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It's the one conspiracy theory that holds some weight IMO. How Oswald suported himself and financed - and was allowed - his various movements, is very curious.

Plus you have as recorded fact that Kennedy used Mafia muscle to secure various key election battlegrounds, then pissed them off big time by launching a high-profile War on Organised Crime when he was in office.

Those guys don't tend to just shrug off betrayal and various wire taps exist of mobsters - Johnny Roselli, Santo Trafficante and Sam Giancanna notably - discussing what to do and a possible"whacking".

The question remains why would a hit be covered up? Maybe to protect the American public from the fact that the popular , recently slain president had used criminal connections to buy an election. Faith in the "system" would be totally undermined. (We should note Nixon had his own secrets too)

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A programme the other night concluded that Oswaids first shot hit the road close to JFK but he was hit by shrapnel from the bullet, the 2nd shot went through his neck and throat then hitting the senator sat in the front but the kill shot came when a secret service man in the car behind picked up a loaded and cocked rifle on the floor of the vehicle intending to return fire on the gunman, as he stood up the car braked and the guy accidentally let off a shot that took out half of JFK's head.

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