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Should We Include Jet In The Agard Deal (Straight Player Swap)?


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so you happy paying 16k a week to Agard and causing all sorts of unrest amongst the rest of the squad?

Jet can still be a key player for us, esp. if so called supporters get off his back!

Totally agree but once our fans decide to hate somebody they hate them, on the other point on wages they are all quite high (Freeman, Baldock and Jet for that matter)
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Im not knocking JET at all.. He was brilliant last season. But that is all it was 1 season. Obviously he is only what 23 ? the kid is still young and it would be harsh to overly judge him on his previous loan stints and the pretty 'failed' time he has at Ipswich, however im just a tad catious about him, he just dosnt strike me as somebody that has him it in him to be consitent performer..especially if we go up..

Agard had a good season last season, which was pretty much his first too; should we pursue him, or is he a write off now, considering other teams bombed him out prior?  To write off a guy like JET, who rather than wait out a contract on the bench at a Championship club was willing to drop down a level in order to get games is very harsh, especially considering what he contributed in a flat out bad side last year.


As you say; he's 23.  Plenty of players who turned out very decent had done far, far less at that age.  Before joining us JET had played over 100 Championship games at four different clubs, scoring 16 goals in them.  So, for him to then join us and score nearly as many in half the number of games; that is significant progress on his part, and displaying improved consistency in his end product (and that doesn't include the assists he contributed either).


So, by now saying "oh, he wasn't consistent in the past, and last year was a fluke" is basically damning him to never get the chance to show he can get better, despite universal acceptance that he holds the ability to do so.


He literally cannot win in the eyes of some people.

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Agard had a good season last season, which was pretty much his first too; should we pursue him, or is he a write off now, considering other teams bombed him out prior? To write off a guy like JET, who rather than wait out a contract on the bench at a Championship club was willing to drop down a level in order to get games is very harsh, especially considering what he contributed in a flat out bad side last year.

As you say; he's 23. Plenty of players who turned out very decent had done far, far less at that age. Before joining us JET had played over 100 Championship games at four different clubs, scoring 16 goals in them. So, for him to then join us and score nearly as many in half the number of games; that is significant progress on his part, and displaying improved consistency in his end product (and that doesn't include the assists he contributed either).

So, by now saying "oh, he wasn't consistent in the past, and last year was a fluke" is basically damning him to never get the chance to show he can get better, despite universal acceptance that he holds the ability to do so.

He literally cannot win in the eyes of some people.

I just have a funny feeling about him. I will be happy to be proved wrong but i dont think you will see the same JET this season that you saw last season..Am i going to be right? Who knows? Will you? We will see.

In the mean time i am in no way shape or form advocating we swap him for Agard though. I sincerly hope JET does the business for us again this season..

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No I wouldn't take a swap deal simple as that.

Like others on here I believe JET has a part to play in our quest for promotion this year & the people writing him off just because he's not got a hat trick for every appearance so far this season even though he's only played a hand full of minutes or so really are so short sighted imo.

As much as JET frustrates me sometimes & I think he could put a little more effort in on occasions, I do value what he can do in a single moment & just because he's not upto speed this season so far! give him a few more games be that starting some or coming on from the bench depending on our opposition & I reckon he'll be banging those goals in!

I think with all the people that have come in along with not being on the team sheet to start guaranteed it's knocked him back as I think JET is a player that needs to feel the love like a lot of others, so maybe if the fickle mindless morons that booed him the other game cheered & encouraged him to attack like last season then just maybe he might get the same amount or hopefully more goals again this season!

If we can bring Agard in as well then that's another player for our arsenal to play in the right games the more options we have the better as seems to that SC is building a squad that is able to be swapped & changed depending on the type of opposition we are up against.

Now all together now COYR!!!

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I don't buy into the whole "JET is lazy" assumption. I  really don't think he is.  I think he's a confidence player and, as a result, he's someone who drifts out of things a bit when he doesn't feel valued or is being asked to play a role he isn't comfortable with but I think that's a different thing to laziness.


I love JET and he gave us some of our best moments last season but I do question whether Cotterill can - or wants to - use him in a way to get the best out of him.  That's not necessarily a criticism of Cotterill - we're getting results, played some lovely football at times and I'm happy for him to use the players that work for him - but I do wonder if it's in JET's own interests to stay at a club which won't get the best out of him so I would understand if he left (although I don't believe, if he did, it would be to Rotherham) and Cotterill got someone more suited to the style of football he wants.


But I find all the criticism of him harsh and unfair.  He's shown what a great player he can be on his day and I think the fact his day hasn't come so often - especially since Cotterill has started - has far more to do with the way we're using him than any problem with the man himself. 

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OK then since you posted this.... JET is a managers nightmare, sure he has skill but the downside is he doesn't put in a shift, there is no room for that in a squad that wants to win things, as far as I am concerned he needs to show a better attitude and work rate before he can be considered a regular start .

That sums up why English football is, and will be 2nd rate for the foreseeable future.

A player with fantastic technique and moments of sheer brilliance,can't get in our team because he doesn't run around a lot!

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That sums up why English football is, and will be 2nd rate for the foreseeable future.

A player with fantastic technique and moments of sheer brilliance,can't get in our team because he doesn't run around a lot!

Yep. It's still the case right down to grassroots. Academies want aggression because they feel they can teach adequate technique to make it in this country whilst the naturally technical players who lack 'aggression' are cast aside.

It's a mindset thing too. Far too many Middle aged men who think football from the 70's and 80's is still the way to go. Addicted to 442 and direct physical football. Those are the guys moaning in the stands, and the guys coaching our kids too.

It's never going to change either.

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Agard is a better player than JET and more potential. He is also worth more than JET and Agard has his eyes on bigger prizes than us. Think everyone needs to put the Agard fascination to bed, he ain't coming here

Jesus christ. How many times have you seen Agard play then? Better player than JET? 20 goals, 15+ assists in a team rooted to the bottom for much of last season...


Do me a favour.

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