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Peterborough Boss Darren Ferguson Alleges Referee Swore


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He said if a player swore at a ref they'd be sent off - absolute rubbish. Unbelievable cheek for him to complain and make this public when he, his staff and players abuse officials every week. Not saying the ref is right but if it's not acceptable for a ref to send a player off every time they swear at an official then why not give some back as well?!

Very much dislike Ferguson junior.

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its because he's trying to deflect attention from his team and the extremely poor run of form they have been on thats seen them drop out of the title race, I suspect he'd be sacked before long

They will then make Lee Johnson manager for a couple of months before sacking him and putting Little Fergie back again?

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If this was cricket you would all be moaning, but as it's Darren Ferguson somehow that makes the refs actions ok. My view of a ref is that they should command respect and uphold the laws of a game. How can a ref book a player for foul language when he is guilty of it himself?

Sorry but I agree with Ferguson.

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What a sanctimonious pr*ck


he said 'I can say what I want to players'. I don't know if that is the right answer.


If the eff-ing off from the referee has really done that much damage then his team quite clearly aren't mentally tough enough to deal with proffessional sport.


Swearing has got to be the simplest,most neanderthalic version of sledging and if it's that easy to get in the heads of his players then they've got problems.


It's quite clearly an attempt at petty mind games but to what end? He's proved he's not a bad manager and has successfully dealt with some lively, talented and off-the-wall characters in his time(s) at Peterborough, their rise and now their expectations are a testiment to this. He's deiscrediting his own ability with blowing nonsense completely out of proportion.

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If this was cricket you would all be moaning, but as it's Darren Ferguson somehow that makes the refs actions ok. My view of a ref is that they should command respect and uphold the laws of a game. How can a ref book a player for foul language when he is guilty of it himself?

Sorry but I agree with Ferguson.

The two are completely incomparable. If I slide tackle someone in the High Street I'll probably get arrested so let's outlaw it in football. The laws of cricket make numerous mentions to the spirit of the game, hardly a parallel to football.
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If this was cricket you would all be moaning, but as it's Darren Ferguson somehow that makes the refs actions ok. My view of a ref is that they should command respect and uphold the laws of a game. How can a ref book a player for foul language when he is guilty of it himself?

Sorry but I agree with Ferguson.

I agree but if you see my previous post I did point out that the ref is also in the wrong. The problem I have is the childish nature of it, stitching the ref up and dragging his name and reputation through the dirt. At the end of the day its rich coming from him when he abuses refs every week. It's not ok for the ref to swear at a player, no, but I also don't think his transgression warranted DF going public. Childish and hypocritical IMO.

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If this was cricket you would all be moaning, but as it's Darren Ferguson somehow that makes the refs actions ok. My view of a ref is that they should command respect and uphold the laws of a game. How can a ref book a player for foul language when he is guilty of it himself?

Sorry but I agree with Ferguson.

Can't compare the two at all, for a start a cricket umpire doesn't have to put up with the sort of abuse a football ref has to put up with every signal game, I suspect (if it happened at all) that the ref in question was subjected to a hell of a lot of abuse during the game from players/managers and crowd during the game,


Let remember that no offical complaint has been made by ether fergison or Peterborough united so for me it just stinks of a bad loser trying to shift focus from a poor performance

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Is he for real ?


So we never see the players swearing, getting up in the faces of the ref's/ linesman do we.


I cant believe he has had the nerve to complain about the ref having a go back !


Full story:




This guy thinks he is the dogs bollocks. More of an ego than any of his players.

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