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Any Good Golfers On Here?


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I'm just getting into golf and am having a hard time just getting a consistent swing and making good contact with the ball. Clearly I'm not a natural!

I can't afford professional lessons, wondered if anyone on here would be willing to spend an hour a week with me at a driving range for a few weeks giving me some tips and pointers, in exchange for some liquid payment!


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 wondered if anyone on here would be willing to spend an hour a week with me at a driving range for a few weeks giving me some tips and pointers, in exchange for some liquid payment!


I'll do it but I must warn you, I've never played golf in my life.

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If you can get out to hambrook driving range they do a group session which is very cheap and would help a lot.

I've played for over 20 years ( never to a great standard but good here and there), but am very wary of giving advice.


 this looks very good for a tenner!



I would also recommend teaching DVD's etc then get yourself out and hit a few balls, i have to admit i used to enjoy myself just as much playing with my "own" swing as after having lessons but its really important to get the basics right or you will get all sorts of bad habits

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If you can get out to hambrook driving range they do a group session which is very cheap and would help a lot.

I've played for over 20 years ( never to a great standard but good here and there), but am very wary of giving advice.


 this looks very good for a tenner!



I would also recommend teaching DVD's etc then get yourself out and hit a few balls, i have to admit i used to enjoy myself just as much playing with my "own" swing as after having lessons but its really important to get the basics right or you will get all sorts of bad habits


Cheers Will.


I've been to the driving range loads, and have progressed under my own "tuition" from "literally can't hit the damn ball" to "can occasionally hit the damn ball in a forwards direction" but get very frustrated at the range as at least 50% of my shots end up sliced, topped, skewed etc! I definitely don't have the basics of the swing down - it feels like I do a different thing every time! I think I think about it far too much rather than just "doing" it.


I've read an awful lot of theory on the subject - probably too much - if anything it's probably hindered me!


Hoping I can have just a few lessons and get some technique pointers so I can then actually make progress on my own!

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When you do go to the range a good tip for you would be to practice what has been dubbed a 'two part swing'. This was brought about by Sandy Lyle and involves a pause at the top of the backswing before hitting the ball. The idea of this is that it forces you to concentrate harder on the actual swing plane of the club and I can guarantee you that you will start hitting the ball straight after trying this. Other things to concentrate on are not taking such a big backswing, don't try and knock the sports off the ball and remember to keep you head down until you have fully completed your swing. I know it's tempting to try and see where your ball is going straight away but you will hit better shots if you don't look up until after you have followed through completely. 

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Just keep practicing mate, then get onto a par 3 course, lessons are a waste of time unless you want to be really good and spend lots of money.


Cheers Will.


I've been to the driving range loads, and have progressed under my own "tuition" from "literally can't hit the damn ball" to "can occasionally hit the damn ball in a forwards direction" but get very frustrated at the range as at least 50% of my shots end up sliced, topped, skewed etc! I definitely don't have the basics of the swing down - it feels like I do a different thing every time! I think I think about it far too much rather than just "doing" it.


I've read an awful lot of theory on the subject - probably too much - if anything it's probably hindered me!


Hoping I can have just a few lessons and get some technique pointers so I can then actually make progress on my own!




He's been practicing on his own and getting nowhere, you end up practicing bad habits and getting frustrated. Well worth investing in a few tenners to get some proper advice. Imo.







go see a pro mate ,dont need to spend a fortune and it will pay you back tenfold!!

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My five basic tips would be:

1. Don't try to hit the ball too hard

2. Concentrate on following through fully and that you follow through straight.

3. Practise with half a swing, then once happy got to 75% swing and then full

4. Keep head very still and down after you have hit the ball. You should be looking at a tee for a full second before lifting your head. Someone else can check where the ball went!

5. Research different stances for different shots. I.e. Wood drive different stance to iron drive, up and under chip round the green very different again, etc etc

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**** it mate, stand there and leather the ******* thing


I'm a cricketer, as soon as the club goes back my front foot goes forward and I'm screwed. Plus I get bored after about 3 holes so I normally tag along and enjoy the walk instead

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When you do go to the range a good tip for you would be to practice what has been dubbed a 'two part swing'. This was brought about by Sandy Lyle and involves a pause at the top of the backswing before hitting the ball. The idea of this is that it forces you to concentrate harder on the actual swing plane of the club and I can guarantee you that you will start hitting the ball straight after trying this. Other things to concentrate on are not taking such a big backswing, don't try and knock the sports off the ball and remember to keep you head down until you have fully completed your swing. I know it's tempting to try and see where your ball is going straight away but you will hit better shots if you don't look up until after you have followed through completely.

Tempo is important.

If you think the swing has three parts - back swing - downswing - follow through - then each part should be even and at a controlled pace.

Try hitting an 8 iron to the tempo out loud of "Sevriano - Ballas - Steros".

An old cliche but does work.

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Played Thornbury at the weekend ok not the most challenging of courses but went round in 85 with a hangover!

Nice, only ever played the par three up there and my best was 84 hahaha.

Don't have enough confidence to get out on a full course yet. Have a 5 week beginners course starting tomorrow though which I'm really looking forward to.

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