the stadium, half of it a bit cheaply but hey, it did stop someone defaulting on their debts. Shame we weren't able to help you in 82 !

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Two wrongs NEVER made a right Cookie.


The Rugby club selling land for houses is shocking, selling the remainder to Rovers WAS in keeping with the original spirit of it being a venue for sport.  Selling the remainder of the site to a supermarket is NOT in the original spirit, you do see that don't you?



was selling the ground to make a quick buck REALLY in keeping with the original spirit?


I understand the sentiment of what you say but the sale for profit of the memorial ground was always going to be the start of a slippery slope to sale of the land sadly, the whole ground should never have been allowed to be sold to anyone( ie the Rugby club in the first place )... it wasnt really the rugby clubs to sell surely? once the sale was set and houses built it  & then the stadium sold for profit it opened it up  the sale of the rest of the site (ive not said its right at any point ) im mearley saying its a need that rovers have to progress and its far from Rovers fault that a sports ground left to commerate the service men of bristol was slowly sold away for profit after money mismanagement of the Rugby clubs owners

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was selling the ground to make a quick buck REALLY in keeping with the original spirit?


I understand the sentiment of what you say but the sale for profit of the memorial ground was always going to be the start of a slippery slope to sale of the land sadly, the whole ground should never have been allowed to be sold to anyone( ie the Rugby club in the first place )... it wasnt really the rugby clubs to sell surely? once the sale was set and houses built it  & then the stadium sold for profit it opened it up  the sale of the rest of the site (ive not said its right at any point ) im mearley saying its a need that rovers have to progress and its far from Rovers fault that a sports ground left to commerate the service men of bristol was slowly sold away for profit after money mismanagement of the Rugby clubs owners

That's what I don't understand.  If it was a Memorial left to the people of Bristol, how come it was the Rugby club's to sell?  I know everything has to belong to someone, but that has always struck me as odd

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Does anyone know if any football club will have a minute's silence for the expected 10,000 deaths across the Philippines including here in Cebu?


Carnage out here. Cebu City was left largely intact but as you drive north it gets progressively worse. I had to put my camera away it was just so upsetting. I took a car load of medicine kits this morning but ran out in very short fashion. The stench from rotting flesh is all around. It will stay with me for the rest of my life and not something I would want anyone to ever experience.


Puts life into perspective in a very big way.

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Does anyone know if any football club will have a minute's silence for the expected 10,000 deaths across the Philippines including here in Cebu?


Carnage out here. Cebu City was left largely intact but as you drive north it gets progressively worse. I had to put my camera away it was just so upsetting. I took a car load of medicine kits this morning but ran out in very short fashion. The stench from rotting flesh is all around. It will stay with me for the rest of my life and not something I would want anyone to ever experience.


Puts life into perspective in a very big way.

Indeed. It sounds as if you have really tried to make a difference in incredibly difficult circumstances. Well done! It sounds as if they need donations and help rather than silence. Will go and donate now.
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Oh my word. Only a bunch of nobbers from both sides would argue over this. Take a look at yourselevs for christ sake!

What ever they have chosen to do the memorial ground has nothing to do with the minutes silence. And for anyone to bring it up in some sort of petty points scoring attempt is really a bit sad!

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Thank you Running Man!

Reading the tosh posted by that gas head was starting to make my blood boil. The way we (Bristol RFC) lost the ground was dodgy as hell, not only ignoring that but comparing it as if it were a general sale on the same level as selling a war memorial off to be destroyed by a greedy corporation.

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Oh sorry mate, I wasn't taking the p ( I'm the last one to do that ) I was trying to make a little joke against myself.

Show's how easy it is to be misunderstood, eh? I was tryin to be pally back but it obviously came out wrong.

Anyway, the latest sag argument is that the rugby club sold off a bit of the land, not any part of the stadium itself, in order to save it's bacon.

Therefore, the all-clear is given to pilage the rest of the stadium off the rugby club and flog the thing to the highest bidder.

Pirates, indeed.

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