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Hodgson And Swansea


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Delph is a very handy player IMO, Colback is poo though. As for Danny Rose, he's in there because Shaw and Gibbs are injured and there isn't really anyone else, certainly not with a left foot

Does anyone really think that Dyer and Routledge offer anything at international level? I don't doubt there is some big club bias, especially where those teams are in the champions league, but there isn't one English player in the Swansea squad that I would pick for an England cap at the mo


The way to find this out is to PICK THEM AND PLAY THEM.  Then you can see and make a judgement.  

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isn't this going to be the smallest crowd to watch an england game at home?, not sure how many tickets they have sold but I don't think its topped 30k yet


It's a shame because it is not the youngsters fault the fans are so pissed off with the national team. Get back to taking these friendlies around the country again.

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Not sure if it definitely true (just because Garry Monk said so doesn't mean it is).

What is the case is that shit players at "big" clubs such as Chris Smalling, Phil Jones and Glen Johnson get picked for England whereas players at unfashionable ones such as Nathaniel Clyne at Soton, Jason Puncheon at Palace and at least a couple of Swansea players that you mentioned do not.

Caulker suddenly got dropped when he was at Cardiff too and he's far better than the 2 Man U clowns.

If you want a perfect example, look no further than Matt le Tissier.

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Sorry to have to reaffirm it but the national side is now a freak show ironically devoid of any passion, pride or belief.

So long as the cash cow keeps milking, this obviously isn't deemed a problem.

Debate all you like about who should be boss, selection choices, ticket prices or long term strategy; the FA, Premier League and government aren't as simplistic. What interest is it to them that the Premier League requires a subscription fee off SKY but England is tossed out to the terrestrial ITV?

Money, product and brand are the buzz words - not the opinions of the likes of us.

Give it up, like everyone earning a mint to feign an interest has. It's getting a bit boring now.

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Nathan Dyer's a winger whilst Delph is centre mid. I'd agree that Dyer should be looked at instead of Townsend as he is playing and on form. Routledge also - hell of a goal on Saturday.

I like Delph - he's similar in style to Wiltshire but has had to work hard to get a call up, whereas Wiltshire has been picked automatically since 18 years of age. In my memory, we've had our best England sides with players taken from lots of teams, not just a small number. There now seems to be the mentality amongst those in the squad that you have to be at one the 'big' clubs to be considered good enough for England. It's ridiculous.

Moving onto a related issue, given the relative ease of qualifying for the Euros, I'd like to see the Under 21s given more, if not all, of the players who are eligible for their remaining qualifiers and the European under 21 tournament itself next summer. Germany and Spain did this with their great sides using the under 21s to gel their best players before moving them into the main side together. We've got it hopelessly wrong fast tracking kids to the full squad to sit on the bench watching games against Estonia and San Marino when they should be preparing for a tournament against the best of their age group in Europe. If we did this, we'd surely have an outstanding chance of actually winning the under 21 tournament - here's a list of players who are eligible for the tournament next summer:-


















You could get an excellent side out of them with plenty on the bench. In reality about half of them will go. What a pity.

As I've said in another post, I meant as in footballing ability rather than position. For those that are also saying "well he might see them play away all of the time", surely you can't be that silly. So you don't think a team sets it's players up differently when they play home and away? Surely you want to see players in both situations no??

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isn't this going to be the smallest crowd to watch an england game at home?, not sure how many tickets they have sold but I don't think its topped 30k yet


30k might be the lowest at the rebuilt Wembley.  I know it has gone lower at the old version: I was at the Colombia game in 1995, and just checked that one (20,038).

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