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I really don't understand the delay in producing renders, I won't be using the stand when it's finished but it would be nice to see what it will actually look like when finished.


I think all EEers know that the roof will not be how they wanted it to be and that safe standing might or might not be installed at the back depending on what the authorities decide in the next couple of months.


So IMO, there can be only 3 factors stopping renders being produced:

1) waiting for decision on safe standing

2) some mysterious design feature that fans might not like

3) saving money

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Done worry guys, I'm sure the fans Parliament will forensically scrutinise the plans and make sure the club delivers, the club promised step by step consultation with the fans and surely they are upholding this promise by coalition with our elected representatives who all have minds of their own, and are not the boards poodles in any way shape or form.

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Done worry guys, I'm sure the fans Parliament will forensically scrutinise the plans and make sure the club delivers, the club promised step by step consultation with the fans and surely they are upholding this promise by coalition with our elected representatives who all have minds of their own, and are not the boards poodles in any way shape or form.

To be fair to some of the Fans Parliament bods they did say the consultation was a box ticking exercise, or maybe that was a box kicking exercise, but it was one of them.

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That looked quite interesting until you get to the bottom of the page ;)

The chosen applicant will start the role ASAP and will report to the Head of Marketing. Although this role is unpaid, expenses will be provided. The successful applicant will carry out an initial three-month probationary period.


That's pretty disgusting to be honest. Club bangs on about community all the time, well I'm sure there are some extremely talented in the community that would love a job like that but couldn't afford to work for free.

It's like the club think people should just be honoured to work for them, well sorry I think that's wrong. ******* pay the man.

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That's pretty disgusting to be honest. Club bangs on about community all the time, well I'm sure there are some extremely talented in the community that would love a job like that but couldn't afford to work for free.

It's like the club think people should just be honoured to work for them, well sorry I think that's wrong. ******* pay the man.

Yep, it's a disgrace, but it seems to be that some think they shouldn't have to pay people.

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The member of the fans Parliament who said it was a box ticking exercise has now resigned from the fans Parliament because it was a box ticking exercise, I believe !


Indeed, and can be regularly found on the Ziderheads site explaining this point!



It would be an architect who produced the plans, not a graphic designer.  Graphic designers are concerned with making visual things look nice, designing logos, etc.   Architects do architectural plans.

Oh the irony of it all . .  .

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Planners base their decisions on detailed plans, layouts, structural reports, design drawings etc not flash 'fly through' artistic representations..

That's my point really.


If these plans exist then get a 5 year-old to colour them in and share with us.

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I really don't understand the delay in producing renders, I won't be using the stand when it's finished but it would be nice to see what it will actually look like when finished.

The consistent from fans for a period of over half a year has been "what it will actually look like when finished?".

The club engaging with support would then lead to simple decisions like "I will / won't be using the stand when it's finished".

A follow on would be fans providing cost effective, sensible ideas, that reflect the clubs history and culture for - http://www.bristol-sport.co.uk/news/ashton-gate-rebuild-fan-consultation/ based upon what it will actually look like when finished. It is illogical to put forward an idea, or ideas for a stand you may have no intent using.

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Something like this.


This is a good example of what could easily be published.  It may not exactly match the actual stand, as will be built, but the club could easily produce their version with hardly any effort.  

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Nope. Should hear from the authorities on whether they will allow rail seats by around mid-September.

Have Bristol Sport given you an indication of what the procedure will be after e.g finally releasing South stand images for fans?

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Procedure in what sense?

Timescale for finally releasing South stand images for fans, Pricing, priority, seating arrangements - unreserved or otherwise, who will be leading this and on.

BS and BCFC should not confuse fans being widely in favour of safe standing as a guarantee of a overwhelming vocal section of support will instantly gravitate in numbers to this South stand when complete.

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Timescale for finally releasing South stand images for fans, Pricing, priority, seating arrangements - unreserved or otherwise, who will be leading this and on.

BS and BCFC should not confuse fans being widely in favour of safe standing as a guarantee of a overwhelming vocal section of support will instantly gravitate in numbers to this South stand when complete.

Don't know any of that, but hopefully should all fall into place pretty quickly if and when the authorities give the green light for the use of rail seats. Until then everyone is really in a bit of a state of limbo.

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