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I Was Once Gas !

Tall King Blox

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Now before you all jump down my throat and scream Judas, this was simply a case of mistaken identity,

or ill conceived opinions formulated from hysteria and alcohol...........


Back in 84, we played the gas at our tump, we won the game 3.0 dont really remember too much about the game having attended the match with five mates who were hell bent on getting rat arsed..after all we were playing.....them.


We hit the usual haunts in bemmie after having a few in the Essex up the wood, then on to The Coopers, Rising Sun etc. where we were all known faces so to speak, we were part of that "culture" so what follows can only be described as somewhat harrowing, after the final whistle we went into the supporters club, which was a place we have never ventured into before due to lack of memberships, but we somehow managed to blag it on this occasion and promptly started where we finished off before the game....on the piss


The bar was rammed with happy smiley faces, couldnt get a table so we just lurked in a corner chatting amongst ourselves...after say half an hour the crowd thinned and we managed to get a table and carry

on our conversation which was obviously about the game, it was then i uttered " I thought the gas played ok"

which was met with jeers of derision and general piss taking from my mates, then they were calling me "gas head" and other such obsenities which i of course took in my stride......after a few seconds it came to my attention that the bar was no longer filled with happy smiley faces, i could see through the hail of beer mats

that all eyes were on me.....trust me guys it was very intimidating to be "one of them"


Not trying to raise any point with this post.....just sharing the experience....cheers  :gasmask:

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Was mistakenly taken as a Millwall fan.

Was dropped off at AG as a kid straight into a group of Millwall fans being escorted to the ground.

Tried, extremely subtly, to explain to a copper at the back that I was a Bristol City fan. He said pull the other one so wanted proof. I must've been young as I didn't have an ST but did have a fixture list card in my wallet.

He said "right, don't say a word, just leave the group and walk down there", which I did. A few of those charming cockney chaps even sent their best wishes, once they realised what had happened. "Oi, ******!" is a term of endearment in London, right?

Cool story, bro.

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Reminds me of a time playing footy against an Ashton based side about 15 years ago at our home pitch in Downend. It was a fairly niggly game anyhow and one of their players was trying to kick lumps out of us and me in particular. Ended up trading punches with said player after a nasty foul and he got sent off. After the game he came up and apologised to me because he had since found out we were mostly city fans and not Gas as he had assumed as we are from east Bristol.

Thry ended up inviting us all down to the Luckwell club for early morning drinks before the derby which was an early kick off a week or two later iirc.

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I was accused of being a Burnley fan by some numpty in the Rising Sun many moons ago - when I told him in no uncertain terms where to go he came out with the pathetic "Well name our left back then?" question.


I reeled off a list of about our last 12 left backs in a Bristol accent and left him being ridiculed by his mates - the same ones he was trying to look hard in front of moments before.


Wot a plonker!

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I once stupidly when in Brum ventured into an extremely nasty pub near St Andrews after Birmingham had lost to Villa. Not the greatest move. This place was nasty but needed the loo. So had no choice. It got very busy with very unhappy Brummies.

I with my horrid pint of Strongbollox got pinned in the corner furthest away from the door by a group of 11 or so. Noticing my brizzle accent they took umbridge to bein "Bristol in there boozer". Bristol in question being Bristol City. "We ******g hate city". Great....what do I do. Get a smacking? No. "Yeah I hate em too I'm a Rovers fan"

" your alright then sunshine"

Thanking them for there wonderful hospitality I made my exit safe in the knowledge the gas actually saved me from a thrashing.

Got round the corner, pegged it, then felt sick and dirty hurled my guts then became once again 100% red.

Funny now but very scary at the time.

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I once stupidly when in Brum ventured into an extremely nasty pub near St Andrews after Birmingham had lost to Villa. Not the greatest move. This place was nasty but needed the loo. So had no choice. It got very busy with very unhappy Brummies.

I with my horrid pint of Strongbollox got pinned in the corner furthest away from the door by a group of 11 or so. Noticing my brizzle accent they took umbridge to bein "Bristol in there boozer". Bristol in question being Bristol City. "We ******g hate city". Great....what do I do. Get a smacking? No. "Yeah I hate em too I'm a Rovers fan"

" your alright then sunshine"

Thanking them for there wonderful hospitality I made my exit safe in the knowledge the gas actually saved me from a thrashing.

Got round the corner, pegged it, then felt sick and dirty hurled my guts then became once again 100% red.

Funny now but very scary at the time.

Respect sir, tough call that one....done the right thing and lived to fight another day....bastard zulu's friggin hate em ime telling ya

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Palace away a few years back , coming home, en route to Padd and changing at London Bridge and was suddenly surrounded at the ticket barrier by 100's of lovely Milwall ... we were right in the middle of the crush to get thru the barrier when they all decide to raise their hairy tattooed arms & let rip with a chorus of "No one likes us" .... what else can you do but raise your hands and mime.....

I could go on forever listing the times I have had to "keep me ead down" .... but never had to in Brsitle funny enough... not even at Eastville...

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My football team organised a trip to go and see the gas. I had already been converted into a red by my bigger brother but circumstance forced me to make the trip too.

Now as a fresh faced 10 year old I was blissfully unaware of the hatred and didn't bat an eyelid at announcing that I was a city fan whilst in the 'home' end. I got some considerable stick, perhaps more than a ten year old should have got, but I'm glad I showed my true colours. **** 'em.

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Not quite on thread but, many years ago, the first game back in the old first division against Arsenal we hired a coach, all young fit

Guys and managed to get lost on the way to the ground. We saw a young lad about 16 years old with an Arsenal scarf, we simply stopped the coach and abducted this young lad and demanded he take us to Highbury. Poor lads face was a picture of pure terror. We got to the ground thanked him and let him off unharmed, but very shaken. Good old days.

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Not quite on thread but, many years ago, the first game back in the old first division against Arsenal we hired a coach, all young fit

Guys and managed to get lost on the way to the ground. We saw a young lad about 16 years old with an Arsenal scarf, we simply stopped the coach and abducted this young lad and demanded he take us to Highbury. Poor lads face was a picture of pure terror. We got to the ground thanked him and let him off unharmed, but very shaken. Good old days.

Again not quite on thread but this reminds me of going by car to see City's end of season match against Coventry when we drew 2-2 to stay up. We got lost but saw a car being driven with a Coventry scarf fluttering out of the window. "Follow that car drive" was the command and with great effort we just managed to keep up. The car seemed to be going in completely the wrong direction but we were sure the driver knew the way. Until.. ...........,.....he pulled into the drive of a house, got out of the car and went in. Nowhere near the ground but we managed to make the kick off as it was delayed.
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A few years ago, when I was at Plymouth Uni, a few of my Argyle supporting mates fancied watching some proper football and came to watch City play Forest. They refused at the last minute to sit in any home stands so, thinking nothing of it I'd go and watch from the away end. I realised my mistake fairly quickly.


A number of their lads were talking about how they'd love a scrap with the "Farmer C****s". Whilst I wasn't immediately threatened as this is the usual thing people who aren't hard and would run a mile if they didn't have at least ten mates round them would say, I became aware I had put myself in a situation at least. As long as I kept myself to myself there'd be no issues.


My cover was blown to the older gent sitting next to us when my mate said "I don't know how you come here every week, this has to be the worst stadium in the league". Luckily the forest supporter had a brain cell and just gave me a grin. Said mate got a glare to let him know not to do that again, what a stupid thing to say right?


2-1 down with about half an hour to go (correct me if I'm wrong if anyone remembers the game) and Marvin Elliot crashed one in off the underside of the bar from outside the area. Of course the immediate reaction is to celebrate.... I jump out my seat and by the time I'm on my feet I know this was the wrong thing to have done! My only thing I could think of then doing was to shout "****" very loudly at the top of my voice. I sat down and had the most awkward 30 mins at a football match I've ever had!

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I went on the Blackthorn end for the 'Phillips sent the gas down' game. Being a Kingswood lad, I was sussed very early but a few gas friends kept me in check until the penalty save. Whoops! Up I went to a chorus of abuse as I was escorted from the home end. I got very lucky tbh and was half way over the wall when the steward grabbed me!

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A few years ago, when I was at Plymouth Uni, a few of my Argyle supporting mates fancied watching some proper football and came to watch City play Forest. They refused at the last minute to sit in any home stands so, thinking nothing of it I'd go and watch from the away end. I realised my mistake fairly quickly.


A number of their lads were talking about how they'd love a scrap with the "Farmer C****s". Whilst I wasn't immediately threatened as this is the usual thing people who aren't hard and would run a mile if they didn't have at least ten mates round them would say, I became aware I had put myself in a situation at least. As long as I kept myself to myself there'd be no issues.


My cover was blown to the older gent sitting next to us when my mate said "I don't know how you come here every week, this has to be the worst stadium in the league". Luckily the forest supporter had a brain cell and just gave me a grin. Said mate got a glare to let him know not to do that again, what a stupid thing to say right?


2-1 down with about half an hour to go (correct me if I'm wrong if anyone remembers the game) and Marvin Elliot crashed one in off the underside of the bar from outside the area. Of course the immediate reaction is to celebrate.... I jump out my seat and by the time I'm on my feet I know this was the wrong thing to have done! My only thing I could think of then doing was to shout "****" very loudly at the top of my voice. I sat down and had the most awkward 30 mins at a football match I've ever had!


Living in Mk had a couple of mates who were nuts Luton fans. I agreed to go with them to watch City, and being of a certain age, assumed we could all sit happily in the seats they had bought reflecting on the merits of the game.

Not a bit of it. We were in with the Luton Lads who were hurling abuse at the City fans just to the side, which they were happily joining in with. Of course, not a dull nil all either. 3-2 to them with a late winner.

After the game, remember scarpering when a load of City fans started looking threatening. I am not sure the line 'I am undercover' would have carried the day.

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Went to visit a mate at Sheffield uni a long time back and found out Rovers were playing Barnsley that weekend. So went along and stood with the home fans (obliviously!). Half time comes and Barnsley are one down - playing the better football but still one done. Got speaking to a couple of locals who just commented "well your lot have just taken their chances better". He couldn't believe us when we said we were supporting Barnsley.... "but you're from Bristol?" After a quick lesson on the Bristol rivalries, he was soon then telling everyone around that even though we were from Bristol we we supporting then. Great afternoon and a nice bunch of lads we got talking to. Think the game ended in a draw, so we got to cheer a Barnsley goal!


A close call came at Chester actually sat with friends who were Gasheads, we were on route to watch Liverpool at home on the Sunday. Sudden shout of "Laner's a sh**t head" got everyone in the stand turning around. Imagine a Mexican wave but going vertically up the stand. For some reason, I just turned and looked around when it came to me. Good instinct I guess, especially as it was kicking off a bit in one corner (family club hey?!). Devon White got sent off that day and Chester won, so I sat on my hands throughout!

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I once went to a game up north and was sat with a load of Mansfield fans. After being up against it for the second half we managed to hold on for the win, which led to full scale rioting and police horses being punched....

This sounds like a game me and a load of my mates attended, kicked right off after, not sure why... I thought it was a cracking day out!

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Again not quite on thread but this reminds me of going by car to see City's end of season match against Coventry when we drew 2-2 to stay up. We got lost but saw a car being driven with a Coventry scarf fluttering out of the window. "Follow that car drive" was the command and with great effort we just managed to keep up. The car seemed to be going in completely the wrong direction but we were sure the driver knew the way. Until.. ...........,.....he pulled into the drive of a house, got out of the car and went in. Nowhere near the ground but we managed to make the kick off as it was delayed.

that is one of the greatest things I have ever read

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In the late 90s I was at Southampton Uni and came back to Bristol for the day to watch City play Portsmouth. 2-2 draw with City getting a late equaliser.

After the game we went into town to watch an England game on the tele before getting the train back to Southampton. Having had a few beers throughout the day I needed a piss so walked down the train looking for the toilet. As I was about to pass from one carriage to another I heard some guy shout out who the **** are the robins. I had one of those city shirts from that era under my jumper which said robins on the collar. I cheekily said Wrexham but this guy said to me in a very aggressive manner sit the **** down I want to talk to you about today's game and his mate stood in front of me blocking my path. I sat down and had a chat with him, apologising for our late equaliser. He then told me there was no toilet and I should go back to my seat. A bit shaken up I did just that. The train then stopped at Salisbury and the police boarded the train and frog marched off about 30 Portsmouth fans (what must have been their firm). These guys were animals - spitting at the train windows and all sorts as they were marched down the platform.

Turns out that the aggressive guy who had made me sit and talk to him had saved me from entering the train carriage these animals were in.

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I can remember a time....we where in the hatchet in town.we where in town about 3 ish going to a slf concert, which started at 10 :).we where having a beer when I noticed a sag by the name of jenkins.you old uns will know who I mean, he was with a few of his mates.we started chatting and eventually he asked the question. ? Who do you like.l looked at my mate and said rovers, he replied thats ok then.by now we where surrounded by sags.with that my mates phone rang.on his phone hes has the city badge on it,,, it was just like a seen from a film.there shitheads one of them shouted, jenkins looked at me and shook his head.a gap appeared and we made a hasty exit.we where lucky that night.....coyr

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In the late 90s I was at Southampton Uni and came back to Bristol for the day to watch City play Portsmouth. 2-2 draw with City getting a late equaliser.

After the game we went into town to watch an England game on the tele before getting the train back to Southampton. Having had a few beers throughout the day I needed a piss so walked down the train looking for the toilet. As I was about to pass from one carriage to another I heard some guy shout out who the **** are the robins. I had one of those city shirts from that era under my jumper which said robins on the collar. I cheekily said Wrexham but this guy said to me in a very aggressive manner sit the **** down I want to talk to you about today's game and his mate stood in front of me blocking my path. I sat down and had a chat with him, apologising for our late equaliser. He then told me there was no toilet and I should go back to my seat. A bit shaken up I did just that. The train then stopped at Salisbury and the police boarded the train and frog marched off about 30 Portsmouth fans (what must have been their firm). These guys were animals - spitting at the train windows and all sorts as they were marched down the platform.

Turns out that the aggressive guy who had made me sit and talk to him had saved me from entering the train carriage these animals were in.

Ahhhh. So he was Unan.

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Ahh, now I understand why fans can't have a drink in sight of the pitch, we can't stand, the police bill for each club means less money for players and football fans are treated like animals by the plod. Well done all! (I'm aiming this at all clubs fans btw) And then everyone whinge about the modern 'sterile game', can't think why that happened?

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Ahh, now I understand why fans can't have a drink in sight of the pitch, we can't stand, the police bill for each club means less money for players and football fans are treated like animals by the plod. Well done all! (I'm aiming this at all clubs fans btw) And then everyone whinge about the modern 'sterile game', can't think why that happened?

Sit down with your coffee and programme ,clap politely when your franchise scores or even better dance along to the goal music  :facepalm:

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