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The E.u. - A Case For Treason

Mr Mosquito

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It almost sounds as though you are saying that the economic policies of the mainstream parties are working.

The BNP are far from a single issue party. They have policy for many areas as does LGB. As I said the BNP's policies are too left wing for my opinion (if 'left' or 'right' means anything) but I totally understand the reasoning behind them and agree with specific policies such as no involvement in other country's wars for example. I also agree with slashing overseas aid (and was going to ask a question about this) to only emergency and very small and specific projects and instead diverting that money to pay the fuel bills for pensioners in the UK (thereby preventing x thousand deaths).

Of course not, but I'm sure Dave and Gideon would disagree! The point is that there is no science or math behind these policies. To a certain extent that is the right of the marginal party; there is no way they'll be voted in so their promises will never be tested, but that doesn't make them any more viable

But at the end of the day, BNP, UKIP, LGB, whoever, are parties formed around a single issue and while they may have ideas on other policy areas and one day may even actually think these things through and make them viable, people are unlikely to ever vote BNP for their economic policy unless they also agree with their core issues. That is not to say that someone would be a fool to vote for them; if their core values are your overwhelming concern and if enough people vote for them then mainstream may take them seriously, but realistically that's not going to make Labour or The Tories take note of their economic policy, more their attitude to Europe or Immigration

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There isn't much traffic through this section - but I would really, really love to know who would consider voting UKIP.


1) For Local Govt


2) MEP


3) MP


For me, the upcoming Euro elections will see me voting UKIP. The more UKIP MEPs in the vipers' nest of the European Parliament the better. I've been thrilled to bits with how the likes of the unelected despots of the EU project have been exposed by our intrepid UKIP MEPs - most noteably Nigel Farage........


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