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Omg What Have We Done?

Slack Bladder

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I would be a lot of money on it that we offered him the job with no interview, and gave no interview or consideration to any other candidates. So much for the ''consideration'' that JL was barking on about. Don't get me started on no board members being at the press conference too.


Embarrassed and ashamed by our board.

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He said in the interview that City contacted him last Thursday night, which suggests to me they did not consider anybody else.


I bet some top managers applied too.


Smacks of "jobs for the boys" to me,seeing as he is a friend of the invisible Chairman.


Oh well, what's done is done. I suppose.

 Are you 12 years old?  Grow up why can't you?

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He said in the interview that City contacted him last Thursday night, which suggests to me they did not consider anybody else.


I bet some top managers applied too.


Smacks of "jobs for the boys" to me,seeing as he is a friend of the invisible Chairman.


Oh well, what's done is done. I suppose.


A lot of people have being saying stuff like this, but personally would have thought the board would at least have planned for the possibility that SOD might have to go at some point. With football managers being as short term and expendable as they are any board should be permanently keeping an eye on alternatives. If the Board had sacked SOD and then acted all surprised and had no thoughts of the future then people really would have cause to complain, IMO. 

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He said in the interview that City contacted him last Thursday night, which suggests to me they did not consider anybody else.

I bet some top managers applied too.

Smacks of "jobs for the boys" to me,seeing as he is a friend of the invisible Chairman.

Oh well, what's done is done. I suppose.

Who are these top managers you speak of that we turned away? It's not like there was a queue backed all the way up north street. I doubt we pay well,we are league one relegation fodder & better jobs have come available in the last week.

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If you listened to the interview - then you will have heard that he is NOT a friend of our Chairman atall.

Not strictly true, he said he's not a personal friend.. I have known people, friends of members of my family, neighbours etc for years and get on well with them.. Help them out etc.. But I would never say they are personal friends.

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Not strictly true, he said he's not a personal friend.. I have known people, friends of members of my family, neighbours etc for years and get on well with them.. Help them out etc.. But I would never say they are personal friends.

so what you are getting at is that Cotts only got this job because he was a friend to the board,

How on earth did he get the forest burnley stoke and cheltenham jobs? he must sellp around or something

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Who are these top managers you speak of that we turned away? It's not like there was a queue backed all the way up north street. I doubt we pay well,we are league one relegation fodder & better jobs have come available in the last week.


Thats cos theym was queuing up Winterstoke Road - you was looking in the wrong place see.

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Why do people think interviews are the be-all and end-all? They are a rubbish way of recruiting but you do them because in the normal world of work you don't have much choice.


In football a manager's record, purchases and tactics are a matter of record so everybody, including us, can have a view upon their suitability.


So you pick the manager or managers that you think are most suitable then give them an interview as confirmation.


Announcing the vacancy, sitting back and waiting for the big names' CVs to come in and then seeing all of them may be a fun ego-boost for chairmen and boards but it's a waste of time, you're just assessing their ability to give a good interview.


This appointment sounds like the GJ one - the board identified who they wanted and went after them. Hopefully it works as well as that did.

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so what you are getting at is that Cotts only got this job because he was a friend to the board,

How on earth did he get the forest burnley stoke and cheltenham jobs? he must sellp around or something

What a dumb thing to say from someone who is usually a decent poster... Your trying to suggest that it's impossible to have jobs by your own merit and then at some point be given a job by a friend...

He was approached Thursday night and was the only manager approached for the job..

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