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Should We Include Jet In The Agard Deal (Straight Player Swap)?


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offer Rotherham Jet in exchange for Agard

Yeah, I got that, thanks.


And as for JET "not being involved"; he's been a sub in our first league game, played the majority of our one cup game (with his shot leading to a goal), and I'd wager he'll be on the bench tonight.  


He's a member of the squad, and in the same way we'll unlikely stay unbeaten all season, we'll also unlikely use just two strikers, so his time will come.


Plus, do we know if Rotherham can afford him, or that they'd even have a place for him?  If we don't think he's good enough for league one, why would he do a job up there?


Threads like this annoy me massively, as they are pretty transparent attempts to highlight someone's dislike of a player in a roundabout fashion; just sack up and slag the guy off if you don't reckon he's any cop.  Have more respect for folks who at least directly speak their mind more than those who don't.

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To offer JET as part of a deal, there has to be an assumption that Rotherham would want him. Would he fit their style of play? Personally I don't think he would, so Rotherham wouldn't be interested.

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It's threads like these that make me hope he comes on and changes the game in our favour tonight.


People seem determined to forget that guy scored or set up a significant percentage of our goals, and was the single bright light in an awful first half of the season.  Now, after not even a full 90 this term, he's worthless and we should get rid.


Classy behaviour here.  And bet a fair portion of those slagging him now were saying Wilbraham was a waste of space when we signed him and all.

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JET is a form player and we would be stupid to get rid of him.

I truely believe that if he's around all season the patches of form he will show will earn us an extra 10-15 points.

There aren't many players who can win a game on their own and JET is one of them. 

Obviously he doesn't always show it, but if he did then frankly he wouldn't be playing at a club at our level.

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JET is a form player and we would be stupid to get rid of him.

I truely believe that if he's around all season the patches of form he will show will earn us an extra 10-15 points.

There aren't many players who can win a game on their own and JET is one of them. 

Obviously he doesn't always show it, but if he did then frankly he wouldn't be playing at a club at our level.

OK then since you posted this.... JET is a managers nightmare, sure he has skill but the downside is he doesn't put in a shift, there is no room for that in a squad that wants to win things, as far as I am concerned he needs to show a better attitude and work rate before he can be considered a regular start .

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Yes. I like JET, but I think he needs a team built around him to get the best out of him. At the moment he doesn't really fit in and it showed ever since Cotterill got the job. Team performances improved but JET got worse, like others have said though Evans probably won't be interested in the swap.

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OK then since you posted this.... JET is a managers nightmare, sure he has skill but the downside is he doesn't put in a shift, there is no room for that in a squad that wants to win things, as far as I am concerned he needs to show a better attitude and work rate before he can be considered a regular start .

You're right in a sense, but I'd correct "he doesn't put in a shift" to "he doesn't always put in a shift".

He doesn't just have the required skill level, he has a skill level which would not be out of place in the Premier League.  Like I say he is a form player, there will be games when he is unstoppable.

Getting rid of him now, when off form, would simply be moronic.  If we're going to get rid of him then do it for a massive price tag while he is on form, not now.

I'm afraid I am not a football manager so cannot argue for or against him being a manager's nightmare.  If it were me however, I'd be happy that he commonly finds the top corner from 30 yards or will make a 50 yard run and score - free goals essentially - those are the kind of traits I would guess would be a manager's dream.

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To actually be fair about all this Who the fo0k really is this Kieren Agard, why fhe fuss? He has had ONE good season, a brilliant one at that dont get me wrong but it wasnt even 3 years ago since Yeovil let him go on a free..

JET is class, proven, we know he can do the business for US. There a whole host of possibilitys with this Agard he could not settle in Bristol for example, who knows.

Id personally stick with JET, he has looked a little off the pace so far but we are 2 league games in think some slack should be given. I am actually of the opinion that in the long run JET will be found out and i really think his old ways will in all likelyhood come back, but untill then i think we should hangfire..

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To actually be fair about all this Who the fo0k really is this Kieren Agard, why fhe fuss? He has had ONE good season, a brilliant one at that dont get me wrong but it wasnt even 3 years ago since Yeovil let him go on a free..

JET is class, proven, we know he can do the business for US. There a whole host of possibilitys with this Agard he could not settle in Bristol for example, who knows.

Id personally stick with JET, he has looked a little off the pace so far but we are 2 league games in think some slack should be given. I am actually of the opinion that in the long run JET will be found out and i really think his old ways will in all likelyhood come back, but untill then i think we should hangfire..

His "old ways" for us involve scoring 21 goals in 51 games, and setting up a dozen more; I hope they do come back.


He's not perfect, that much is clear.  But being we are a League One team who flirted so heavily with relegation last year relegation's husband could have filed for divorce, and that we were relegated only a year before that, I think we've got to accept we'll not be a team who 'complete' players come to anytime soon.


As for him not putting in a shift; that depends what he's put on the pitch to do.  If you place him in a role focused on getting goals and creating chances for others, I think his contribution (which is more about vision and skill that physical application) is usually pretty decent.  It is when he's expected to play target man, or run the channels when the (unarguable) deficiencies in his game become highlighted.  Some folks don't accept that, and that's their right, but it doesn't make JET useless over night.


Being that in multiple games last season (including several post-Cotts arrival) performing in that sort of role he was utterly unplayable, I think he's still got a lot to contribute.  In fact, I'd love to see him get a good 20/30 minutes alongside Wilbraham, as the one type of player he's yet to be paired with in pursuit of getting the best from him is an old fashioned centre forward; think that combination would be very interesting.

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Yeah, I got that, thanks.


And as for JET "not being involved"; he's been a sub in our first league game, played the majority of our one cup game (with his shot leading to a goal), and I'd wager he'll be on the bench tonight.  


He's a member of the squad, and in the same way we'll unlikely stay unbeaten all season, we'll also unlikely use just two strikers, so his time will come.


Plus, do we know if Rotherham can afford him, or that they'd even have a place for him?  If we don't think he's good enough for league one, why would he do a job up there?


Threads like this annoy me massively, as they are pretty transparent attempts to highlight someone's dislike of a player in a roundabout fashion; just sack up and slag the guy off if you don't reckon he's any cop.  Have more respect for folks who at least directly speak their mind more than those who don't.

He has been involved almost to the extent you have quoted but how has he affected the game in his time on the pitch? As for his shot leading to the goal, yes maybe if he was capable of last seasons pace he may have got the shot off after cutting inside but I believe the ball was taken off his foot by a sliding tackle due to his lack of speed.

I think everyone is a bit disillusioned with JET this season as right from the first of the preseason games up until now he has been far below par and appears not to be concerned about the outcome of his efforts. Maybe that is why people are posting so many adverse comments. I like many others wish him to get back to the early season form of last year.

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He has been involved almost to the extent you have quoted but how has he affected the game in his time on the pitch? As for his shot leading to the goal, yes maybe if he was capable of last seasons pace he may have got the shot off after cutting inside but I believe the ball was taken off his foot by a sliding tackle due to his lack of speed.

I think everyone is a bit disillusioned with JET this season as right from the first of the preseason games up until now he has been far below par and appears not to be concerned about the outcome of his efforts. Maybe that is why people are posting so many adverse comments. I like many others wish him to get back to the early season form of last year.



Well keep slagging him off, that'll definitely work.

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His "old ways" for us involve scoring 21 goals in 51 games, and setting up a dozen more; I hope they do come back.

Im not knocking JET at all.. He was brilliant last season. But that is all it was 1 season. Obviously he is only what 23 ? the kid is still young and it would be harsh to overly judge him on his previous loan stints and the pretty 'failed' time he has at Ipswich, however im just a tad catious about him, he just dosnt strike me as somebody that has him it in him to be a consistent performer..especially if we go up..
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He has been involved almost to the extent you have quoted but how has he affected the game in his time on the pitch? As for his shot leading to the goal, yes maybe if he was capable of last seasons pace he may have got the shot off after cutting inside but I believe the ball was taken off his foot by a sliding tackle due to his lack of speed.

I think everyone is a bit disillusioned with JET this season as right from the first of the preseason games up until now he has been far below par and appears not to be concerned about the outcome of his efforts. Maybe that is why people are posting so many adverse comments. I like many others wish him to get back to the early season form of last year.

He was on the pitch at Sheffield United for how long exactly?  From my recollection it was a handful of minutes, and other than his not chasing the spilled ball from the goalkeeper, I remember him exchanging a few passes with the midfield leading to one of them having a shot on target.  So, basically the same as any striker making his first appearance of the season, maybe?


And, yes; the ball WAS tackled off his foot against Oxford prior to the goal.  Why?  Because he'd held off and turned his defender, who was forced to go to ground in order to stop him getting off a shot inside the 18 yard box.  

Nothing to do with his "lack of speed"; indeed, watching it back it is due to the swiftness of his footwork, and physical presence that the defender had to take that action, not due to him being slow.  Yet another example of him getting slagged for something which not only led to a positive outcome for City (regardless of the final result), but also came from him using his attributes.

And did he have a bad preseason?  Scored a few, set up a few; not sure what about his performances deems this bad.  Or, like his contribution to the goal against Oxford, are you just remembering wrong?

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