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Well Done Our Poloticians

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Just like to congratulate Dawn Primirolo and all the councillors who have decided not to fight for 90+million to be invested by private business providing jobs that will only boost the local economy, leaving Bristol with a state of the art stadium that will only further boost the local economy. Instead they've rolled over and bravely let the cheaper, less beneficial option for 99.9% of Bristolians to go ahead. Complete shambles that democracy can't even make decisions. At least Charlotte Leslie (who's a Tory for crying out loud) has publicly supported UWE, even went to the mem in a gas kit and spoke about it. 


One more Well Done to everyone who helps keep Bristol in the dark age. Off to Cardiff, apparently they have this thing called an arena, where people use things called instruments to make a noise in a room filled with lots of people. I guess we simple Brizzle folk aren't into that kind of thing. 4 blokes, a drum kit, a banjo, an accordion, a guitar and songs about agriculture suit us right down to the ground.


Just imagine if Brunel had arrived today. They'd say "A bridge, across the avon gorge, what an eyesore, jog on", or maybe "A boat, made of Iron, what's that? (after a conversation that includes an explanation of extracting metals) Oh no!, we don't want propellers either, why don't you try Portsmouth Mr Brunel".


Bristol is like that kid at school who came from a more deprived family, everyone came back after christmas with their new nike trainers, play station 4 and the cash from their Gran; and this poor kid had a new pair of Nkie Trainers, a Playtendocube 360 and some monoploly money they found in the bush by the bins by their next door neighbours house. In other words, whilst cities like cardiff, Reading (which is a bloody town anyway), Manchester and even sodding Darlington get their nice new state of the art stuff, we're left with the knock off stuff from down the market. It would not surprise me at all if the stadium redevelopment plans for AG were sold to SL by a man with a yellow, 3 wheeled van.


I'm going to start a new business, either a dog salon in Ashton Vale or a fertiliser company, sourcing the finest dog turds from south Bristol to get your flowers in full bloom by spring. Big gap in the market there that needs exploiting. 


But at least we'll get to stand, aren't we special...well no, if the standing rules are ever revoked, every club in the country will have standing areas within a season or so...now we're the same as everyone else. 


Not just stadia. The public transport is more shocking than Bobby Charltons comb over and the City is more congested than my large intestine after a 10oz rare sirloin. 


Bristol: Building Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything since 1939 


P.S Not to worry, all the pretty pictures by Banksy will distract us from it all eh, because we all love the arts and culture here in Bristol


:grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:


This rant is fuelled by Cheddar Valley Dry cider, the work night choice

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Is this something new that's happened?


I think its a reaction to the fact that SL confirmed what we all suspected last night that the revamped AG would be going ahead at the expense of the new stadium providing nothing silly happens to the application between now and the end of the season when diggers move in to knock down the EE.

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Just like to congratulate Dawn Primirolo and all the councillors who have decided not to fight for 90+million to be invested by private business providing jobs that will only boost the local economy, leaving Bristol with a state of the art stadium that will only further boost the local economy. Instead they've rolled over and bravely let the cheaper, less beneficial option for 99.9% of Bristolians to go ahead. Complete shambles that democracy can't even make decisions. At least Charlotte Leslie (who's a Tory for crying out loud) has publicly supported UWE, even went to the mem in a gas kit and spoke about it. 


One more Well Done to everyone who helps keep Bristol in the dark age. Off to Cardiff, apparently they have this thing called an arena, where people use things called instruments to make a noise in a room filled with lots of people. I guess we simple Brizzle folk aren't into that kind of thing. 4 blokes, a drum kit, a banjo, an accordion, a guitar and songs about agriculture suit us right down to the ground.


Just imagine if Brunel had arrived today. They'd say "A bridge, across the avon gorge, what an eyesore, jog on", or maybe "A boat, made of Iron, what's that? (after a conversation that includes an explanation of extracting metals) Oh no!, we don't want propellers either, why don't you try Portsmouth Mr Brunel".


Bristol is like that kid at school who came from a more deprived family, everyone came back after christmas with their new nike trainers, play station 4 and the cash from their Gran; and this poor kid had a new pair of Nkie Trainers, a Playtendocube 360 and some monoploly money they found in the bush by the bins by their next door neighbours house. In other words, whilst cities like cardiff, Reading (which is a bloody town anyway), Manchester and even sodding Darlington get their nice new state of the art stuff, we're left with the knock off stuff from down the market. It would not surprise me at all if the stadium redevelopment plans for AG were sold to SL by a man with a yellow, 3 wheeled van.


I'm going to start a new business, either a dog salon in Ashton Vale or a fertiliser company, sourcing the finest dog turds from south Bristol to get your flowers in full bloom by spring. Big gap in the market there that needs exploiting. 


But at least we'll get to stand, aren't we special...well no, if the standing rules are ever revoked, every club in the country will have standing areas within a season or so...now we're the same as everyone else. 


Not just stadia. The public transport is more shocking than Bobby Charltons comb over and the City is more congested than my large intestine after a 10oz rare sirloin. 


Bristol: Building Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything since 1939 


P.S Not to worry, all the pretty pictures by Banksy will distract us from it all eh, because we all love the arts and culture here in Bristol


:grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:


This rant is fuelled by Cheddar Valley Dry cider, the work night choice


Great post and agree with everything you post.  I can remember when I studied Business in the late 90's....Bristol was recognised as the fastest growing City outside of London.....where did it all go wrong?


This City is an absolute shambles.  With regards Ashton Vale, it just sums up the City as a whole...and to be fair, it sums up Bristol City football club aswell.


Such a shame.  A development that could have bought the club AND the City of Bristol up to speed with the likes of Cardiff, Manchester and Birmingham....bring millions of pounds and employment to the area, yet we dont get it because someone wanted to protect a landfill sight



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Just like to congratulate Dawn Primirolo and all the councillors who have decided not to fight for 90+million to be invested by private business providing jobs that will only boost the local economy, leaving Bristol with a state of the art stadium that will only further boost the local economy. Instead they've rolled over and bravely let the cheaper, less beneficial option for 99.9% of Bristolians to go ahead. Complete shambles that democracy can't even make decisions. At least Charlotte Leslie (who's a Tory for crying out loud) has publicly supported UWE, even went to the mem in a gas kit and spoke about it. 


One more Well Done to everyone who helps keep Bristol in the dark age. Off to Cardiff, apparently they have this thing called an arena, where people use things called instruments to make a noise in a room filled with lots of people. I guess we simple Brizzle folk aren't into that kind of thing. 4 blokes, a drum kit, a banjo, an accordion, a guitar and songs about agriculture suit us right down to the ground.


Just imagine if Brunel had arrived today. They'd say "A bridge, across the avon gorge, what an eyesore, jog on", or maybe "A boat, made of Iron, what's that? (after a conversation that includes an explanation of extracting metals) Oh no!, we don't want propellers either, why don't you try Portsmouth Mr Brunel".


Bristol is like that kid at school who came from a more deprived family, everyone came back after christmas with their new nike trainers, play station 4 and the cash from their Gran; and this poor kid had a new pair of Nkie Trainers, a Playtendocube 360 and some monoploly money they found in the bush by the bins by their next door neighbours house. In other words, whilst cities like cardiff, Reading (which is a bloody town anyway), Manchester and even sodding Darlington get their nice new state of the art stuff, we're left with the knock off stuff from down the market. It would not surprise me at all if the stadium redevelopment plans for AG were sold to SL by a man with a yellow, 3 wheeled van.


I'm going to start a new business, either a dog salon in Ashton Vale or a fertiliser company, sourcing the finest dog turds from south Bristol to get your flowers in full bloom by spring. Big gap in the market there that needs exploiting. 


But at least we'll get to stand, aren't we special...well no, if the standing rules are ever revoked, every club in the country will have standing areas within a season or so...now we're the same as everyone else. 


Not just stadia. The public transport is more shocking than Bobby Charltons comb over and the City is more congested than my large intestine after a 10oz rare sirloin. 


Bristol: Building Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything since 1939 


P.S Not to worry, all the pretty pictures by Banksy will distract us from it all eh, because we all love the arts and culture here in Bristol


:grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:


This rant is fuelled by Cheddar Valley Dry cider, the work night choice


A great rant, apart from the fact that I wouldn't want to put dog turds around my vegetables! Better to use rotted vegetable matter or herbivore dung from the cow or the horse. A career politician as Labour MP for South Bristol (I've not been on the cider...yet...so I'll leave it at that) and a City Council where 54/70 seats are taken by Lab/Lib/Green. You get what you vote for.

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I know the council have form on these things, but blaming the council on this occasion isn't right. They have given the new stadium planning permission.


You could elect whoever you like, it's the totally undemocratic TVG legislation that's scuppered this. It just steamrollers over all the democratic stuff. With this in mind, the club should have done a better job putting it's case forward at the Ross Crail enquiry.

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A great rant, apart from the fact that I wouldn't want to put dog turds around my vegetables! Better to use rotted vegetable matter or herbivore dung from the cow or the horse. A career politician as Labour MP for South Bristol (I've not been on the cider...yet...so I'll leave it at that) and a City Council where 54/70 seats are taken by Lab/Lib/Green. You get what you vote for.


Dawn Primarolo has been an excellent constituency MP.  I'm not sure why you refer to her as a 'career politician' in such a derogatory fashion.  Are you suggesting she's never had another job?  If so, you're wrong.


Please, please don't suggest that the present majority party in power in Westminster is the party of the people.  Anyone with any knowledge of the inner workings of that party will know with absolute certainty that their interests are focused on a tiny minority of the populace, and we ain't part of it.

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Dawn Primarolo has been an excellent constituency MP.  I'm not sure why you refer to her as a 'career politician' in such a derogatory fashion.  Are you suggesting she's never had another job?  If so, you're wrong.


Please, please don't suggest that the present majority party in power in Westminster is the party of the people.  Anyone with any knowledge of the inner workings of that party will know with absolute certainty that their interests are focused on a tiny minority of the populace, and we ain't part of it.


Thanks goodness we had 13 years of Red Dawn and her mates in charge, where would we have been without them? Oh yea, I remember, not bankrupt or carrying the shame of an illegal war in Iraq. They are definitely the party of the people, let's all vote them back as soon as possible. Then we will get AV built, the Gas will get UWE and we can all sleep peacefully at night.

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I'm going to start a new business, either a dog salon in Ashton Vale or a fertiliser company, sourcing the finest dog turds from south Bristol to get your flowers in full bloom by spring. Big gap in the market there that needs exploiting. 

Will you be accepting the Brizle Pound with this new venture of yours ?


I jest of coarse and agree with what your saying.. Bristol is and will be left in the dark ages..

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Dawn Primarolo has been an excellent constituency MP.  I'm not sure why you refer to her as a 'career politician' in such a derogatory fashion.  Are you suggesting she's never had another job?  If so, you're wrong.


Please, please don't suggest that the present majority party in power in Westminster is the party of the people.  Anyone with any knowledge of the inner workings of that party will know with absolute certainty that their interests are focused on a tiny minority of the populace, and we ain't part of it.


She is an absolute traitor, who succumbed to Blairs tory based drivel and took a front bench job to promote his brand of toryism, like most politicians her beliefs only ever stretch so far and then greed and ambition take over when in power and now not in power hypocrisy suddenly grips her as she remembers her left wing roots, again like most politicians she is self serving and full of shit.





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If only they held a national meeting of councillors. The seating plan would put the important ones at the front. The guys with 'bristol' on their name badges would be sat righy at the very back with skegness and Camborne. And they should hang their heads in shame.

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Well said WTTJ - although I'm a :gasmask: I strongly think that AV should have happened. The NIMBY incomers have been holding Bristol back for far too long, but I guess that as long as it maintains the "village" image, more of them will be attracted to live here, so not much hope for ever catching up with the likes of Cardiff (off the field).

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She is an absolute traitor, who succumbed to Blairs tory based drivel and took a front bench job to promote his brand of toryism, like most politicians her beliefs only ever stretch so far and then greed and ambition take over when in power and now not in power hypocrisy suddenly grips her as she remembers her left wing roots, again like most politicians she is self serving and full of shit.

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Just like to congratulate Dawn Primirolo and all the councillors who have decided not to fight for 90+million to be invested by private business providing jobs that will only boost the local economy, leaving Bristol with a state of the art stadium that will only further boost the local economy. Instead they've rolled over and bravely let the cheaper, less beneficial option for 99.9% of Bristolians to go ahead. Complete shambles that democracy can't even make decisions. At least Charlotte Leslie (who's a Tory for crying out loud) has publicly supported UWE, even went to the mem in a gas kit and spoke about it. 


One more Well Done to everyone who helps keep Bristol in the dark age. Off to Cardiff, apparently they have this thing called an arena, where people use things called instruments to make a noise in a room filled with lots of people. I guess we simple Brizzle folk aren't into that kind of thing. 4 blokes, a drum kit, a banjo, an accordion, a guitar and songs about agriculture suit us right down to the ground.


Just imagine if Brunel had arrived today. They'd say "A bridge, across the avon gorge, what an eyesore, jog on", or maybe "A boat, made of Iron, what's that? (after a conversation that includes an explanation of extracting metals) Oh no!, we don't want propellers either, why don't you try Portsmouth Mr Brunel".


Bristol is like that kid at school who came from a more deprived family, everyone came back after christmas with their new nike trainers, play station 4 and the cash from their Gran; and this poor kid had a new pair of Nkie Trainers, a Playtendocube 360 and some monoploly money they found in the bush by the bins by their next door neighbours house. In other words, whilst cities like cardiff, Reading (which is a bloody town anyway), Manchester and even sodding Darlington get their nice new state of the art stuff, we're left with the knock off stuff from down the market. It would not surprise me at all if the stadium redevelopment plans for AG were sold to SL by a man with a yellow, 3 wheeled van.


I'm going to start a new business, either a dog salon in Ashton Vale or a fertiliser company, sourcing the finest dog turds from south Bristol to get your flowers in full bloom by spring. Big gap in the market there that needs exploiting. 


But at least we'll get to stand, aren't we special...well no, if the standing rules are ever revoked, every club in the country will have standing areas within a season or so...now we're the same as everyone else. 


Not just stadia. The public transport is more shocking than Bobby Charltons comb over and the City is more congested than my large intestine after a 10oz rare sirloin. 


Bristol: Building Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything since 1939 


P.S Not to worry, all the pretty pictures by Banksy will distract us from it all eh, because we all love the arts and culture here in Bristol


:grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:  :grr:


This rant is fuelled by Cheddar Valley Dry cider, the work night choice


There's just too many vegetables in this city. Apathetical, sandle wearing, bicycle riding, jesus hair wearing, pretend lightsabre wielding morons who ruin the city for the rest of us. I actually do think that arts and culture are an important part of Bristol, but NOT at the expense of development, creation of jobs and rejeuvenation of a stagnating city. Christ, I even happened to think that Cabot circus was starting to look a bit dated yesterday. That's simply because NOTHING has been built of any significance since it was completed! NOTHING at all! This city is rapidly becoming a joke and mark my words in 20-40 years time I can see it being engulfed by South Gloucestershire and being renamed "South Gloucester" or something stupid like that. Brunel must be turning in his grave.

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