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The E.u. - A Case For Treason

Mr Mosquito

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Roger Hayes is a hero of the Common Man, so much so he was even imprisoned.  Follow the trail ...


At the end of the day, if we all stopped paying tax because we disagreed with aspects of government policy then schools would close, the streets be unpoliced, the dead unburried etc etc.




And a bit more about tax disliking "businessman" Mr Hayes here:  http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/British_Constitution_Group

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Roger Hayes is a hero of the Common Man, so much so he was even imprisoned. Follow the trail ...

Roger Hayes is like a character from a Chris Morris comedy. Refused to pay his council tax and then tried to arrest the judge trying him, before attempting to replace the jury with 12 of his mates. I have a vision of some tremendous farcical, Fawlty-meets-Partridge scene. Magical

Also, wasn't most of his sentence related to contempt of court or similar rather than refusing to pay council tax? I presume that his distaste for personal taxation is such that he never uses a public road, walks down a lot street, visits the doctor, etc?

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Roger Hayes is like a character from a Chris Morris comedy. Refused to pay his council tax and then tried to arrest the judge trying him, before attempting to replace the jury with 12 of his mates. I have a vision of some tremendous farcical, Fawlty-meets-Partridge scene. Magical

Also, wasn't most of his sentence related to contempt of court or similar rather than refusing to pay council tax? I presume that his distaste for personal taxation is such that he never uses a public road, walks down a lot street, visits the doctor, etc?



I've always wanted to write a sitcom, you've given me a great idea...! 

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Pilger's actually a strong supporter of the BBC and no friend to the sort of bloggers you routinely post. As forCardiff University, youtake a selectively edited part of a study. - which youhaven't read but are relyng on.an. ideologically anti-BBC blog yet again for your "facts".

I'm on a train and my smartphone's being anything but, or else I'd be able to dig out a hundred quotes and studies to rebut those you've posted.

At the end of the day, I asked you to show me a biased BBC report (unedited by YouTube "experts" )and you have failed to do so.

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Yes ... I can see how a corrupt legal system, anti-democratic and unaccountable governments and the gradual erosion of your rights is hilarious ... not.

They would all be terrible things, but how does Hayes refusing to pay his council tax demonstrate a 'gradual erosion of my rights'? And come to think of it, surely Hayes (somewhat comically) attempting to subvert not only the law of the land but the authority of an appointed judge, in any way 'more' democratic or 'less' corrupt? He's a delusional man with an Oedipus complex who I genuinely think needs to seek help for psychological issues
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Our legal system is a little buggered, but its not what Hayes is doing maybe what he's highlighting but by not paying his council tax hes stealing from his common man.


Gradual erosion of our courts authority by the EU, the fact the the house of commons makes law, the house of lords (Unelected) refines law, and then the Judges (Unelected) implement it in their own eyes.  Often what was intended is not actually what get implemented or what people go to jail for.

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What Hayes is saying (as I understand it, and it is complex) is that the actions of some judges and barristers, many politicians and others are against the Constitutional rights of the individual.  Some of his videos give specific examples. Some of those actions, Hayes says, are treasonous because of the level at which the decisions are made, for example Ministers ceding powers to the EU: this is not permitted under our Constitution (were you told that? I wasn't.) Certain taxes, some ways in which court cases are held, some 'laws' (statutes), go against our natural rights.  These rights are ours, not parliaments.  They are inherent.  They were fought for and have had centuries to develop. This is what I meant by the erosion of our rights.


I'm no expert but it does appear that Edward Heath, John Major and Tony Blair have things to answer for, although in the case of Heath, you'd need a medium.


It's just a shame that the BBC - that we finance via our TV licence fees - cannot or will not highlight such issues as our Common Law rights that have been undermined by our membership of the EU project. It's the BBC's main responsibility to provide impartial public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom and they are failing in this.

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It doesn't.

His, or anyone other person's, refusal to pay their council tax is a bit like a speck of paint on an impressionist painting. Up close you see flecks of paint - stand back a bit and you see the picture for what it is. Hayes might be a totally deluded psycho for all I know (I've never met him), although he sounds coherent to me. It does seem that people who take a public stand on issues tend to be driven and imperfect people.

But ...

What Hayes is saying (as I understand it, and it is complex) is that the actions of some judges and barristers, many politicians and others are against the Constitutional rights of the individual. Some of his videos give specific examples. Some of those actions, Hayes says, are treasonous because of the level at which the decisions are made, for example Ministers ceding powers to the EU: this is not permitted under our Constitution (were you told that? I wasn't.) Certain taxes, some ways in which court cases are held, some 'laws' (statutes), go against our natural rights. These rights are ours, not parliaments. They are inherent. They were fought for and have had centuries to develop. This is what I meant by the erosion of our rights.

I'm no expert but it does appear that Edward Heath, John Major and Tony Blair have things to answer for, although in the case of Heath, you'd need a medium.

Firstly, the UK doesn't have a 'constitution'; our system of governance is based on a set of laws derived over time, rather than a written document Plus, those laws are created and tested in the courts (which is the very basis of our governmental system) so I would argue its impossible for courts to be 'unconstitutional' as judgements in a magistrates court can be challenged in crown, which can be challenged in high, which can be challenged in appeal, etc.
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What precisely do you want as music before the news? The theme from the Magic Roundabout? Huw Edwards skipping about with a flower in his teeth?


What a ridiculous bit of criticism. You'll find all news broadcasts open with some sort of urgent music and someone looking directly at the camera.


Keep the script ideas coming though,  Saloon Bar Hero.  :clapping:


With regard to script ideas, I reckon you need a middle class nerd reciting BBC suicidal humanist propaganda: "I must turn my heating off although I'm freezing or else the ice caps will melt and I could be eaten by polar bears if they're forced to migrate further South in search of food." :shifty:


As for the music before the news, I reckon the Eton boating song would be appropriate to reflect the elitist Etonian/Oxbridge nature of the BBC's top employees and the Lib-Lab-Con London metropolitan elitist political parties they support. :thumbsup: .........


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With regard to script ideas, I reckon you need a middle class nerd reciting BBC suicidal humanist propaganda: "I must turn my heating off although I'm freezing or else the ice caps will melt and I could be eaten by polar bears if they're forced to migrate further South in search of food." :shifty:


As for the music before the news, I reckon the Eton boating song would be appropriate to reflect the elitist Etonian/Oxbridge nature of the BBC's top employees and the Lib-Lab-Con London metropolitan elitist political parties they support. :thumbsup: .........



Are trying to suggest that Birkenhead-born, grammar school boy, Lord Hall is posh, RG?  You may be right there.  :shifty:


How about Greg Dyke though. He dropped his aitches (and said Gor Blimey, now and then)   :laughcont:

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Are trying to suggest that Birkenhead-born, grammar school boy, Lord Hall is posh, RG?  You may be right there.  :shifty:


How about Greg Dyke though. He dropped his aitches (and said Gor Blimey, now and then)   :laughcont:


To be honest with you, the only major gripe I have with the BBC is the main national/ international News which seems to me to be a vehicle for state propaganda. The various BBC science and historical programmes - made in conjuction with various doctors and professors and universities - are world class. BBC football - Match of the Day is good barring the fact that I reckon various chants including swearing seem to be dubbed out. Good luck with your script writing. :thumbsup:  Maybe you could make a character based on me as a Cockney - "Faaacking EU, Faaacking Caaants". :D  :D

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Well upon the news of a Tory resignation - is it time for Nigel to shine?


Is 2014 the year that the EU lefty gravy train gets derailed?


Many, many people seem to think so.




I'll be voting UKIP and the EU loving Lib-Lab-Con can stick their beloved EU membership where the sun doesn't shine. :w00t:

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There isn't much traffic through this section - but I would really, really love to know who would consider voting UKIP.

1) For Local Govt

2) MEP

3) MP

1) Nope

2) Nope

3) Nope

Aside from disagreeing with their stance on Europe and immigration (though agreeing that there has to be reform of both), they're a single issue party, concentrating on sovereignty. They're about as convincing on the economy, public sector, infrastructure, defence, etc. as Elton John's first marriage. They're also just an extension of the current Westminster bloc- dominated by public school boys and the wealthy who want to portray themselves as men/women of the people but in actual fact are in for themselves. On top of that, they garner votes through fear; look at their policies and stated aims- they're reactionary policies based on 'stopping' this or 'preventing' that. There is nothing proactive or progressive and this countries ills can not be solved simply by going backwards

Just my considered opinion mind and I appreciate that they appeal to a lot people, but they are no more equipped to play a lead role in the governance of this country than the Greens or Social Workers

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There are alternatives e.g.

BNP <-- dated but more or less accurate I think.

Liberty GB <-- Liberty GB are fielding candidates in the Euros next year and 2015 GE.

Interestingly, when I tried to click on the Liberty GB link on my phone, something popped up from O2 stating that the material on the website was unsuitable for general consumption and that I had to prove I was over 18 to view it. Make of that what you will...

As for the BNP, its the same as UKIP; a narrow issue party that tacks on some poorly conceived and ill thought-out policies on economics and social policy for which there is no justification other than "it sounds good"

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I'm a member of Liberty GB so I'll pass on that comment - funny though.

As for BNP - I'm not a member because although I agree with the way they lean, for me they have some baggage and I don't agree with their socialist style policies (though desperate times sometimes call for desperate remedies) but they are very much a grass-roots party and get involved in their local communities. For those of you with an open mind, you might find the videos about Nick Griffin's recent visit to Syria interesting - http://www.youtube.com/user/bnptv?feature=g-high-crv


As long as those communities are white yeah? Unless Griffin is trying to prove a point and then he'll roll out an uncomfortable looking Sikh or someone of Afro-Caribbean descent to prove that they don't hate everyone...

And as for his trip to Syria- what did that achieve for anyone? I doubt the Assad regime had ever heard of him and I doubt very much that NG gave a flying **** what happens over there, it was just a strange and awkward meeting of two organisations that had a thought they could both gain political capital from the visit and when they thought it through just ended up finding it all a little awkward. All the crap he's spouted since about how it didn't look to him like a country in all out civil war has been made to look ludicrous by UN and NGO reports published since that detail civilian deaths occurring in Damascus at the hands of the government (and no doubt the rebels too) while he was there!

The link doesn't work on my iPhone by the way, just links to their general YouTube channel and I ain't trawling through that nonsense I'm afraid- must be my 'closed mind' talking

Anyway, we've done Syria elsewhere

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