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Andy "ex Pro" Townsend

Will Rollason

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Tbh commenting on live games is a lot harder job than posters here seem to think.

You might think that because you banter with your mate sat next to you at AG you could do it on TV, but you have to keep up with the game at all times, talk while receiving producers comments in your earpiece, remember not to swear or get your words tangled and of course you cannot let silences grow too long. Dead air is a no-no.

Townshend's not my fave, but I think he does a half reasonable job.

It's much easier being a studio pundit than talking live during a game.

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Can't agree with that. It's the main commentator who fills the silence and deals with the producer. The co commentator just chips in in between and largely just says what he sees.

The studio panel have cameras in their faces and have no where to hide.

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Can't agree with that. It's the main commentator who fills the silence and deals with the producer. The co commentator just chips in in between and largely just says what he sees.

The studio panel have cameras in their faces and have no where to hide.

If you've spoken live on air at any length, you'll realise how hard it can be - even "chipping in" as you put it.

The studio team have time (and assistants - you think they draw those diagrams themselves?) to prepare and rehearse what they are going to say.

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True to an extent about the panel.

I'm not saying co commentary is a particularly easy thing to do, not until you've got a grip on the stamina aspect through practice, anyway.

But just like the players on the pitch, commentators should be open to performance ratings. If Andy Gray is premier league, Andy Townsend is league 2 imo.

Saying that, the guy co commentating in the rugby play off final the other night was world class! Could've listened to him all night long.

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Well there you go, Manon, preferences, because I find Andy Gray irritating.

Townshend's not great, but he made some valid points - on the sendings off for instance. I don't think he's a divvy. He can improve his observations as time goes by.

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Townsend is utterly vacuous, like many other pundits - Shearer and Lawrenson in particular add nothing


Steve Claridge is an utter plank as well


The only ones that I've seen/heard who have any value are Lee Dixon and The Nevilles, who are surprisingly incisive.  Plus that fella Pat Nevin, but he's almost impossible to understand.  Kevin Kilbane may end up good.


But for the World Cup, they should totally bring back Desailly, simply for the shouting and utter lunacy

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I was a big fan of Martin O'Neill at previous world cups. Not because I agree with everything he says, but because he was more interested in having a row with everyone else, at least that was a laugh... I like Lineker. Neville and Carragher are good too.

Lineker, despite being a creepy hypocritical character behind the scenes - is an excellent broadcaster. Perhaps the most natural ex-footballer in front of the camera.

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Do you enjoy his inane ramblings about absolutely nothing for the whole game??

A co-commentator is meant to add something different to the game, and insight which is different from the main commentator.. Townsend just states the obvious. But does it for 15 minutes..

This is 100% correct.
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The thing with Andy Townsend or just plain 'Andy' if you like, is that he speaks in circular, repetitive sentences, making the same bland, plain, point three times in straight succession, a trio of times.

Once you have noticed, observed, become conscious of it; it becomes incredibly annoying, irritating, irksome.

Combined with his reliance on cliche, regurgitation, popular catchphrases; I'm thoroughly peeved, ragged, narked by him and his sensationalistic colleague, Clive, I really am. Not for me, that, at all.

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