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Rovers Redvelopment

The Man In Black

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The funny thing about the new drainage is that they put it in after they relaid the pitch.

The new well drained pitch will have two ridges in it. It won't make a difference because they are on a part of the pitch seldom used. The middle.

I wish I was making this up


Grounds man nob jockey said: "These new drains will help to keep the water off the surface of the pitch and stop any games being cancelled this season.

"We are hoping they will alleviate the problems that we experienced last year."

I think they are deluded about what drains can achieve. :yawn:

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Hia. I am stood on the pitch where the camera is facing with my laptop (i have wifi) and I'm trying to get myself seen on the screen.. I doesnt appear to be working.. Can anyone see me... Or can you see me???

I can see Pepsi but not Shirley. Surely not. Sure enough.

(Please don't tell me the Egyptian went there by mistake. He'll go home never to return).

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Guest pepsi&shirley
Only one finger? What are they doing with the other five fingers on their right hand?

I can only speak for myself but i use the 7 on my left for all typing..

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hang on a mo, tis working... just seen that bloke off the old gardeners world, havent seen him for a few years. Its the bloke with the ponytail and the blue boiler suit.

wonder what he is doing there? As i remember he was the king of re-cycling...wait for the refresh.....here we go.

thats the spirit...you got to hand to the gas always conjure something out of nothing, wheelbarrow and some rubber tyres and some old pallets and he's pointing.....15 secs for the refresh allows your mind to wander but my focus is with those resourceful pirates....what could be afoot?

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So who do you think the guy is in the photograph and what do you think that he can possibly be doing?

I suspect he is looking for all those supporters who came to the WBA game. Little does he know that they are under the other line with all the supporters who went to Wembley.

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