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I'll Tell You Who I Want...


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A man who is my hero...


A man who is the sole reason that I took myself to Ashton Gate in the mid to late eighties...


A man who is one of the most successful managers in our recent history...


A man that cared enough to return before when the odds were stacked against him... and had his copybook blotted...


A man that works at a higher level in another region of the country, yet continues to reside in Bristol...


A man that has proved to be a motivator and would undoubtedly give this underperforming, unmotivated group of players focus and direction...


A man that goes by the name of Joe Jordan...


...cue derision...



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Agree 100% - would be a man the fans could unite behind I would imagine - whether the would come is another question. Joe would be a genuinely exciting appointment - plenty of passion, top level experience and contacts. No one else mentioned to date would excite, some would horrify and others would eave me cold.


Big Joe for me and we could bring back those blow up teeth.....

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