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Elliott Parish


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Can anyone else understand how Parish could be first choice since Cotterill came in, then immediately third choice ever since Moore arrived?

Why does Moore coming in suddenly bring FF back in to the fold and see Parish unable to make the bench?

My immediate thought was that either Parish threw his toys out when Moore came in and is being taught a lesson, or that Fielding did the same and said he wanted to leave if he was going to be third choice? My guess would be the latter as I can't see Parish as the type to throw a hissy fit whereas Fielding perhaps thinks he is too good to be a third choice L1 keeper?

Only speculating but find it strange that as soon as a new keeper came in FF became first choice of the existing two when he'd been nowhere near the team prior to Moore's arrival.

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It doesn't really matter, does it?

The likelihood of needing to use your sub keeper is pretty remote, I guess Cotterill's thought behind it though is that a more experienced keeper is better suited to have to come into a game as a sub maybe?

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Parish is very much still the #2 keeper.


If you have 3 keepers, and your 2nd keeper is young and could do with experience, what do you do with him? Do you put him on the bench (to never play), or do you try and send him out on loan to get that experience.


If your the 3rd place keeper, you sit on the bench doing nothing!

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Can anyone else understand how Parish could be first choice since Cotterill came in, then immediately third choice ever since Moore arrived?

Why does Moore coming in suddenly bring FF back in to the fold and see Parish unable to make the bench?

My immediate thought was that either Parish threw his toys out when Moore came in and is being taught a lesson, or that Fielding did the same and said he wanted to leave if he was going to be third choice? My guess would be the latter as I can't see Parish as the type to throw a hissy fit whereas Fielding perhaps thinks he is too good to be a third choice L1 keeper?

Only speculating but find it strange that as soon as a new keeper came in FF became first choice of the existing two when he'd been nowhere near the team prior to Moore's arrival.


Fielding's position on the bench hasn't changed so I don't understand how he has been 'brought back into the fold' or 'nowhere near the first team'. Think we could do without rumour mongering posts like this to be honest.

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Fielding's position on the bench hasn't changed so I don't understand how he has been 'brought back into the fold' or 'nowhere near the first team'. Think we could do without rumour mongering posts like this to be honest.


Who's rumour mongering? I'm merely asking how a keeper can go from 1st choice to 3rd choice because a new #1 comes in.


By first team I mean starting 11. Yes Fielding's position hasn't changed, that's my point. If you have a first choice and a second choice, and then someone better than both is brought in, you would expect your 2nd choice to become 3rd choice, no?

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Who's rumour mongering? I'm merely asking how a keeper can go from 1st choice to 3rd choice because a new #1 comes in.


By first team I mean starting 11. Yes Fielding's position hasn't changed, that's my point. If you have a first choice and a second choice, and then someone better than both is brought in, you would expect your 2nd choice to become 3rd choice, no?

You implied Fielding had thrown a hissy fit and asked to leave!

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Parrish had his chance and for me was making more mistakes than fielding did. While fielding had a howler against Bradford and looked very shaky....Parrish inability as a shot stopper is what has cost him, and let's be honest any pro keeper needs shot stopping as a basic necessity.

Right decision IMO.

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Parrish had his chance and for me was making more mistakes than fielding did. While fielding had a howler against Bradford and looked very shaky....Parrish inability as a shot stopper is what has cost him, and let's be honest any pro keeper needs shot stopping as a basic necessity.

Right decision IMO.

I agree. Clearly Bradford massively knocked FFs confidence but I don't think Parish is any better all round.

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