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Conspiracy Theory


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SOD never liked by Lansdowns and he upset Stevie by repeatedly pointing out how much money SL had pissed away over the years trying to sort-of buy success. SOD many times said "it won't be me who takes it forward" so knew they'd come for him at some point. Then SOD starts to get things right, and Tuesday was the nearest thing to a all round team performance, hinting we'd really turned a corner. So quick, get shot of him now before the improving results make it impossible.

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SOD never liked by Lansdowns and he upset Stevie by repeatedly pointing out how much money SL had pissed away over the years trying to sort-of buy success. SOD many times said "it won't be me who takes it forward" so knew they'd come for him at some point. Then SOD starts to get things right, and Tuesday was the nearest thing to a all round team performance, hinting we'd really turned a corner. So quick, get shot of him now before the improving results make it impossible.


I wonder had we of beat LO he owuld still be in charge now?

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I wonder had we of beat LO he owuld still be in charge now?


I honestly believe the decision was made before then.

Otherwise why wait until the results have picked up before making the change


It was never going to be announced yesterday due to the ground announcement being made.


Funny thing SO'D would have known all along, no matter how much he said in the press about the club and the fans, and no matter how bad we played each week, he always knew that if he waited around until he was sacked that he would always get a 1 year pay off

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