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The Offside Rule


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I disagree. Anyone who plays football should be aware you cannot be offside from a throw-in - its not really that intelligent to exploit this.

Same with goal kicks.

It beggars belief that on a football forum people who post don't know rules such as this.

Perhaps the mods should pin the rules of the game to the top of the page ;)

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Personally I think they should concentrate on the hundreds of mistakes made by players during a game,rather than highlighting one decision that may, or may not be a mistake by the officials.

The problem is,these ex players are afraid to have a pop at the current players.


IMO they should do both, the dissecting of officials decisions is an easy target for overpaid player arse kissing 'gravy train' pundits, that won't derail the gravy train, criticising the players might.

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So I was thinking about this at the weekend after watching Match of the Day.  The Nolan goal.  How on earth can that be deemed offside?  The only part of his body, that was remotely past the defender, was his head. His chest, legs, and arms were all level at the very least. With that I went online and read the latest version of the "offside rule" (in my day it was always clear daylight between the attacking player and the last defender), and it concluded that any part of the body, which can be used to score, that is ahead of the last defender, is deemed as being offside.  How stupid is that? As an attacker, surely if you're timing your run perfectly, you're going to be leaning forward? Even if you bend your run, you're going to be leaning forward?  Isn't this giving a massive benefit to the defender? Anyway, I just needed to get that off of my chest.  It just seems stupid.

Football has no " rules", there are however the "laws" of the game.

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