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Lansdown's Out!

Randy Marsh

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Great shout !  Let get rid of the lansdown !  can any one explain how you do that ?  Yes I know

  • Find someone to buy the club (50 million minimum)
  • Another 40 plus Million to assist, pay for, new ground or development (before Ashton gate really shows it age)
  • Support EVERY numpty manager who has come to him asking for a bank cheque to fund some numpty journey man player, either loan or signed. (god we can think of a few here!)
  • Get slated for losing your OWN money supporting YOUR managers !



Having got rid of the Lansdowns  we might be lucky and find some Indian chicken farmers  , or some Egyptian who will change our name to Robin red breasts, or some mafia oil rich Russian, or someone from Thailand who will have us playing in Pink and yellow.  


Yes, we have got it real bad haven't we :grr:


They HAVE made mistakes, they have lost money (which is not an issue to a man who is on paper a billionaire?) but SL is a man who CARES for the RIGHT reasons. 


We WILL be back in the Championship, within a few years, and the mistakes of signing crap players is not a road they want to go down again.   

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Great shout !  Let get rid of the lansdown !  can any one explain how you do that ?  Yes I know

  • Find someone to buy the club (50 million minimum)
  • Another 40 plus Million to assist, pay for, new ground or development (before Ashton gate really shows it age)
  • Support EVERY numpty manager who has come to him asking for a bank cheque to fund some numpty journey man player, either loan or signed. (god we can think of a few here!)
  • Get slated for losing your OWN money supporting YOUR managers !



Having got rid of the Lansdowns  we might be lucky and find some Indian chicken farmers  , or some Egyptian who will change our name to Robin red breasts, or some mafia oil rich Russian, or someone from Thailand who will have us playing in Pink and yellow.  


Yes, we have got it real bad haven't we :grr:


They HAVE made mistakes, they have lost money (which is not an issue to a man who is on paper a billionaire?) but SL is a man who CARES for the RIGHT reasons. 


We WILL be back in the Championship, within a few years, and the mistakes of signing crap players is not a road they want to go down again.   

It's not got anything to do with SL selling the club.  


What he needs to do is assemble a board who actually have the ability to run a football club, because the manner of this appointment indicates this lot really haven't got a clue and the future looks scary with them in charge.

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It's not got anything to do with SL selling the club.  


What he needs to do is assemble a board who actually have the ability to run a football club, because the manner of this appointment indicates this lot really haven't got a clue and the future looks scary with them in charge.



As I've said on here a few times since the SOD sacking, there is a serious problem with corporate governance and our Board.     With a puppet Chair and the owner's son in effect running the show, there is no genuine process for holding anybody to account which means that they can get away scot free, making mistake after mistake.


Let's hope that Cottrill can build up some energy and renew confidence in the players but in any event, it's time to clear out the board.  No problem with SL keeping ownership but we badly need a real Chairman who can get some serious Directors on the Board to provide genuine challenge and ask the difficult questions not just let everything through on the nod.

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It's not got anything to do with SL selling the club.  


What he needs to do is assemble a board who actually have the ability to run a football club, because the manner of this appointment indicates this lot really haven't got a clue and the future looks scary with them in charge.


The title of the thread is 'Lansdown Out ?'  That is the last thing any rational, sane City supporter would want !  Its about time the majority stood up for them.


It is well documented that SL can only spend so many days in the UK, hence his son is really his 'mouth piece' and representative. Nothing happens at this club unless SL sanctions it, he is still the owner and the man behind the bank account.  An attack on the board is an attack on him ?

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The title of the thread is 'Lansdown Out ?'  That is the last thing any rational, sane City supporter would want !  Its about time the majority stood up for them.


It is well documented that SL can only spend so many days in the UK, hence his son is really his 'mouth piece' and representative. Nothing happens at this club unless SL sanctions it, he is still the owner and the man behind the bank account.  An attack on the board is an attack on him ?

Well if as you say, the rest of the board are all puppets and SL is still pulling all the strings, he needs to hold his hands up and take the blame for the state we're now in.  


The club is now in a far worse state than when he took over, so he needs to be big enough to admit that.  While he's clearly a supporter of Bristol sport, he's p**s poor at running a club and desperately needs to get people in who ARE up to the job.  He doesn't need to sell, just find people who can stop this club falling apart and save himself some massive losses as a bonus.  


A successful business man ought to be able to work that one out.

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Two of those teams are in the Premier League and likely to stay up, while Pompey is a supporter-owned club on the road to recovery. For every Coventry, there's a Swansea, Palace or Bournemouth, who are all succeeding as supporter-run clubs.

Day's of the sugar daddy are numbered with Financial Fair Play.

SL could write off the debt that is owed to him and was racked up under his watch, and hand back assets that previously belonged to the club. There is NO reason why BCFC could not progress as a supporter-owned club - if SL put his ego to one side and did the honourable thing.

I think it's realistic to say SL will never get his money back, ever. So why not write it off? He'd win back a few friends at least.

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Lansdown's are fine with me.

Far better some real supporters leading us and who actually engage than a bunch of remote Arabs or Asians who have no idea of our footballing traditions.

Off the pitch - finally, it seems - we're moving in the right direction.

Time to deliver on the pitch. Onwards and upwards.

I agree. Some fans really worry me. Most clubs in the football league would roll out the red carpet for a owner/supporter like Lsndsdown. A multi millionaire that wants his club in the premiership and is willing to put money into the playing staff and a new stadium ! I realise that things have been shite on and off the pitch for a good few years now but at least he hasn't thrown his hands up and walked like many would . landsdown will make it work like everything else he has touched! I know it's tough but have faith people !

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I agree. Some fans really worry me. Most clubs in the football league would roll out the red carpet for a owner/supporter like Lsndsdown. A multi millionaire that wants his club in the Premier League and is willing to put money into the playing staff and a new stadium ! I realise that things have been shite on and off the pitch for a good few years now but at least he hasn't thrown his hands up and walked like many would . landsdown will make it work like everything else he has touched! I know it's tough but have faith people !


What worries me is that bringing in Cotterill means Lansdown may decide to pull the plug anyway, new laws mean owners can't pull out without ensuring the club is in safe financial hands i think i'm right in saying. It doesn't mean we will have a chairman with the same ideals however, and may decide to put in less money than Lansdown is now.

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Some of the comment here beggars belief and demonstrates the total lack of understanding of some fans of the business realities that is Bristol City and also the sporting situation we have been in for decades. That errors have been made is true, but if any of you can find anyone to take on BCFC and take the challenge from SL , well let him know. I am absolutely sure after reading the sort of dribble on here, he would happily step aside.

I am not sure about SC, but am sure there was no one out there we could have appointed that would have met with huge approval. I am now sure though, that the issues on the pitch are matched by the ignorance of some of our fans. That depresses me even more than the football right now. If people think that putting in a scouting network, a proper coaching structure and academy is going to transform BCFC in 6 months well be in for further shock. But at last we have done it, after years of lip service. Things are progressing, not as fast people want, but if you want to ignore these changes and dismiss them, then more fool you. There is still a lot to do, but moaning and whinging every day is getting tiresome and quite frankly for me embarrassing. Stop sulking, get some gumption and get supporting. Seems to me some here want everything to fail, that is not supporting your club. That is destroying it.

Back to the first point, find a mad person to take the club on, or shut up.

You are correct that there is no other viable option.

However, having deep pockets doesn't give you the right to run the club in whatever way you please without engaging with the fans. Not a moral right anyway.

For me, they behave like suits in a corporate world. It reminds me too much of a group of Accenture consultants asking you to trust them.

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It's not got anything to do with SL selling the club.  


What he needs to do is assemble a board who actually have the ability to run a football club, because the manner of this appointment indicates this lot really haven't got a clue and the future looks scary with them in charge.

Agreed in the most part with this.


Steve Lansdown will not be going anywhere and it would be foolish of us to think that he will be.  He has a large project to see through in terms of building / re-building a stadium that will ensure this club has a better chance of financial self-sustainability.  Until that's seen through, he's here.


What he does need to do though is re-model his board.  He needs to appoint people who have the ability to correctly run this football club.

As much as I like him and think he's a decent enough bloke, John Lansdown should not be in a position of responsibility at this club, and I'm pretty sure he probably knows this himself deep down too!

In business, a lot of fathers hand their company over to their sons and this often works.  Note how Steve hasn't handed the reigns of his multi billion pound huge profit making and successful company to his boy.  He knows he can't do this as John isn't qualified to run Hargreaves Lansdown.  Why should BCFC any different?


Edit - As I mentioned elsewhere here today, get Amy Kington on the board.  She's a lot more enthusiastic and energetic than anyone at the club and communicates quickly and effectively with the fans.  That'd be a start.

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Some of the comment here beggars belief and demonstrates the total lack of understanding of some fans of the business realities that is Bristol City and also the sporting situation we have been in for decades. That errors have been made is true, but if any of you can find anyone to take on BCFC and take the challenge from SL , well let him know. I am absolutely sure after reading the sort of dribble on here, he would happily step aside.

I am not sure about SC, but am sure there was no one out there we could have appointed that would have met with huge approval. I am now sure though, that the issues on the pitch are matched by the ignorance of some of our fans. That depresses me even more than the football right now. If people think that putting in a scouting network, a proper coaching structure and academy is going to transform BCFC in 6 months well be in for further shock. But at last we have done it, after years of lip service. Things are progressing, not as fast people want, but if you want to ignore these changes and dismiss them, then more fool you. There is still a lot to do, but moaning and whinging every day is getting tiresome and quite frankly for me embarrassing. Stop sulking, get some gumption and get supporting. Seems to me some here want everything to fail, that is not supporting your club. That is destroying it.

Back to the first point, find a mad person to take the club on, or shut up.

Great post!
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You are correct that there is no other viable option.

However, having deep pockets doesn't give you the right to run the club in whatever way you please without engaging with the fans. Not a moral right anyway.

For me, they behave like suits in a corporate world. It reminds me too much of a group of Accenture consultants asking you to trust them.

Who on earth in they're right mind would want to engage with some of our fans? We can't even unite behind the New manager! When you read all the negativity on here, you get a good understanding of the futility of engaging with fans and realise all this St and fans parliament stuff is just best left well alone. They should get on with making the big decisions, we should just watch matches!
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Got to say its looking good for SC the past 4 managers were highly thought of by most on here, the latest it seems is hung drawn and quartered by many of the same posters before a ball is kicked. Promised land here we come then...........go Stevie go.

Its my belief the board has shown great courage in changing the latest dreary manager and given SC time to build his team, implement his plan and kick on from the dreariness of the past 10mths.

Steve will sail past our tally of 2 wins this season in the next 2months that is certain.

With the redeveloped stadium coming on line and the length of Steves contract isn't it surely the time to back them and show a bit of faith, as S/JL have put all there eggs in one basket and its DO OR DIE TIME.

If ever there was a time for the RED AND WHITE ARMY its now.


RED ARMY :bruce_h4h:  :city: 

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You are correct that there is no other viable option.

However, having deep pockets doesn't give you the right to run the club in whatever way you please without engaging with the fans. Not a moral right anyway.

For me, they behave like suits in a corporate world. It reminds me too much of a group of Accenture consultants asking you to trust them.

Not just Accenture, most management consultants are the same !

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Who on earth in they're right mind would want to engage with some of our fans? We can't even unite behind the New manager! When you read all the negativity on here, you get a good understanding of the futility of engaging with fans and realise all this St and fans parliament stuff is just best left well alone. They should get on with making the big decisions, we should just watch matches!

Assume you'll support the board actions at Hull City, Cardiff City and Portsmouth?

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Assume you'll support the board actions at Hull City, Cardiff City and Portsmouth?

Portsmouth situation didn't happen because they didn't listen to they're fans. But because they made poor decisions. And Cardiff fans seem happy enough at moment, easily pleased I guess! I wonder if they would rather be playing in blue back in the cc? I notice you pick on three exceptional cases to try and make your point! Our board should not tie itself up in knots trying to please everyone cos all that will happen is they will please no-one!
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Some of the comment here beggars belief and demonstrates the total lack of understanding of some fans of the business realities that is Bristol City and also the sporting situation we have been in for decades. That errors have been made is true, but if any of you can find anyone to take on BCFC and take the challenge from SL , well let him know. I am absolutely sure after reading the sort of dribble on here, he would happily step aside.

I am not sure about SC, but am sure there was no one out there we could have appointed that would have met with huge approval. I am now sure though, that the issues on the pitch are matched by the ignorance of some of our fans. That depresses me even more than the football right now. If people think that putting in a scouting network, a proper coaching structure and academy is going to transform BCFC in 6 months well be in for further shock. But at last we have done it, after years of lip service. Things are progressing, not as fast people want, but if you want to ignore these changes and dismiss them, then more fool you. There is still a lot to do, but moaning and whinging every day is getting tiresome and quite frankly for me embarrassing. Stop sulking, get some gumption and get supporting. Seems to me some here want everything to fail, that is not supporting your club. That is destroying it.

Back to the first point, find a mad person to take the club on, or shut up.


Points well made, but i think you are pissing in the wind when trying to explain the realism to some on here. Lots of kids I think. Anyway I (and most I think) agree implicitly

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Some of the comment here beggars belief and demonstrates the total lack of understanding of some fans of the business realities that is Bristol City and also the sporting situation we have been in for decades. That errors have been made is true, but if any of you can find anyone to take on BCFC and take the challenge from SL , well let him know. I am absolutely sure after reading the sort of dribble on here, he would happily step aside.

I am not sure about SC, but am sure there was no one out there we could have appointed that would have met with huge approval. I am now sure though, that the issues on the pitch are matched by the ignorance of some of our fans. That depresses me even more than the football right now. If people think that putting in a scouting network, a proper coaching structure and academy is going to transform BCFC in 6 months well be in for further shock. But at last we have done it, after years of lip service. Things are progressing, not as fast people want, but if you want to ignore these changes and dismiss them, then more fool you. There is still a lot to do, but moaning and whinging every day is getting tiresome and quite frankly for me embarrassing. Stop sulking, get some gumption and get supporting. Seems to me some here want everything to fail, that is not supporting your club. That is destroying it.

Back to the first point, find a mad person to take the club on, or shut up.

Thanks Billy - a bit of sanity at last. The "bored bashers" never offer an alternative but just critisize every decision made. There is a lot of good going on at the club with the academy, stadium plans, communications (social media) but the end product, on the pitch has failed miserably. Start improving that and we won't be in such a bad place overall. Sod was a playing disaster yet was hailed as a great appointment. After one interview I have more confidence in SC to start imposing our game on the opposition.

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I don't think any of us would like to go through what Pompey has been through.  I suggest you check your facts re the "success" of fans' ownership at Bournemouth (hint: administration).


And by the way - City is owned and run by supporters - Steve and Jon Lansdown.  Despite all that's happened, I trust them to run the club better than most of us could.


The choices of DMC and SOD as the last managers looked very good on paper.  They didn't work out - but that's what happens at most league clubs.  Every board tries to choose a good manager, but most of them don't work out.  Over the last 5 years, the average tenure of a League One manager is 1.35 years.  That's football.


Once again - be very careful what you wish for.  You might get it, and then we really would be up **** creek.


Look, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that, but why do you - and others - feel the need to defend the Lansdowns? That's part of the problem as they should be doing it themselves.


I'd be amazed if any BCFC supporter genuinely believes we're a well-run club, post-2008. The difference is some accept us being poorly run, while others are trying to get answers to the questions Stockhausen and co are afraid to ask.

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Back to the first point, find a mad person to take the club on, or shut up.


Why? I don't understand this mentality that you can't question the shite they're serving up.


What have they really done for us? Apart from getting planning permission at the Gate and Vale, but so far they have nothing to show for that and you can't consider a new ground progress until it's at least being/or been built.


We are now in a worse position than when they started. If you're happy with failure then by all means you can continue to shut up, I have no issue with you being happy with that and wouldn't shout you down for it, but personally for how much money I put into the club year in year out I'd quite like to express my opinion and find it a great shame that those who question the board are shouted down.


Sad really, but that's the kind of club we are. Those who believe the Cardiff situation could never happen here are in denial, we are far too easy to push over at this club for fear of our great money bags leader pulling his cash out.


What I would personally like to see, to answer another post, is SL to clear the debts he created, put the ground back with the club and put us up for sale, if there's no takers then fair enough, but I can't see a return to the Championship under the Lansdowns based on their track record of making big decisions.


Also this thread began before the appointment of SC, but the appointment does back up my point.

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Another bad decision then, as admitted by themselves having to sack... again.

Does anyone trust these clowns to pick a manager who will bring success?

A courageous decision imo which will lift this club out of the depths of dreariness in into the realms of pride, passion and belief, and not a day to late; in fact quite a few weeks late.

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You are correct that there is no other viable option.

However, having deep pockets doesn't give you the right to run the club in whatever way you please without engaging with the fans. Not a moral right anyway.

For me, they behave like suits in a corporate world. It reminds me too much of a group of Accenture consultants asking you to trust them.

OK if deep pockets does not give you the RIGHT to run a club then what does ? This is a business not a social club . How nieve can you lot be in thinking you have a say.

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Of course SL can do what he wants dof.  But not even SL is stupid enough to think that in the lower reaches of the Football League you can disregard the thoughts of fans.


East end reopening - he listened. 

AV design - he listened on many points - costing him a lot in redesign fees too.


He has to act autonomously on many things.  In many instances consulting fans would be ludicrous - many couldn't run a bath let alone a club - we can all see that.


Outside of the Prem fans find it very easy to stay away when they feel disenfranchised.  SL knows this. He doesn't ignore it. He knows its happening now and will be unhappy about what BCFC has quickly become.


Just implying that "its a business so its no different to the hard nosed corporate world" is plain wrong.  Suggesting its the same as any other business simply shows a lack of knowledge or simply that you are really pissed off with the club. 


And come to think of it, almost all companies work with and consult their customers in some way.  In many cases the customer can also hold the reigns.  I'd suggest at a Football club this is far more the case than in almost any other scenario.

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