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Fans Yesterday at Watford (Merged)

Hartcliffe red

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Is that 'BounceAroundJoshWhileSittingDown'? There were definitely plenty of places to sit nearer the front. Great atmosphere last night because everyone was standing and singing. Plenty of seats near the front with a good view...



I reiterate that I like to sit nearer the back. I don't mind people standing aslong as they are not obstructing other peoples view who pay money to watch their club not watch someone's back....  

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With all due respect, that's not how I seen it.


Stewards tried insisting people sat in their correct seats, but some of us made it clear when we walked in that a) we weren't given any choice where our ticket was allocated (front/back) b) I had every intention of standing a lot and singing and was going to be up the back.


There was plenty of space for people to go nearer the front if they wanted to sit. Everyone singing went straight up to the back

Absolutely not so, the standing was from the front seats back, not the other way around. Study the pictures for yourself.

Anyway, why on earth should anybody wishing to pay for a ticket,travel 150 miles and arrive home at midnight be banished to the lower levels with poor visibilty and in most grounds exposed to the elements.

Singing and standing are not inextricably linked are they, nor is singing monoplolised by those who wish to stand.

Absolutely you have the right to stand up, but not at the expense of somebody who wants to sit down.

So please dont tell me that everyone who wished to sit down last night had the option to, whilst also being able to watch the game that is.

If you choose to stand, then those behind you lose the choice to sit down if they want to watch the game and not your back.

If i chose to sit, i am not in anyway infringing on your enjoyment of the game.

Clearly you and i will not agree on this topic, so lets not fall out over it, i respect your view and the debate.

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Wow its been a whole day and nobody has moaned about the drums last night

Thought they done well and added to the great atmosphere.even the steward came up to me and shook my hand and said we were the best supporters he has ever seen there.

I noticed that too ;)

They weren't too bad, Some odd bashes of the drums but overall let the singers sing and joined in when appropriate, Very well done

Cue the abuse to Notters from the ones who couldn't make it

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I reiterate that I like to sit nearer the back. I don't mind people standing aslong as they are not obstructing other peoples view who pay money to watch their club not watch someone's back....  


I see your point completely; however as said above, if standers shouldn't stand at the expense of someone sitting.. shouldn't "sitters" not sit at the expense of someone standing??

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I noticed that too ;)

They weren't too bad, Some odd bashes of the drums but overall let the singers sing and joined in when appropriate, Very well done

Cue the abuse to Notters from the ones who couldn't make it

I made it, thought the atmosphere was ok. Too much 'bang bang bang CITY' but I accept that away in an FA Cup replay. The "let's pretend we scored a goal" was cringeworthy and only around a dozen joined in thankfully...ring any bells? But that's kids ey?

'The best fans ever to come here'...somebody's telling porkies.

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My suggestion was 'somebody's telling porkies' meaning either you or the steward...all of your mates have heard this steward so it must be the steward telling porkies because it was ok, that's all. Most of the chants were pretty embarrassing and sung by the usual few.

Some however were loud but fairly generic, still as I say other than cringeworthy songs, and over zealous drumming it was good that when the songs wernt ruined or cringeworthy the away end was quite vocal.

Up the City.

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