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Cardiff City - Pro Blue Protests


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Not really.

The opening game against Man City drew a large protest. Also, football fans don't have a collective opinion. Look at our crowd, it's 99% blue, it's opposed to Tan. Sometimes (in fact always) it takes time to protest against things. That's the way these things go.

I've certainly learnt a few lessons about football though, the biggest one being that football fans aren't all as traditional and committed as you'd like to think.

In the same circumstances, Bristol City fans would behave in the same way, I'm certain of that. We've been had, we were duped into being told it's 'red or dead' and from that position, it distorted rational opinion which naturally opposed it.

When Bristol City played Fire and Pash the hushed " home support" of Vincent Tans plaything were not 99% blue. Not even close.

In the same circumstances, Bristol City fans would behave in the same way, I'm certain of that ... You are delusional. Bristol City fans put up more fight attempting to open an archiac stand v any significant organised opposition to protect what was CCFC's identity.

Don't judge others by the low standards that side of the bridge.

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Not really.


The opening game against Man City drew a large protest. Also, football fans don't have a collective opinion. Look at our crowd, it's 99% blue, it's opposed to Tan. Sometimes (in fact always) it takes time to protest against things. That's the way these things go.


I've certainly learnt a few lessons about football though, the biggest one being that football fans aren't all as traditional and committed as you'd like to think.


In the same circumstances, Bristol City fans would behave in the same way, I'm certain of that. We've been had, we were duped into being told it's 'red or dead' and from that position, it distorted rational opinion which naturally opposed it.


My friend you are in denial.


Hull made a far better fist of it than you did and that is probably why the authorities backed them.


Once more I refer you to the Lazio protest, that is and will be the bench mark of protest against an unpopular owner end of.


Having had one dodgy owner and a dodgy (whatever Risdale is/was) you the fans should have asked far more questions and perhaps you wouldn't be where you are now, trying to convince the footballing world that somehow you resisted the changes with vigour because it's simply not true, it was all about Swansea envy and now that bubble is close to being burst, suddenly the panic has set in.

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Not really.


The opening game against Man City drew a large protest. Also, football fans don't have a collective opinion. Look at our crowd, it's 99% blue, it's opposed to Tan. Sometimes (in fact always) it takes time to protest against things. That's the way these things go.


I've certainly learnt a few lessons about football though, the biggest one being that football fans aren't all as traditional and committed as you'd like to think.


In the same circumstances, Bristol City fans would behave in the same way, I'm certain of that. We've been had, we were duped into being told it's 'red or dead' and from that position, it distorted rational opinion which naturally opposed it.


Maybe my TV is playing up then?  I have posted on here before about how amazed I am at the amount of red scarfs etc. in the crowd when I have seen your games/highlights. 


Your clubs has changed and you and your follow "supporters" have done/are doing nothing worthwhile about it.  You are all making some noise now because you are going down, if you do escape relegation you will forget about your protests, carry on turning up and carry on getting shagged by the people who are making Cardiff a laughing stock. 


You deserve all you get.  Without a shadow of doubt I would be happier watching City in division four that watch my club end up like yours. 


If it means that much to you and the 99% of fellow Cardiff fans, show it by boycotting your remaining games.  If you need any advise regarding this, have a look at Lazio, they really know how to protest.

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In the same circumstances, Bristol City fans would behave in the same way, I'm certain of that. We've been had, we were duped into being told it's 'red or dead' and from that position, it distorted rational opinion which naturally opposed it.

And I'm certain that within days Wurzel would have thousands marching to watch Hengrove Athletic to make a point..

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Just to clarify.


Cardiff City fans protested against the rebrand to the extent that it was cancelled.




The club then put out a statement that essentially perpetuated a 'red or dead' myth. This was then amplified by a couple of vocal supporters reps who publically stated we should 'tolerate' the rebrand  to secure the future of the club.


These fans, well known to many CCFC fans are prominent and are HUGE Cardiff City fans. That they could tolerate the rebrand is beyond my understanding, but their argument was that without the rebrand the club would cease to be.


In those circumstances, I'm certain other clubs fans would react in a similar way, especially clubs of a similar vein such as Swansea, Plymouth, Bristol City, and yes Hull City. Their fanbase are far from united on that issue. A read of the comments in the Hull Daily Mail proves that. What has shocked me is how many 'silent' football fans there are. It's the same in Bristol, and you'd be surprised how many would sacrifice your heritage for premier league football in Bristol. Trust me, it shocked me a lot.


Anyway, my point is that people made their decisions on the basis of a lie and under duress, and that is now gone and the protests are well under way and getting support from across the football community.


With reference to AFC Wimbledon and FC United. An approach was made, and it was confirmed that the new club would have to start in the third tier of the Welsh league system. Something that is as alien to us as it is you.


The decision, rightly or wrongly was to fight for a return to blue from within the club. That is well under way, and we will get our club back. I assure you of that.

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These fans, well known to many CCFC fans are prominent and are HUGE Cardiff City fans. That they could tolerate the rebrand is beyond my understanding, but their argument was that without the rebrand the club would cease to be.

No wonder the Welsh Guards at Rorkes drift were led by an Englishmen ... Your lot would have bent over backwards to catch those spears otherwise.

Not the right stuff.

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Respect to you for refusing to line Tan's pockets after the rebrand, but I'm afraid that staying away, as the Lazio fans did, is the only way to get the point across. I have been in Cardiff many times since your jerseys were changed and I've seen plenty of people walking around wearing the new red jerseys. More people with the blue, of course, but still... I actually drove past your ground yesterday and I thought it was quite sad to see the red crap pinned up outside. 


I hope that you get your club back, but the fans who have continued to line this man's pockets in spite of what he has done to you are the ones who have allowed this to happen. I can say without hesitation that if the same thing happened to us I would walk away. I don't support Bristol City because of how good we are (obviously!) so if you change the jerseys and the badge then what's the point? The club HAVE ceased to be after the rebrand in my eyes, that's the really sad thing.


As I said, respect to you and all of those who have walked away, but I fear that those who've stayed (and worse still bought the jerseys) have sealed your fate whilst Tan owns the club at least.

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Just to clarify.


Cardiff City fans protested against the rebrand to the extent that it was cancelled.




The club then put out a statement that essentially perpetuated a 'red or dead' myth. This was then amplified by a couple of vocal supporters reps who publically stated we should 'tolerate' the rebrand  to secure the future of the club.


These fans, well known to many CCFC fans are prominent and are HUGE Cardiff City fans. That they could tolerate the rebrand is beyond my understanding, but their argument was that without the rebrand the club would cease to be.


In those circumstances, I'm certain other clubs fans would react in a similar way, especially clubs of a similar vein such as Swansea, Plymouth, Bristol City, and yes Hull City. Their fanbase are far from united on that issue. A read of the comments in the Hull Daily Mail proves that. What has shocked me is how many 'silent' football fans there are. It's the same in Bristol, and you'd be surprised how many would sacrifice your heritage for premier league football in Bristol. Trust me, it shocked me a lot.


Anyway, my point is that people made their decisions on the basis of a lie and under duress, and that is now gone and the protests are well under way and getting support from across the football community.


With reference to AFC Wimbledon and FC United. An approach was made, and it was confirmed that the new club would have to start in the third tier of the Welsh league system. Something that is as alien to us as it is you.


The decision, rightly or wrongly was to fight for a return to blue from within the club. That is well under way, and we will get our club back. I assure you of that.


and nobody had the sense to actually validate what you were being told?, especially given that there was a little bit of clue when Tan's first attempt to turn you red was shelved.

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No wonder the Welsh Guards at Rorkes drift were led by an Englishmen ... Your lot would have bent over backwards to catch those spears otherwise.

Not the right stuff.



In fact they were virtually all Englishman. Forget what you saw in Zulu, the 24th Foot were the Warwickshire Regiment at the time of Rorke's Drift and recruited mainly in Birmingham and the rural areas to the south of the city.


Lt Chard (Stanley Baker in the film) was a Somerset man.


Probably would've supported City if they'd been formed at that time...

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Not really.


The opening game against Man City drew a large protest. Also, football fans don't have a collective opinion. Look at our crowd, it's 99% blue, it's opposed to Tan. Sometimes (in fact always) it takes time to protest against things. That's the way these things go.


I've certainly learnt a few lessons about football though, the biggest one being that football fans aren't all as traditional and committed as you'd like to think.


In the same circumstances, Bristol City fans would behave in the same way, I'm certain of that. We've been had, we were duped into being told it's 'red or dead' and from that position, it distorted rational opinion which naturally opposed it.


Wrong.  A change of colour would be met with more that a couple of banners and the continuation of fans wearing our red strip.


Your protests amounted to zilch, nothing.  Protest is completely the wrong word. 


You simply provided Tan with column inches which massaged his ego.

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In fact they were virtually all Englishman. Forget what you saw in Zulu, the 24th Foot were the Warwickshire Regiment at the time of Rorke's Drift and recruited mainly in Birmingham and the rural areas to the south of the city.

Lt Chard (Stanley Baker in the film) was a Somerset man.

Probably would've supported City if they'd been formed at that time...

Yes ... I know.

My Mother is related to Lt Chards family.

Bristol City were there to keep the Welsh from changing colours before kick off.

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Yes ... I know.

My Mother is related to Lt Chards family.

Bristol City were there to keep the Welsh from changing colours before kick off.



Good man. 


As much as I love that film it has various glaring inaccuracies. Not least, the fact they sing a version of Men Of Harlech that had not even been written at that time.

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A minorety of FKA Wimbledon FC supporters backed the move to Milton Keynes.

Soon as City don't use red as our home kit, they will be dead to me.

The fact you are still facilitating Cardiff Dragons within your mind-set wholly undermines your appeal for solidarity.

Form yourself a breakaway club and I'll take you seriously

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Lots of harsh comments directed towards CBL on here.  Seems to me like he's one of the good guys who is sad to see what his club has become.


I'm married to someone from Cardiff so I know quite a few fans personally; most seem to value success at any price.  They are also the fans who sung "If you sack Malky you're gonna have a riot on your hands" - and then did nothing.  It's because of this attitude, and the way the club represents the very worst of the modern game, that I hope they are relegated - not because of people like CBL, who clearly has a very heavy heart about what's happened.

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Look, in principle I think any right-minded football supporter in this country is truly opposed to foreign investment directly and indirectly damaging the heritage of our football clubs.

However the reason Cardiff have little support, as opposed to the wimbledons/hull city campaigns, is that it appears from the outside that the majority of CCFC fans only seemed against it when it suits them.

Coventry for example almost a complete boycott off home games but travelled in great numbers away from home, why did Cardiff not do this?

The reality was the thought of seeing Man U & Liverpool was a bigger draw than the badge and colours. That's why support on the whole for your cause is reluctant.

I appreciate you seem to be the kind of guy that is passionate about his club, but as I said in a previous post you need to unite your own supporters first and then perhaps the wider football community will follow. I wish you luck.

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CBL, I would like to give you this as a potential theme song for your future pro blue protests.


it's The Beatles, revolution no.9 from the classic Beatles double white album.


Bear with me, it'll really piss Tan off because in the words of spinal tap (well sort of) 9 is one higher than 8 and 8 is his lucky number.



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They're a souless crew, I don't quite know what it is I'm expected to lend my support to. We want to both keep and eat our cake?

Tan Out means Cardiff sinking like a stone, Tan in means they are a ghost club.

I can sympathise with the predicament they found themselves in initially but reactions since have been ludicrous - and now this!

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They're a souless crew, I don't quite know what it is I'm expected to lend my support to. We want to both keep and eat our cake?

Tan Out means Cardiff sinking like a stone, Tan in means they are a ghost club.

I can sympathise with the predicament they found themselves in initially but reactions since have been ludicrous - and now this!

Definitely - there were a number of visitors from over the bridge gloating about their promotion and ridiculing us in our relegation.

It's funny that despite a difficult start we are generally feeling positive about our future and are looking forward to our redevelopment were as Cardiff as worried about the long term vision at their club.

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