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Australia - No Nonsense


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Yeah, how selfish of parents to want their babies to live. How selfish of people to want to be free from pain and disease.


It's not a hell-bent vision, humanity has always been this way. We haven't evolved genomically for, what, 20,000 years? 40,000 years? Humans have always wanted to take over/subjugate/destroy the world. The problem is that now people have the means. The river can't be stopped, only diverted.


and don't forget to smile  :)

Well I am sure it will be seen as selfish in years to come when the we are on the edge of extinction 


I am not going to get into a argument about the pros and cons of treatment of people, all I am saying, is this will kill us all before any  number of wars... unless war wipes out a fair chunk of the worlds population.


Like it or lump it we are killing ourselves, as much as we don't like to admit it, we are parasites on this world.


Hey I am happy about treatment, life style etc etc, but I am not stupid enough to see what is happening.

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You are correct here and the truth is that normally by now the French would have rounded up every last one of these people and shipped them back whence they came on big planes, but of course the great and good of the UK already outraged by the French burkha ban would point the racist finger once more at France.


Yet again as the French keep rightly telling the UK and have done for the past 12 years, the question is WHY do these people ONLY WANT TO GO THE UK, many of them have crossed many borders where they could have settled, but they are willing to risk life and limb to get to one place and one place only the UK, there has to be a reason and we all know exactly what that reason is, but once more we don't want to talk about it or admit what the problem is.


Perhaps the French should forcibly keep these people here against their will and put them into the French system, oh hold on the great and good of the UK would be saying, that is against their human rights.


Britain and it's government are great at telling the world about human rights but hopeless at talking about problems like this for fear of being branded racist, ring any bells of recent events anywhere else in the UK?.


Well Sky News interviewed a migrant in Calais and the answer to 'Why do you want to get to the UK ?' was, 'Because they will give me a good home and money'.

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You are correct here and the truth is that normally by now the French would have rounded up every last one of these people and shipped them back whence they came on big planes, but of course the great and good of the UK already outraged by the French burkha ban would point the racist finger once more at France.


Yet again as the French keep rightly telling the UK and have done for the past 12 years, the question is WHY do these people ONLY WANT TO GO THE UK, many of them have crossed many borders where they could have settled, but they are willing to risk life and limb to get to one place and one place only the UK, there has to be a reason and we all know exactly what that reason is, but once more we don't want to talk about it or admit what the problem is.


Perhaps the French should forcibly keep these people here against their will and put them into the French system, oh hold on the great and good of the UK would be saying, that is against their human rights.


Britain and it's government are great at telling the world about human rights but hopeless at talking about problems like this for fear of being branded racist, ring any bells of recent events anywhere else in the UK?.


I didn't know of the French burkha ban - hushed up by the authorities here in case we ask for the same? Anyway, the current British Government - and especially the previous Labour Partei government 1997-2010 - do not hold the moral and ethical high ground with their mass unrestricted immigration to the UK. Although they'll broadcast to the world that they do via the BBC propaganda news and views agency.

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I didn't know of the French burkha ban - hushed up by the authorities here in case we ask for the same? Anyway, the current British Government - and especially the previous Labour Partei government 1997-2010 - do not hold the moral and ethical high ground with their mass unrestricted immigration to the UK. Although they'll broadcast to the world that they do via the BBC propaganda news and views agency.


Well I am surprised at you Gobbers, when it was made law in France it was discussed on question time the great and the good all said to a man/woman it was racist and guess what even the useless ***** at the court of human rights have upheld the French burkha ban as being lawful which is frankly astonishing.


There is a youtube clip of your mate Farage quite rightly saying on a later question time that 67% of the British public supported a burkha ban and it was ridiculous that you could wear a burkha but not a hoodie, crash helmet or ski mask in certain public places and every other panelist including conservative Damian Green said it was Un British FFS, that is how pathetically scared British politicians having become of being branded as racist and as we saw in Rotherham and Rochdale where the particular path leads.

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Well I am surprised at you Gobbers, when it was made law in France it was discussed on question time the great and the good all said to a man/woman it was racist and guess what even the useless ***** at the court of human rights have upheld the French burkha ban as being lawful which is frankly astonishing.


There is a youtube clip of your mate Farage quite rightly saying on a later question time that 67% of the British public supported a burkha ban and it was ridiculous that you could wear a burkha but not a hoodie, crash helmet or ski mask in certain public places and every other panelist including conservative Damian Green said it was Un British FFS, that is how pathetically scared British politicians having become of being branded as racist and as we saw in Rotherham and Rochdale where the particular path leads.


Thanks for the information EMB. Thanks also for showing Brigitte Gabriel in one of your replies. For those that don't know, Brigitte Gabriel now lives in the U.S. after her once prosperous and Christian country of The Lebanon was reduced to a shit hole by Muslim extremists. The Christians of The Lebanon failed to see the threat from Islam early enough and now they're either dead or have been given sanctuary in the U.S.

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Thanks for the information EMB. Thanks also for showing Brigitte Gabriel in one of your replies. For those that don't know, Brigitte Gabriel now lives in the U.S. after her once prosperous and Christian country of The Lebanon was reduced to a shit hole by Muslim extremists. The Christians of The Lebanon failed to see the threat from Islam early enough and now they're either dead or have been given sanctuary in the U.S.

Apart from the several million who live in Lebanon - where they make up the largest religious group and are guaranteed the country's presidency.

Just pointing this out in case a Martian is reading this board and thinks Gobbers might actually know anything about anything that he mouths off about.

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Apart from the several million who live in Lebanon - where they make up the largest religious group and are guaranteed the country's presidency.

Just pointing this out in case a Martian is reading this board and thinks Gobbers might actually know anything about anything that he mouths off about.


You are right Robbo, but I remember a friend and ex Marine (boy soldier) who told me that having travelled the world and the Lebanon was the most beautiful and friendly place he had ever visited and it broke his heart watching during the 1980's the way that Hezbollah started to tear the country apart and continue to try to do so.

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You are right Robbo, but I remember a friend and ex Marine (boy soldier) who told me that having travelled the world and the Lebanon was the most beautiful and friendly place he had ever visited and it broke his heart watching during the 1980's the way that Hezbollah started to tear the country apart and continue to try to do so.

Well Hezbollah are a bunch of ***** - and ironically for Gobbers' big mates with his hero Bashar Assad - but I think the roots of the Lebanese civil war are a bit more complex than saying "the Shia started it".

(not that you were)

It's true for sure that it ripped up one of the most prosperous parts of the middle east, and largely ruined Beirut - "the Paris of the East ".

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Apart from the several million who live in Lebanon - where they make up the largest religious group and are guaranteed the country's presidency.

Just pointing this out in case a Martian is reading this board and thinks Gobbers might actually know anything about anything that he mouths off about.


Who are you working for now - the Islamists? The Lebanese Christian population has been halved over the last 100 years so that it's Muslims in the majority at 60%.

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Who are you working for now - the Islamists? The Lebanese Christian population has been halved over the last 100 years so that it's Muslims in the majority at 60%.


As I said, Christians are the largest religious group at 40% with Sunni and Shia Muslims - both of whom fought each other bitterly in the civil war and are still at each others throats - at around 27% each with Druze (not Muslims or Christians) making up most of the rest.


So, as you see, your post claiming that Lebanese Christians are now "either dead or claiming sanctuary in the US" is typical of the wildly exaggerated, inaccurate bilge that you habitually spout.


I'm working for BT Sport and IPC Media and Reed Business Information.  I don't think any of them are Islamists.  They're hiding it well if they are.

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As I said, Christians are the largest religious group at 40% with Sunni and Shia Muslims - both of whom fought each other bitterly in the civil war and are still at each others throats - at around 27% each with Druze (not Muslims or Christians) making up most of the rest.


So, as you see, your post claiming that Lebanese Christians are now "either dead or claiming sanctuary in the US" is typical of the wildly exaggerated, inaccurate bilge that you habitually spout.



60% of the Lebanon is Muslim and they are thus the majority. Not covered by your former employers at the BBC but Fox News covers the situation and gives news time to Brigitte Gabriel - a Christian - who suffered terribly under Islamist tyranny in her native Lebanon during her childhood.....


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....I've got BT Sport free with my BT broadband. Could you wangle a few Bristol City away games live on BT Sport? :thumbsup:


....no sign of any English league games outside the Premier League so far on BT Sport - or have I missed them?


I'd love to be able to 'wangle' such treats, but sadly they don't have the rights to FL games. You might be able to see us in the FA Cup though, if we draw a biggie.


In the meanwhile, there's the footballing master-class that is the Vanarama Conference to entertain you...  :laughcont:

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As I said, Christians are the largest religious group at 40% with Sunni and Shia Muslims - both of whom fought each other bitterly in the civil war and are still at each others throats - at around 27% each with Druze (not Muslims or Christians) making up most of the rest.


So, as you see, your post claiming that Lebanese Christians are now "either dead or claiming sanctuary in the US" is typical of the wildly exaggerated, inaccurate bilge that you habitually spout.


I'm working for BT Sport and IPC Media and Reed Business Information.  I don't think any of them are Islamists.  They're hiding it well if they are.


So you are separating the Islamic groups, Shia and Sunni at 27 % each, but lumping together as one all the Christian groups, Maronite Catholic, Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, plus all other Christian denominations to get your 40%. Slight inconsistency there methinks. 

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So you are separating the Islamic groups, Shia and Sunni at 27 % each, but lumping together as one all the Christian groups, Maronite Catholic, Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, plus all other Christian denominations to get your 40%. Slight inconsistency there methinks. 


.....exactly, the Muslim population is at 60% in the Lebanon and this fact is internationally recognized. Red-Robbo - by his own admission - worked for the BBC propaganda unit and this organization is adept at twisting facts and figures to suit an agenda. Brigitte Gabriel - who suffered under Islamist tyranny in The Lebanon and speaks through her terrible experiences there as a young child has - to my knowledge - never been shown on the BBC.


On a different BBC tangent, I note also that the BBC tipped off Cliff Richard that there was going to be a Police search of his premises long before the South Yorkshire Police arrived at his property.

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You are correct here and the truth is that normally by now the French would have rounded up every last one of these people and shipped them back whence they came on big planes, but of course the great and good of the UK already outraged by the French burkha ban would point the racist finger once more at France.

Yet again as the French keep rightly telling the UK and have done for the past 12 years, the question is WHY do these people ONLY WANT TO GO THE UK, many of them have crossed many borders where they could have settled, but they are willing to risk life and limb to get to one place and one place only the UK, there has to be a reason and we all know exactly what that reason is, but once more we don't want to talk about it or admit what the problem is.

Perhaps the French should forcibly keep these people here against their will and put them into the French system, oh hold on the great and good of the UK would be saying, that is against their human rights.

Britain and it's government are great at telling the world about human rights but hopeless at talking about problems like this for fear of being branded racist, ring any bells of recent events anywhere else in the UK?.

They won't round them up because as soon as they do that they become France's responsibility, as per the EU agreement on such things. What do you think will happen if we're out of the EU? "Zis way Monsieur immigrant, Ze 'Ros-boeuf' would be delighted to have you". I personally believe that a centrally funded system for illegal immigrants should be set up whereas the EU funds processing centres at the borders of the EU, anyone wanting asylum must apply to them and if granted are evenly distributed across the Union. Those who aren't or those who fail to report to a central processing station are immediately returned whence they came, no appeal. That way there is no uneven distribution of asylum and anyone who is a genuine asylum seeker won't care whether they end up in England, France, Germany, wherever

However , I've challenged this idea that all these African and Asian immigrants want to come here and only here before. There are estimated to be around 800 immigrants in these camps in Calais. There were 42,000 illegal immigrants estimated to enter the EU in the first quarter of this year. Quite clearly they don't "all want to come here", we don't get as many media reports about illegal immigrants in The Netherlands or Germany or Greece or Italy; all of which have big problems with such immigrants

I'm not against a harder stance on people illegally trying to enter this country, but leaving the EU would have absolutely no effect on that whatsoever, so it's (as with many of your arguments) a completely false argument

I'm also not particularly against the French Burkah ban; certainly in places like airports and banks, you wouldn't get away with walking around in a balaclava, so why should anyone else be able to cover their faces? And if you weren't aware of it happening you must of been on the moon because it was big news over here and I remember it being talked about a lot

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So you are separating the Islamic groups, Shia and Sunni at 27 % each, but lumping together as one all the Christian groups, Maronite Catholic, Greek Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, plus all other Christian denominations to get your 40%. Slight inconsistency there methinks.

The Marionite are the overwhelming majority, plus you don't have factional infighting and hatred between the Christian denominations , so yes, they are a more unified group than the Muslims (and there are further divisions between Palestinian refugees and Lebanese Muslims. The biggest massacre of the civil war was when Hezbollah attacked a Palestinian stronghold).

Anyway, however you break it down, I think you'll agree the demography tells a tale which is a lot different than Gobblers' assertion that Lebanese Christians are "all either dead.or emigrated " - an assertion which I notice you didn't pick him up on.

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They won't round them up because as soon as they do that they become France's responsibility, as per the EU agreement on such things. What do you think will happen if we're out of the EU? "Zis way Monsieur immigrant, Ze 'Ros-boeuf' would be delighted to have you". I personally believe that a centrally funded system for illegal immigrants should be set up whereas the EU funds processing centres at the borders of the EU, anyone wanting asylum must apply to them and if granted are evenly distributed across the Union. Those who aren't or those who fail to report to a central processing station are immediately returned whence they came, no appeal. That way there is no uneven distribution of asylum and anyone who is a genuine asylum seeker won't care whether they end up in England, France, Germany, wherever

However , I've challenged this idea that all these African and Asian immigrants want to come here and only here before. There are estimated to be around 800 immigrants in these camps in Calais. There were 42,000 illegal immigrants estimated to enter the EU in the first quarter of this year. Quite clearly they don't "all want to come here", we don't get as many media reports about illegal immigrants in The Netherlands or Germany or Greece or Italy; all of which have big problems with such immigrants

I'm not against a harder stance on people illegally trying to enter this country, but leaving the EU would have absolutely no effect on that whatsoever, so it's (as with many of your arguments) a completely false argument

I'm also not particularly against the French Burkah ban; certainly in places like airports and banks, you wouldn't get away with walking around in a balaclava, so why should anyone else be able to cover their faces? And if you weren't aware of it happening you must of been on the moon because it was big news over here and I remember it being talked about a lot


Well Chippers having read your first paragraph the words 'cloud-cuckoo land' spring to mind.

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The Marionite are the overwhelming majority, plus you don't have factional infighting and hatred between the Christian denominations , so yes, they are a more unified group than the Muslims (and there are further divisions between Palestinian refugees and Lebanese Muslims. The biggest massacre of the civil war was when Hezbollah attacked a Palestinian stronghold).

Anyway, however you break it down, I think you'll agree the demography tells a tale which is a lot different than Gobblers' assertion that Lebanese Christians are "all either dead.or emigrated " - an assertion which I notice you didn't pick him up on.


To be honest Robbo I don't take a great deal of interest in religion but I think I'm beginning to get it. Christians are all jolly good chaps who get along swimmingly whereas Muslims can't get along with anyone, including themselves. That's it in a nutshell.

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To be honest Robbo I don't take a great deal of interest in religion but I think I'm beginning to get it. Christians are all jolly good chaps who get along swimmingly whereas Muslims can't get along with anyone, including themselves. That's it in a nutshell.

Dunno if you'd say that in Belfast!

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Well Chippers having read your first paragraph the words 'cloud-cuckoo land' spring to mind.

Would you care to explain why? It is, of course, only my opinion, but a one sentence response essentially telling me I'm talking shit without any explanation isn't exactly contributing to debate, is it?
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They won't round them up because as soon as they do that they become France's responsibility, as per the EU agreement on such things. What do you think will happen if we're out of the EU? "Zis way Monsieur immigrant, Ze 'Ros-boeuf' would be delighted to have you". I personally believe that a centrally funded system for illegal immigrants should be set up whereas the EU funds processing centres at the borders of the EU, anyone wanting asylum must apply to them and if granted are evenly distributed across the Union. Those who aren't or those who fail to report to a central processing station are immediately returned whence they came, no appeal. That way there is no uneven distribution of asylum and anyone who is a genuine asylum seeker won't care whether they end up in England, France, Germany, wherever

However , I've challenged this idea that all these African and Asian immigrants want to come here and only here before. There are estimated to be around 800 immigrants in these camps in Calais. There were 42,000 illegal immigrants estimated to enter the EU in the first quarter of this year. Quite clearly they don't "all want to come here", we don't get as many media reports about illegal immigrants in The Netherlands or Germany or Greece or Italy; all of which have big problems with such immigrants

I'm not against a harder stance on people illegally trying to enter this country, but leaving the EU would have absolutely no effect on that whatsoever, so it's (as with many of your arguments) a completely false argument

I'm also not particularly against the French Burkah ban; certainly in places like airports and banks, you wouldn't get away with walking around in a balaclava, so why should anyone else be able to cover their faces? And if you weren't aware of it happening you must of been on the moon because it was big news over here and I remember it being talked about a lot


You really don't know the French do you?, they don't follow EU rules and regulations certainly not the ones that don't suit them, they never have and never will, they will rarely if ever give a second glance to human rights court rulings against them. The French people wouldn't let them, in fact believe it or not virtually every French person I speak to dosen't even like paying any benefits to other French people in fact they hate it with a passion, apart from the unions and employment laws it's the next biggest gripe, in fact they believe they are already far to generous and that it's far to easy to obtain benefits, which is a joke in all honesty.


I have an English friend who lives about 10 minutes away from me, in fact a fellow Bristolian and he suffered a very serious injury working in a French factory and after paying him for 6 weeks, the company told him to **** off, their DSS told him to **** off, he quoted EU law at them and they laughed at him and told him to **** off again, their mantra is 'why don't you go home' ,his daughter who works at the same factory has been sacked and told to reapply for her job and if she gets it she will be put on WEEKLY contracts, EU my arse, but I will offer you one invaluable piece of advice if you ever get stopped or arrested by the police in France, I advise you not to mention the EU or even French laws to them you are likely to get the living shit kicked out of you, because again the administration of the law in France (especially in it's dealing with foreigners) is patchy to say the least.


After the riots several years ago, they rounded around 3,000 illegal immigrants put them on waiting planes and repatriated them with a tacit warning, 'we know you are here and next there will be more, so behave'.


When they cleared the Roma camps they didn't fill their vehicles up with fuel, give them a wad of cash and just let them go, they confiscated their vehicles and their caravans and crushed them, put the Romas on planes and sent them home, that is how it works here.


False arguments? you really are a dreamer, the illegal immigrants at Calais have one destination and one only on their minds and that is the UK and nobody is fooled as to the reason why and especially not the French believe me, only people with their heads in the clouds or up their arses believe otherwise.


The French have a pragmatic approach to it's illegals, basically don't expect **** all from the state, but if you want to work on the black, don't rip anybody off or cause trouble or we will deal with you because you are actually criminals and will be dealt with as such.

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You really don't know the French do you?, they don't follow EU rules and regulations certainly not the ones that don't suit them, they never have and never will, they will rarely if ever give a second glance to human rights court rulings against them. The French people wouldn't let them, in fact believe it or not virtually every French person I speak to dosen't even like paying any benefits to other French people in fact they hate it with a passion, apart from the unions and employment laws it's the next biggest gripe, in fact they believe they are already far to generous and that it's far to easy to obtain benefits, which is a joke in all honesty.

I have an English friend who lives about 10 minutes away from me, in fact a fellow Bristolian and he suffered a very serious injury working in a French factory and after paying him for 6 weeks, the company told him to **** off, their DSS told him to **** off, he quoted EU law at them and they laughed at him and told him to **** off again, their mantra is 'why don't you go home' ,his daughter who works at the same factory has been sacked and told to reapply for her job and if she gets it she will be put on WEEKLY contracts, EU my arse, but I will offer you one invaluable piece of advice if you ever get stopped or arrested by the police in France, I advise you not to mention the EU or even French laws to them you are likely to get the living shit kicked out of you, because again the administration of the law in France (especially in it's dealing with foreigners) is patchy to say the least.

After the riots several years ago, they rounded around 3,000 illegal immigrants put them on waiting planes and repatriated them with a tacit warning, 'we know you are here and next there will be more, so behave'.

When they cleared the Roma camps they didn't fill their vehicles up with fuel, give them a wad of cash and just let them go, they confiscated their vehicles and their caravans and crushed them, put the Romas on planes and sent them home, that is how it works here.

False arguments? you really are a dreamer, the illegal immigrants at Calais have one destination and one only on their minds and that is the UK and nobody is fooled as to the reason why and especially not the French believe me, only people with their heads in the clouds or up their arses believe otherwise.

The French have a pragmatic approach to it's illegals, basically don't expect **** all from the state, but if you want to work on the black, don't rip anybody off or cause trouble or we will deal with you because you are actually criminals and will be dealt with as such.

Then why haven't they rounded up those in Calais and done the same to them? They know where they are, there's plenty of political and puic anger about them, so why not do as you describe to them? I appreciate what you're saying about the French disregard for EU rulings and as you live there, I'm certainly not going to dispute your anecdotes, but I would have to wonder why they a) they don't do it universally (I suspect the answer is that they do it when it suits them?) and b) why that would mean that we would have to leave the EU to do the same thing, as per the original argument

I don't disagree that those sat at Calais have only one destination in mind, my point is that they are actually a small fraction of those illegally entering Europe. I was merely positing a European-wide solution to a European-wide problem. I agree that there is an issue in that there are obviously a number of people who believe that the UK is the land of milk and honey. Unless you stop them trying to get here (which you can't) then a solution needs to be found- waiting till they rock up and dealing with it unilaterally is still going to cost money. More than happy to have its flaws revealed and I doubt very much it'll ever be more than a theory

PS I hope your friend is on the mend and is able to go back to work soon

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Would you care to explain why? It is, of course, only my opinion, but a one sentence response essentially telling me I'm talking shit without any explanation isn't exactly contributing to debate, is it?


Apologies if my reply appeared disrespectful. It was just that the thought of all those illegal migrants willingly turning up at border posts before being meekly marched off to 'Central Processing Stations' I somehow found quite amusing. Not to mention their reactions when being told that access to the land of milk and honey had been denied but rather they were being sent to some far flung outpost of the Empire like Greece, Slovenia, or Rumania.

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Apologies if my reply appeared disrespectful. It was just that the thought of all those illegal migrants willingly turning up at border posts before being meekly marched off to 'Central Processing Stations' I somehow found quite amusing. Not to mention their reactions when being told that access to the land of milk and honey had been denied but rather they were being sent to some far flung outpost of the Empire like Greece, Slovenia, or Rumania.

Whether or not they would do it is beside the point though. As it stands there are 800 people camped in Calais trying to illegally enter the country. France won't detain them because they don't want to risk them becoming their wards, we won't allow them over to make asylum claims because it sends the wrong message. New ways have to be found to deal with such problems. You'll never stop illegal immigration, whether we're in or out of the EU- Australia hasn't managed it and they're far more geographically isolated than we are, so surely we need to find ways to deal with it as it can't be stopped. And you're probably right that neither Romania nor those sent to Romania (Greece has a very large population of illegals actually; being on the frontier of Europe, that's inevitable) would be particularly happy about it, but surely if you're family is at such risk that you would attempt to cross Europe in the back of a lorry, you'd just be happy to be away from peril? And if not, then you know the way home
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Then why haven't they rounded up those in Calais and done the same to them? They know where they are, there's plenty of political and puic anger about them, so why not do as you describe to them? I appreciate what you're saying about the French disregard for EU rulings and as you live there, I'm certainly not going to dispute your anecdotes, but I would have to wonder why they a) they don't do it universally (I suspect the answer is that they do it when it suits them?) and b) why that would mean that we would have to leave the EU to do the same thing, as per the original argument

I don't disagree that those sat at Calais have only one destination in mind, my point is that they are actually a small fraction of those illegally entering Europe. I was merely positing a European-wide solution to a European-wide problem. I agree that there is an issue in that there are obviously a number of people who believe that the UK is the land of milk and honey. Unless you stop them trying to get here (which you can't) then a solution needs to be found- waiting till they rock up and dealing with it unilaterally is still going to cost money. More than happy to have its flaws revealed and I doubt very much it'll ever be more than a theory

PS I hope your friend is on the mend and is able to go back to work soon


Your answer to a) is correct that is totally the French way 'if it suits them', they are firstly making a political point to the UK and secondly waiting for the French public's patience to run out over the issue and demand action, that is exactly what happened during the riots, as soon as the rioters started to attack public buildings like schools, sports centres and civic centres, the public said "sort it or we will", the government then had their mandate, my answer to b) is I personally don't want to leave the EU and never have (why would I?, it could make my position here difficult, if not impossible).


The cost of repatriating them is negligible France usually uses military planes, what it needs is international law to be applied if they are seeking political asylum then if they have not asked for that at the first border that they have crossed then treat them totally as illegals and what it really needs is for a clear message from the tories (ignoring their ridiculous soon to be anonymous liberal cohorts) and for Cameron to go to Calais and say between us and the French we are repatriating you starting today, don't come or attempt to come to Britain the free rides are over for ever, we don't want you, when you get home, tell your friends and relatives it's over. if the pot of gold is removed or has been removed then world needs to know.


As for my friend he is a talented guy and because of the French way is doing fine on the 'black' in fact he did some work for me only yesterday, he'll survive until France decides that it suits them for him not too, but because it's a big part of the way of controlling it's illegals, unemployed and low paid it's become a huge part of French life.


I live in Brittany a very peaceful easy going region, little or no crime, violence or general bad behaviour, president Hollande (a complete **** wit failed socialist, who even makes Gormless Brown look OK) brought in an extra tax for HGV's meaning basically it was cheaper for anybody in France to buy and have delivered anything from anywhere else in the EU than it was to buy and have the same product delivered from a French company, it would have not only put haulage companies out of business but many suppliers as well, this was about a year ago and this what the peace loving Breton's response was.



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