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I give up, where I started was a that I didn't discount that some fans not all just some were using it as vailed racism.

Impossible to tell, really. Apart from anything else, those who don't appreciate talent are likely to be the same kind of sad bastards who are racists.

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I have witnessed racist abuse directed at JET

Maybe so, and without doubt that is terrible. However, that is very different to suggesting that he is only being criticised because he is black, and realing off a list of black players that have been abused for their performance levels.

As i said, I countered that with a list of white players that have received the same treatment. Whilst there probably are some knuckle draggers that may think that way, on the whole, I wouldn't say JET is being singled out because of his race. Let's face it it's not like he's even being singled out, most players have been the scape goat at some point this season.

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Maybe so, and without doubt that is terrible. However, that is very different to suggesting that he is only being criticised because he is black, and realing off a list of black players that have been abused for their performance levels.

As i said, I countered that with a list of white players that have received the same treatment. Whilst there probably are some knuckle draggers that may think that way, on the whole, I wouldn't say JET is being singled out because of his race. Let's face it it's not like he's even being singled out, most players have been the scape goat at some point this season.


I think Aizoon summed it up correctly, he's being singled out because he is very talented, skilful player justl A double is.. seems some fans want mediocre players with limited skill but run around after lost causes because it shows passion.

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Trouble is, jet lovers will say his  pathetic throw in straight to a gills defender counted as an assist for the second.

Well let's face it, if it didn't count as an assist and I don't see why it shouldn't, he's still been pivotal for nearly every goal so far this season.

There's a guy that sits behind me in the dolman that's on his case every time he gets on the ball, slagging him off for every decision. I really don't understand this behaviour given jets input and overall contribution to our current survival.

He's a creative playmaker, he needs to be left to do his own thing. He won't 'pull it out the bag' all the time, but no player will playing at league one standard.

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I would still love to know why its fine in some peoples eyes that he stroll back - i have seen him do it - when we need players putting effort in.

The comments "yeah hes never going to do that"

Why not?


Because that isn't part of his game but thing is he does make the effort and track back and tackle, just not very good at it.

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I would still love to know why its fine in some peoples eyes that he stroll back - i have seen him do it - when we need players putting effort in.

The comments "yeah hes never going to do that"

Why not?

I watched when the players were all coming out of the tunnel warming up, they were all sprinting on the pitch.. apart from one, who just walked onto the pitch..


Guess who?

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I do wonder sometimes if he is actually as fit as he needs to be.

It is true a different yardstick is used to measure him sometimes, and that is very unfair. Equally, he cannot be above critical comment because he is 'class'. He has had some shockers. Happy with what I have heard from friends about his performance yesterday, which is encouraging. I am not suggesting he just needs to run about more, of course not. What I do not get is the flaming that comes when anyone suggests he has a bad game now and again, which patently he does!

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I watched when the players were all coming out of the tunnel warming up, they were all sprinting on the pitch.. apart from one, who just walked onto the pitch..


Guess who?

What a heinous crime !   Who was it btw ?

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He played better first half yesterday but while he was scoring and making goals people were happy to overlook everything else.

He does a couple of flicks and tricks but I think he has been found out now and quite often has two or three players on him.

I honestly don't get how people constantly defend him. He has not had a half decent game for months. To think of the abuse some players get after a bad game as well. Jet seems to be untouchable to some.

People constantly defend him.....doesn't get the abuse some players get.....untouchable.....

You have to be joking? Who else gets a weekly thread, usually several pages long, which goes right from how lazy he is, to how he should be dropped, to what a waste of space he is and on and o and on???

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Maybe so, and without doubt that is terrible. However, that is very different to suggesting that he is only being criticised because he is black, and realing off a list of black players that have been abused for their performance levels.

As i said, I countered that with a list of white players that have received the same treatment. Whilst there probably are some knuckle draggers that may think that way, on the whole, I wouldn't say JET is being singled out because of his race. Let's face it it's not like he's even being singled out, most players have been the scape goat at some point this season.

Sorry mate I wasn't trying to suggest he's being targeted because of race. I was just stating I have witnessed racist abuse directed at him.

You're right though on the whole he most certainly isn't being targeted because of race. People can have a constructive opinion for sure.

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People constantly defend him.....doesn't get the abuse some players get.....untouchable.....

You have to be joking? Who else gets a weekly thread, usually several pages long, which goes right from how lazy he is, to how he should be dropped, to what a waste of space he is and on and o and on???

I think that is very fair comment. Equally, on all those threads there will be those who will defend his performance even if it has been a long way below par in truth.

I smiled at the comment that he has been found out now and often has two or three players on him, with no acknowledgement that in itself is a huge plus for playing him. The first two on the team sheet every week for me would be JET and Sammy, but I do think we need options to change that around if it is not working, and if he is having a bad one sub him.

Measured against other league one players he has been worth his place 90per cent of the time, and does make things happen. Equally no player pulling on the red can be above comment - balanced with support of course when needed.

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I think that is very fair comment. Equally, on all those threads there will be those who will defend his performance even if it has been a long way below par in truth.

I smiled at the comment that he has been found out now and often has two or three players on him, with no acknowledgement that in itself is a huge plus for playing him. The first two on the team sheet every week for me would be JET and Sammy, but I do think we need options to change that around if it is not working, and if he is having a bad one sub him.

Measured against other league one players he has been worth his place 90per cent of the time, and does make things happen. Equally no player pulling on the red can be above comment - balanced with support of course when needed.

The highlighted has been a massive problem, not just in terms of options for different circumstances, but to add competitive pressure.

Barnett was a necessary signing to both bolster options and add a physical presence (how well he's doing is a different matter) but really we need someone else pressuring our forwards, as it is the sort of kick up the arse they will sometimes need.  


I always think back to the likes of Paul Heffernan; he is spoken of as the 'one who got away' but what that hides is that he was pushing Lita and Brookers into some of the form of their lives by being there, just waiting to take their place if they dipped in performance.  


It is a damn shame we don't have perhaps a youngster (I don't see Burns as a central player) nipping at Baldock and JET's heels.  I'd add Barnett, but until he's been in some form to fall out of, I think it's safe to say the 'jury is out' on him being considered a first choice striker.

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I think the guy is awesome but who would want to stay with supporters like we have. In my opinion its bang out of order most of the time, and bordering on racist and irrational. I sware some people just pay their money to come and sling abuse...

Its not what being a supporter is about.

not one.mention about his skin colour....anywhere....yet the race card is pulled!


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Can i ask why?

Why should he stroll around and put in less effort closing a man down?


There is about a 6" hight difference between him and Baldock for a start, so they cover ground very differently and have very different BMR's

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17 goals. .. as long as the ratio stays more or less like that the guy is untouchable and rightly so. In short, we should not care less if he ambles around the pitch reading a book as long as he continues to pop up with a piece of brilliance and/or continues with the ratio then any criticism is both futile and unwarranted.  


Of course one must not forget that this is BCFC and supporters tend to drive the best players to the exit door.

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17 goals. .. as long as the ratio stays more or less like that the guy is untouchable and rightly so. In short, we should not care less if he ambles around the pitch reading a book as long as he continues to pop up with a piece of brilliance and/or continues with the ratio then any criticism is both futile and unwarranted.  


Of course one must not forget that this is BCFC and supporters tend to drive the best players to the exit door.


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Well, there's a whole team of players currently holding their own in Championship sides at the moment who last season were playing for us and collectively and individually getting slated each week for being inept, useless, poor, not trying etc.

You'll say, and you'll be right, that all that was about more than just the supporters - but at the same time we are often very quick to criticise and to question ability/commitment when in reality there's a whole lot more going on that affects players.

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