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Sin-Bin Replacing Yellow Cards?


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Good idea, IMO - this will make sure that the team on the receiving end of the 'offence' will be the ones to benefit. I have the same opinion of Platini as many, but just because he said it doesn't mean it's a load of bolleaux, as they say en France. 

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Worth a shout - but what constitutes a sin bin.... every yellow card offence?


Exactly what I was thinking. It could get ridiculous as teams would end up with 7 players on the pitch every other game.


Platini talks of the punishment being against the team that the foul was committed. Well they already have a free kick and the offending player cannot make another dubious challenge that game... this is without being sin binned..... He then goes on to talk about excessive punishment... You couldn't make it up!!! (although I agree with the goalkeeper bit).


The ban for yellow cards is due persistent rule breaking- not the offence in one particular game.

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That is the worry. Taking your shirt off or kicking the ball away should not mean a spell in the bin.


For reasons I don't understand taking your shirt off is an automatic booking but still people do it, get booked and eventually suspended. Thick or what? Maybe the threat of a more immediate punishment will encourage people not do it, or kick the ball away, time waste, hassle the ref. etc. Worth a shot?

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It would never work.


Compare the average of yellows in a rugby match to that of a football match, there would be hardly any players on the field in football!


Agree Lewis. I think this is a dreadful idea. Sin bins are great in rugby because really cynical offences are punished properly without spoiling the game. It just wouldn't work in football.

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It's a significant change. It is, in effect, a temporary sending off. A yellow card normally has no effect on the game in question.

Will make the game even less of a contact sport and will encourage simulation imo.

Why don't they just survey a few thousand fans to see what rule changes they want.

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A great idea, and works in Rugby. Players would certainly think twice about a cynical challenge if it meant 10 minutes in the bin.


One thing I've always felt was unfair was that the current system of yellow cards rolling up into a suspension favours those teams with bigger squads, who simple 'rest' the player.


My only concern is what the sanction would be for slightly lesser offences - ones that merit a stronger sanction than a free kick, but doesn't really deserve 10 minutes in the bin.


In rugby, the award of a penalty has a much bigger impact than the award of a free kick. Maybe refs could give an informal warning for a minor offence in addition to a free kick, and then give a yellow card for 'persistent fouling' if he makes another infringement?

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For reasons I don't understand taking your shirt off is an automatic booking but still people do it, get booked and eventually suspended. Thick or what? Maybe the threat of a more immediate punishment will encourage people not do it, or kick the ball away, time waste, hassle the ref. etc. Worth a shot?


Taking your shirt off is about the only PG rule in the game.

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The thing is with comparing football to rugby is the number of yellow cards. In a rugby game, 2 yellow cards is not very common. But in football there could be 4 yellow cards in 10 minutes leaving it at 7 v 11 or 9 v 9? Also in rugby, a yellow card can come for punching someone in the face, rather worse than just being a bit rubbish at tackling. Not for me. Think of the derby days. Old Firm matches would be mental

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Awful idea, as someone said earlier there are more yellow card offences in football than rugby.


In Wednesday's  8 premiership games there was a total of 29 yellow cards dished out, some great games to watch last night could of been ruined and farcical.


What happens if the keeper gets yellow carded ? Does he go off or an outfield player instead ? Maybe rush goalie for 10 mins ?


Its a joke and Platini is a joke.

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How about 1000 lines for a yellow card........

"I will not take my shirt off after scoring a goal again"

To be submitted to the FA within 48 hours of the offence, and then to be published in the match day programme the following week.

Not only would this prove a massive deterant but the original copies could be auctioned on eBay to raise funds to build a rocket to the sun for the upper hierarchy of FIFA.

It's a winner!

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