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Public Statements About O'Driscoll's Departure

The Dolman Pragmatist

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Am I the only one who finds it astounding that John Pemberton and the players can be going public about how gutted they are that O'Driscoll has gone, and what a great chap and fine coach he was?  If my Chief Executive was dismissed, I would not expect staff to be making public statements about how gutted they were, and I certainly wouldn't be going to the press to say what a great person she was.  And what's more, I can't imagine my company publishing it if they did, as Bristol City are doing (publishing Permberton's comments today).

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It depends when image they wish to portray.  It makes the board look ruthless and prepared to take tough decisions even when the staff don't agree.  It also makes the club look like an open place where staff members can freely state their views.  Perhaps that's what the club wants to portray...

That's what I thought.

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Or a lot of the players and staff realise the real situation.


Many came not because of Bristol City but because of SoD.


They may be Professionals, but they are also human and may feel an injustice has been made.


When negative feelings happen, it can transcend to the performance.


Lots of players have been known to work well under one coach but not under another.


Tbh... I can see a few move on as well as Pemberton.


It will be interesting to see how many of the short term loan players stay...and when a new manager comes in, whether he will be able to intice loan players here of any quality.


Other teams will know we will be in a pickle and need players and therefore raise their prices in the transfer market.


I see no positives in this sacking at all.


We need a miracle to find a manager that can come in and work seamlessly with the players, and find a way of getting results and progressing in the manner we were.


Another short term fix again I'm afraid.

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You forget the one major positive.  We've probably got a better chance of staying up without him.


Why?  Look at his record.  Only the devotees of the cult still imagine the bright, wonderful run of games around the corner.  As someone else said yesterday, there have already been too many false dawns.


Hope is now upon the horizon!

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I find it quite interesting to see how "gutted" and "upset" they are at his sacking. Why if you liked him so much were the majority of games this season played like you were trying to get him the sack? All these comments to me make it look like they've had an easy jolly of a season so far. Well sorry to spoil your fun you've been at the bottom all season. Hopefully new manager coming in will make it a bit togher for them.


I liken it to my 6th form DT teacher, first year was great fun I loved going to class,turned up when I wanted. I failed. Next year new teacher, stricter, half as much fun, worked my ass off, Got a B. I know who I have more respect for looking back.

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Not me, is sounds the Pillars are crumbling.

The club have control over the official site that John Pembertons statement appeared on, if their decision to sack SO'D is that unpopular amongst the playing staff they wouldn't want to publish it surely?

As LondonBristolian said, it's a good way for the club to appear ruthless in response to results but also to show that they've got nothing to hide in regards to the players relationship with SO'D. If John Pemberton or any of the players are that bothered about sacking O'Driscoll Im sure they'll prove it and find another club, actions speak louder than words.

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