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2 Minutes Silence At Memorial Ground

Running Man

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Indeed. It sounds as if you have really tried to make a difference in incredibly difficult circumstances. Well done! It sounds as if they need donations and help rather than silence. Will go and donate now.


Difficult to stand by and not try mate obviously. Just came to Manila for work for a few days now but might try and jump on a C15 next week for lending a hand in Leyte; a lot of the passenger planes are over-booked now not least with journalists probably. Good you did a donation, well done.

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was selling the ground to make a quick buck REALLY in keeping with the original spirit?

I understand the sentiment of what you say but the sale for profit of the memorial ground was always going to be the start of a slippery slope to sale of the land sadly, the whole ground should never have been allowed to be sold to anyone( ie the Rugby club in the first place )... it wasnt really the rugby clubs to sell surely? once the sale was set and houses built it & then the stadium sold for profit it opened it up the sale of the rest of the site (ive not said its right at any point ) im mearley saying its a need that rovers have to progress and its far from Rovers fault that a sports ground left to commerate the service men of bristol was slowly sold away for profit after money mismanagement of the Rugby clubs owners

think you need to get your facts right about what actually happened. The rugby club didn't sell out, the then chairman did who was then given a life presidency or something at Rovers. Rovers screwed the rugby club right over. I'm sure from the sale of the ground most of the money didn't go any where near the rugby clubs bank!! It was rovers that also built over the old training field.
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As a postscript, I have it on good authority that, as a form of inducement to placate the directors of the rugby club, some land near Filton airfield was transferred into different ownership, I don't know who gained ownership of that land or who previously owned it, you can make your own mind up over that.

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the land for the housing was sold by arthur holmes to the housing company , Rovers or the memorail stadium company never ever owned that training field Arthur Holmes is not listed as a president of the club either! dress it up as you like but the FACT is if the rugby club had been managed better by its owner/s then the sale of the mem would never have been needed.

All a bit easy for city to bereate rovers with this stick whilst forgetting the businesses not paid back in 82 ( which was just sadly part of a business , the same as this , ie the need to do what it takes to survive!)

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And through all ours (Many many more than yours) we can say, we always paid our debts.

How many rugby clubs have your club put to the sword? How many stadiums have you stolen or tried to steal from other owners? How many insurance claims have been made to fund the purchase of a traing ground at Hambrook?

How many years have you been a member of the football league and more importantly what have you eever achieved? Your first season ended in 1921, ninety two years. BCFC have been a member of the football league since 1897, the registration has never been revoked, it has always been a member of the footbal league, for many many more years than yours. Many teams have changed their title/name for example: Black Arabs, Eastville Rovers, Bristol Rovers, so don't harp on about a title/name change.

I note while reading the glorious history of BRFC (hahahahahahahahahahaha) there's an ommision in the time line of facts from the eighties, where your petty little club can't bring themselves to state in black and white that they played at Ashton Gate for a while and were the tennants of BCFC 1982 LTD. What would you have doone if we weren't there to help you out?

Now ferk off and clean the chrome on your caravan.

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And through all ours (Many many more than yours) we can say, we always paid our debts.



...there's an ommision in the time line of facts from the eighties, where your petty little club can't bring themselves to state in black and white that they played at Ashton Gate for a while and were the tennants of BCFC 1982 LTD. What would you have done if we weren't there to help you out?


Thank you for that Rich, appears yet another deluded sag conveniently forgot that aswell

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How many rugby clubs have your club put to the sword? How many stadiums have you stolen or tried to steal from other owners? How many insurance claims have been made to fund the purchase of a traing ground at Hambrook?

How many years have you been a member of the football league and more importantly what have you eever achieved? Your first season ended in 1921, ninety two years. BCFC have been a member of the football league since 1897, the registration has never been revoked, it has always been a member of the footbal league, for many many more years than yours. Many teams have changed their title/name for example: Black Arabs, Eastville Rovers, Bristol Rovers, so don't harp on about a title/name change.

I note while reading the glorious history of BRFC (hahahahahahahahahahaha) there's an ommision in the time line of facts from the eighties, where your petty little club can't bring themselves to state in black and white that they played at Ashton Gate for a while and were the tennants of BCFC 1982 LTD. What would you have doone if we weren't there to help you out?

Now ferk off and clean the chrome on your caravan.


Do you think you sound intelligent and hard ?

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How many rugby clubs have your club put to the sword? How many stadiums have you stolen or tried to steal from other owners? How many insurance claims have been made to fund the purchase of a traing ground at Hambrook?

How many years have you been a member of the football league and more importantly what have you eever achieved? Your first season ended in 1921, ninety two years. BCFC have been a member of the football league since 1897, the registration has never been revoked, it has always been a member of the footbal league, for many many more years than yours. Many teams have changed their title/name for example: Black Arabs, Eastville Rovers, Bristol Rovers, so don't harp on about a title/name change.

I note while reading the glorious history of BRFC (hahahahahahahahahahaha) there's an ommision in the time line of facts from the eighties, where your petty little club can't bring themselves to state in black and white that they played at Ashton Gate for a while and were the tennants of BCFC 1982 LTD. What would you have doone if we weren't there to help you out?

Now ferk off and clean the chrome on your caravan.

You makes I laugh, when are you coming to do my sink?

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I don't think, I just open my mouth and the truth comes out.


"I don't think"  yep, can't argue with that. 

"I just open my mouth" Again spot on.

"And the truth comes out". Then it goes downhill, maybe if you took the "don't" away from the first part then the last part would be accurate !

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"I don't think"  yep, can't argue with that. 

"I just open my mouth" Again spot on.

"And the truth comes out". Then it goes downhill, maybe if you took the "don't" away from the first part then the last part would be accurate !

It's nice to know you have the limited ability required to disect a single statement and insert what you consider to be clever comments. You must have learnt that whilst attending school during one of your gypsy families extended stay, on someone elses land. It can be done with any set of words, such as your title: IwasNOTthere when they handed out the brains. Do you require any more polish for your chrome?

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It's nice to know you have the limited ability required to disect a single statement and insert what you consider to be clever comments. You must have learnt that whilst attending school during one of your gypsy families extended stay, on someone elses land. It can be done with any set of words, such as your title: IwasNOTthere when they handed out the brains. Do you require any more polish for your chrome?


Think your mouth has engaged without your brain again. Your fixation with the plight of gypsies is touching though, I have to confess, you know more about their life than I do. Family connection, perhaps ? 

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Think your mouth has engaged without your brain again. Your fixation with the plight of gypsies is touching though, I have to confess, you know more about their life than I do. Family connection, perhaps ? 

I know for a fact that rich has no Gypsy in him, although, he is a member of the "Limerick lucky heather society" and he is known to travel around in a caravan,more of a Tinker than a Gypsy i would say, maybe he will get the contract for tarmaccing the war memorial ground?  

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Think your mouth has engaged without your brain again. Your fixation with the plight of gypsies is touching though, I have to confess, you know more about their life than I do. Family connection, perhaps ?

You are confused, I have no fixation with the plight of gypsies, or a family connection. I have no need to engage my brain when dealing with people who are fixated with comments made on a rivals forum and their futile attempts to insult. Now please couple up your caravans and move along, before I apply to the courts for an eviction notice.

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It was just a rant, full of lies because he hates Rovers. To every ones relief, I'm sure, I'm finished here.  

Rather than disprove, or even try to disprove my claims, you came out with the usual petty incorrect comment about how much longer you thought your club had been a member of the football league. This was corrected, so you came out with more petty insulting comments. You have the opportunity to disprove my statements but choose not to, opting to claim instead that it's because I hate Rovers, that is completely untrue, I just dislike some of their petty supporters who think the sun shines out of the clubs back passage. Well believe me, that back passage is like most, it's dark and there are things you don't want to see or admit have gone on in there. So do us all a favour, take the opprtunity to disprove what I'm saying, or at least refrain from the petty insulting comments until you've at least tried.

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Just a thought.which I admit is hard at this time of the morning,But now we have the rugby at AG,which I think starts next season (correct me if I am wrong)And then the Sags get there new Stadium bowl,(but not for a few years yet if ever)but what do you think SL would have in mind and what would he do with the minimal stadium !!!

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